The association of others with God


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
Yet how long have they lived in the same area and both were still thriving until you know who came in with guns blazing and playing one side against the other. Sad to see you giving them a free pass.
Sucking on the bottle heavily again, child? Whiskey? Vodka?
Where have I ever given anyone a pass for war or killing? You are sad for no reason.
And are you giving MUslims a pass for killing each other? It looks like it.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
well clearly they'll have to be beheaded. Can't have idols.

Couldn't a friendly fatherly discussion be employed first to keep in line with the western cultures obvious tradition of tolerance and kindness?


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
Prophets like Mohammed the Liar. Exactly.
I remember years ago listening to a speech by Farrakan where he attributed some words of Saul as a saying of Jesus. While it obviously went unnoticed by his followers it stood out like a sore thumb to me. Pretty easy to manipulate those who don't read.
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Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
Prophets. There are those like Mohammed who incited killing and other vileness. And there are plain people such as the poet Lao Tzu. "Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love." - Lao Tzu
Or the Buddhist philosopher Tenzin Gyatso (14th Dalai Lama)- "There is no need for temples, no need for complicated philosophies. My brain and my heart are my temples; my philosophy is kindness."

Selfsame, you can have your wicked religion and hypocritical prophet, I will stick with the wise people such as Lao Tzu and Tenzin Gyatso.

I remember years ago listening to a speech by Farrakan where he attributed some words of Saul as a saying of Jesus. While it obviously went unnoticed by his followers it stood out like a sore thumb to me. Pretty easy to manipulate those who don't read.
It is pretty easy to manipulate anyone that does not think critically and analytically.


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
Couldn't a friendly fatherly discussion be employed first to keep in line with the western cultures obvious tradition of tolerance and kindness?

some seem to be able to do this. But it would seem that when muslims become large enough they start to demand that things be changed to be like the cesspool they left. That is a sure sign if insanity is it not?


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
Prophets. There are those like Mohammed who incited killing and other vileness. And there are plain people such as the poet Lao Tzu. "Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love." - Lao Tzu
Or the Buddhist philosopher Tenzin Gyatso (14th Dalai Lama)- "There is no need for temples, no need for complicated philosophies. My brain and my heart are my temples; my philosophy is kindness."

Selfsame, you can have your wicked religion and hypocritical prophet, I will stick with the wise people such as Lao Tzu and Tenzin Gyatso.

It is pretty easy to manipulate anyone that does not think critically and analytically.
You'd think if Farrakan wanted to maintain his cash cow he'd put in a little more time studying
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Time Out
Jul 13, 2015
Mysterious puzzle solved:
Two parables in the Quran

First Parable:
{Quan 16: 75. God propounds [concerning believers] a parable [of two men of the Children of Israel:]

[one of them was Jeroboam son Nebat] an enslaved servant [of Solomon
a], having no power over any [wealth or ruling b],

and one [Rehoboam son of Solomon] for whom We provided with a fair provision from Us, so he expended out of [his father’s inheritance] secretly and openly [in God’s way. c]

Can they be equal [before God: those who followed Jeroboam the disbeliever who made them disbelievers, and those who followed Solomon’s son who improved their condition and ameliorated their religious obedience?]

[Therefore, you believers, who follow Mohammed, say:]
Praise be to God e.
But [actually] most of them do not know [the truth f.]}
a Then he rebelled against Solomon, even after Solomon honored and brought him close to him.
b And We gave to him [wealth] and made him ruler, but he was ungrateful and associated [others] with God.
c So Jeroboam rivaled with Rehoboam son of Solomon about the kingdom, and fought him.
And the majority of the Israelites followed Jeroboam the disbeliever, who made for them two calves of gold and invited them to worship them, and they worshipped the two calf statues and disbelieved;
while only a minority of them followed the son of Solomon the righteous man.
e Who guided us to the way of the truth, and let us follow Mohammed who improved our religious obedience, and God saved us from those ignorant associaters.
f i.e. most of people are ignorant and they in fact do not know the truth.

The interpretation is by Mohammed-Ali Hassan Al-Hilly.
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Council Member
Oct 11, 2015
Southern Ontario
Mysterious puzzle solved:
Two parables in the Quran

First Parable:
{Quan 16: 75. God propounds [concerning believers] a parable [of two men of the Children of Israel:]

[one of them was Jeroboam son Nebat] an enslaved servant [of Solomon
a], having no power over any [wealth or ruling b],

and one [Rehoboam son of Solomon] for whom We provided with a fair provision from Us, so he expended out of [his father’s inheritance] secretly and openly [in God’s way. c]

Can they be equal [before God: those who followed Jeroboam the disbeliever who made them disbelievers, and those who followed Solomon’s son who improved their condition and ameliorated their religious obedience?]

[Therefore, you believers, who follow Mohammed, say:]
Praise be to God e.
But [actually] most of them do not know [the truth f.]}
a Then he rebelled against Solomon, even after Solomon honored and brought him close to him.
b And We gave to him [wealth] and made him ruler, but he was ungrateful and associated [others] with God.
c So Jeroboam rivaled with Rehoboam son of Solomon about the kingdom, and fought him.
And the majority of the Israelites followed Jeroboam the disbeliever, who made for them two calves of gold and invited them to worship them, and they worshipped the two calf statues and disbelieved;
while only a minority of them followed the son of Solomon the righteous man.
e Who guided us to the way of the truth, and let us follow Mohammed who improved our religious obedience, and God saved us from those ignorant associaters.
f i.e. most of people are ignorant and they in fact do not know the truth.

The interpretation is by Mohammed-Ali Hassan Al-Hilly.

You are a brainwashed robot! Do you have a functioning brain or has your ability to think for yourself been completely disabled?
Nobody in their right mind could belief the gobbledegook spouted by Mohammed! .
Life is good when you don't have to spend it following orders of a dead dictator. God can talk to each and every one of his children directly if they want to listen to Him. He doesn't need a messenger!
Funny indeed how some 'religious' nutcases think that a God who is all powerful needs them to keep people in line!


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
You are a brainwashed robot! Do you have a functioning brain or has your ability to think for yourself been completely disabled?
Nobody in their right mind could belief the gobbledegook spouted by Mohammed! .
Life is good when you don't have to spend it following orders of a dead dictator. God can talk to each and every one of his children directly if they want to listen to Him. He doesn't need a messenger!
Funny indeed how some 'religious' nutcases think that a God who is all powerful needs them to keep people in line!
We see things as they appear from the viewpoint of our culture. If you were born in a middle eastern Muslim country your perspective would be conditioned by that culture. Not easy to see things outside of our box me thinks.


Time Out
Jul 13, 2015
God can talk to each and every one of his children directly if they want to listen to Him. He doesn't need a messenger!

God does not speak directly to people; He sends them His apostles and reveal to them His revelations and commandments.

[When the Prophet went to his people and told them about his apostle-hood, they said: “Did God speak to you and send you to us as an apostle?”; this aya was revealed in reply to them:]

{42: 51. It was not for any mortal that God should [directly] speak to him, unless [He might speak to him] by revelation, or from behind a veil a, or He might send [an angel as] a messenger who would reveal by [God’s] leave what [revelation] He please; He is All-Exalted b, Most Wise c.}
a As did God speak to Moses from the olive tree in the valley of Towa in the wilderness of Sinai, so that the tree was as a veil between God – be glorified – and Moses.

b Above speaking directly to His servants, face to face.

c With His acts, and so none may object to Him.
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Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
God does not speak directly to people; He sends them His apostles and reveal to them His revelations and commandments.

[When the Prophet went to his people and told them about his apostle-hood, they said: “Did God speak to you and send you to us as an apostle?”; this aya was revealed in reply to them:]

{42: 51. It was not for any mortal that God should [directly] speak to him, unless [He might speak to him] by revelation, or from behind a veil a, or He might send [an angel as] a messenger who would reveal by [God’s] leave what [revelation] He please; He is All-Exalted b, Most Wise c.}
a As did God speak to Moses from the olive tree in the valley of Towa in the wilderness of Sinai, so that the tree was as a veil between God – be glorified – and Moses.

b Above speaking directly to His servants, face to face.

c With His acts, and so none may object to Him.

So now you are dictating what God can and can't do?


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
Thsi god is irrational. Insane. Why else would it pick an idiot like Mohammed to speak for it?


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
Only according to His words.
Selfslime the words you post were written by some camel herder who was dissatisfied with his job so he decided to find a cash cow so as not to have to work anymore. You simply worship someone elses concoction.

not only that, they stole from another set of writings and just put their twist on it


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
Thsi god is irrational. Insane. Why else would it pick an idiot like Mohammed to speak for it?
Come to think of it, why would a god (that is able to do anything it wants) choose a human to speak rather than just showing up, introducing itself and saying what it wants?


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
Come to think of it, why would a god (that is able to do anything it wants) choose a human to speak rather than just showing up, introducing itself and saying what it wants?


Selfslime the words you post were written by some camel herder who was dissatisfied with his job so he decided to find a cash cow so as not to have to work anymore. You simply worship someone elses concoction.

not only that, they stole from another set of writings and just put their twist on it

chances are his was schizophrenic or had some other mental condition. It's always the case when someone hears voices when no one is around.