Easter 2016


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
If Jesus Christ rose from the dead on the first Sunday following the first night of the festival of Passover, then why are Easter and Passover nearly a month apart this year, with Easter on March 27 and the festival of Passover beginning the evening of April 22?


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
If Jesus Christ rose from the dead on the first Sunday following the first night of the festival of Passover, then why are Easter and Passover nearly a month apart this year, with Easter on March 27 and the festival of Passover beginning the evening of April 22?
Because you are wrong with your timing.


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
If Jesus Christ rose from the dead on the first Sunday following the first night of the festival of Passover, then why are Easter and Passover nearly a month apart this year, with Easter on March 27 and the festival of Passover beginning the evening of April 22?

Determining the Dates for Easter and Passover | Ray Fowler .org

This explains it pretty well. Differences between the Jewish calendar and the Gregorian calendar. Happens during Jewish leap years in short.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
Easter to me always meant fried chicken and potato salad and a sunday spent with my family.the girls hunted the eggs in the morning and maybe we went for a drive to visit parents or maybe we rented some movies and stayed home and watched them together. I don't care much about any religious significance of the holiday. I do have good memories of time spent with my little family.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
If Jesus Christ rose from the dead on the first Sunday following the first night of the festival of Passover, then why are Easter and Passover nearly a month apart this year, with Easter on March 27 and the festival of Passover beginning the evening of April 22?
Because the calendars diverged over time. Your apparent inability to understand that simple fact leaves one questioning either your intelligence or your motives.

This is an important day for the Christians. Why don't you take your carping and sit in the corner and act like a civilized human being?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
If Jesus Christ rose from the dead on the first Sunday following the first night of the festival of Passover, then why are Easter and Passover nearly a month apart this year, with Easter on March 27 and the festival of Passover beginning the evening of April 22?

It all depends on the first full moon after the Spring Equinox!


Electoral Member
Aug 21, 2015
Easter falls on the first Sunday following the first full moon after the vernal Equinox.
Easter can fall anywhere between March 22 - April 25

Vernal Equinox = Spring Equinox
When the day equals the night.

Rejoice, Jesus Christ has risen

Happy Easter.


Time Out
Jul 13, 2015
If we study the present Gospel, we see that Jesus Christ did not tell people that he will rise from the dead; but some of them deduced this and said, after seeing him alive: "So this is the one who was foretold about that he will rise from the dead."

It means there was a prophecy circling among the public that there will be a man who will rise from the dead.

Then when his disciples saw Jesus alive, they thought that he was crucified and that he was the one stated by the prophecy that he will rise from the dead, and so they thought the prophecy was fulfilled.


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
Calendar has nothing to do with the dates. It is based on the lunar cycle and ancient druidic beliefs. In fact the origin of the story is from pagans (druids and picts) who believed that at the winter solstice the sun ('son') died as it's inclination remained the same for 3 days (dec 22,23 24) beside the constellation of the southern cross (it died on the cross) before it was reborn and started climbing in the sky again (resurrected after 3 days).

So your 'easter story' is not just ripped off from a previous religion ( a common christian tactic to convert followers) but the christian dates are wrong to begin with.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Calendar has nothing to do with the dates. It is based on the lunar cycle and ancient druidic beliefs. In fact the origin of the story is from pagans (druids and picts) who believed that at the winter solstice the sun ('son') died as it's inclination remained the same for 3 days (dec 22,23 24) beside the constellation of the southern cross (it died on the cross) before it was reborn and started climbing in the sky again (resurrected after 3 days).

So your 'easter story' is not just ripped off from a previous religion ( a common christian tactic to convert followers) but the christian dates are wrong to begin with.

and you needed to post this because.............. You have a problem with Walter stating his Faith? It, somehow hurts or damages you?


Executive Branch Member
Apr 12, 2013
Mo, the Buddha and Hay-zeus


Looking through a stethoscope
Searching for Hay-zeus
But I found a heart murmur instead
So I whittled me a sticker
Made of algum
For his ticker
But I drove it through a puppy instead

Yet the puppy didn’t bleed
‘Cause he was sitting with Mohammed
Who was playing cards with several other dudes
And the puppy started barking
So Mohammed, he consumed it
But the Buddha, he just thought it very rude

“Mo, you just done did it,
We wuz sittin’ all together,
‘I’m feeling peckish,’
Wuz a’swirlin in my head

But you didn’t bother passin’ that puppy around
So I’ll haveta eat a Christian instead.”

“You can do that, Mr. Fats
I got some soaking in a bowl
They’re freshly skewered using sandalwood picks

Go ahead and eat your fill
You’re the only one who will
They’re too piggy, and chock chock full of ticks!”

About then, silent Hay-zeus
Turned to Mo, and slapped him briskly
Saying, “You’re good with circumcision and jihad,
But you just scarfed down a dog,
And that’s against your laws
If not for Fats, the Christian meat would all go bad!”

“Brother Hay-zeus take a pill,
I can do whate’er I will
One billion people invoke my name five times a day
And since I am the boss
I will do whate’er I want
No matter what the hell your Infidels would say

Just then Buddha said, “Shaddup!
Have some respect for age and rust
I’m the oldest of us all
There is no doubt
I’ve got five hundred years and more
On either of you bores
Don’t get me mad and make me use my belt!

Then Buddha started singing
(He just loved that country music)
And he said, “This is what life is all about!
Mo and me, we have no songs
That inspires this much toe tapping
So I’m gonna sing my fave by Tom T Hall

His music was country; his faith was in Buddha.
In fact, he had pictures of me in his house.
He never once questioned his daily existence.
Nor wondered aloud what his life was about...

-2014, Murphy

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lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
If Jesus Christ rose from the dead on the first Sunday following the first night of the festival of Passover, then why are Easter and Passover nearly a month apart this year, with Easter on March 27 and the festival of Passover beginning the evening of April 22?
Fast moon....