The association of others with God


Time Out
Jul 13, 2015
{Quran 13: 15. His [preaching] is the preaching of truth a; but those who call to other than Him b, they answer them not at all c, save as one [soul] who stretches out his hands to the water d that it may reach his [spiritual] mouth, but it reaches it not e; for the praying of unbelievers [of the idols] is only in missing [of the truth.]}
a It means: The one who invites people to God alone, and forbids the worshipping of idols, then his invitation is an invitation of truth, and he is correct in his inviting [others to God], and if he asks his need from God, He will answer him.

b i.e. those who invite people to worship the idols, and they ask their needs from the idols.

c i.e. they will not grant them their needs, because the idols are inanimate and they do not harm nor profit anyone. Moreover, the angels do not hear their request, because they are far away from them in the heavens, and even if they hear, they will not answer them, because the affair altogether is by God’s hand, not by the hand of angels, neither by the hand of prophets, nor by any otherone ‘brought close to God’.
Therefore, their praying of the peers [whom they allege to God] is useless, and nothing can be obtained from asking them, but only the ‘wishes’; it means: they will not have any benefit from asking of the idols and peers, but only the wishful thinking of such associaters and idolaters and their delusions which are within themselves, when they say: The idols will help us against our enemies and grant us our needs and intercedes for us before God; therefore, the parable for these associaters and their asking of the idols is:

d i.e. like a man who has gone, following his death, to the world of souls, and he, being thirsty, approaches the river and stretches out his hands to the water to scoop and drink, but he cannot do that because he has become spiritual and light like the air while the water is heavy, so he cannot carry the water to drink it. So when he desperates of that river, he returns with his thirst and loses his hope. Therefore, similarly the one who stretches out his hands to the idols or to other creatures and asks his needs from them hoping that they will grant him his needs, will return with frustration and loss.

e Because the water is material and heavy, while the soul is ethereal and light and cannot carry it neither can it drink of it. While about the righteous souls: they will drink ethereal water brought by the angels from Paradise. Refer to the book: Man after Death


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
Nah. Your god is hiding because it is afraid that a human would ask it hard questions.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars

chances are his was schizophrenic or had some other mental condition. It's always the case when someone hears voices when no one is around.
Awhile back my cousin and his buddy Earl, an older guy went to Taco Bell at lunch break and went up to the counter to order some food. At one of the dining tables a young man was gesturing and cussing violently at an empty chair as if he was in an argument with someone sitting there. The man working the counter said to my cousin and his friend Earl to try and ignore the mans actions that he does this all the time. Earl then replied to the man at the counter,,oh,,it's okay. He's not bothering us. Seems like that guy in the chair is stirring up the shyt anyway.
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Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Sucking on the bottle heavily again, child? Whiskey? Vodka?
Where have I ever given anyone a pass for war or killing? You are sad for no reason.
And are you giving MUslims a pass for killing each other? It looks like it.
Not at all as they are proxy armies for the West. If you don't know that much about the area you conclusions will be flawed. Not my problem or duty to set you right. My duty is not to fall for deceptions promoted by either side.
You are the one being fed **** by the spoon fed and it appears you are licking your lips and asking for more.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
Awhile back my cousin and his buddy Earl, an older guy went to Taco Bell at lunch break and went up to the counter to order some food. At one of the dining tables a young man was gesturing and cussing violently at an empty chair as if he was in an argument with someone sitting there. The man working the counter said to my cousin and his friend Earl to try and ignore the mans actions that he does this all the time. Earl then replied to the man at the counter,,oh,,it's okay. He's not bothering us. Seems like that guy in the chair is stirring up the shyt anyway.


Time Out
Jul 13, 2015
God does not speak directly to man, because God does not sit with mortals or spiritual beings and does not talk to them directly as do they talk to each other; He is lofty and high in place over His throne, and sights cannot see Him, but He sees them.
Moreover, God does not fear of anyone, because He created all of them, and none is comparable to Him.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
Not at all as they are proxy armies for the West. If you don't know that much about the area you conclusions will be flawed. Not my problem or duty to set you right. My duty is not to fall for deceptions promoted by either side.
Ahhh. The excuse given by some Nazis. We were just following orders.
You are the one being fed **** by the spoon fed and it appears you are licking your lips and asking for more.
You gave your brain a holiday? For the umpteenth time, I treasure life. That means not starting wars; not by anyone. Especially not because someone else wanted you to go warring.

Muslims do not have to kill each other. They can say, "no". But they seem to like killing. I guess you do not pay attention to what is in the Quran.
And here you are making up feeble excuses for them.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
The only ones that fear God are the ones that see him as a powerful bully, kind of like seeing their own future without realizing it. Good thing God judges people individually.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
The only ones that fear God are the ones that see him as a powerful bully, kind of like seeing their own future without realizing it. Good thing God judges people individually.
Meh I would rather rend this god of yours into small pieces and feed it to a garburetor. Good thing for it that I will likely never get the chance. I will be off enjoying goddesses and gods that are more pleasant or else there will be nothing after I die except the spreading of my molecules into the universe.


Time Out
Jul 13, 2015
Mysterious puzzles solved:
Two parables in the Quran

Second Parable:

{Quan 16: 76. And God propounds [concerning the associaters] a parable of two men [of the Children of Israel] –– one of them [: the Samaritan g] was dumb [then We enabled him to speak],
having no disposal of any [wealth and how to obtain it, then we bestowed on him health and wealth, but he disbelieved];
and he was a burden
h on his guardian i: wherever might he direct him, he brought no good j;
could such a man be equal with one [: Aaron] who commanded justice, and was on a 'straight and standard' way
g Who made the calf for the Children of Israel and so they worshipped it.
h It means he was dull, stupid and a burden on his guardian.
i Who took care about him and raised him, because he was an orphan.
j It means: he was not useful to his guardian: wherever he might send him for any purpose, he did not bring any good outcome; neither did he get any advantage.
k It means: he followed ‘the monotheism and the exclusive devotion to God alone’, and followed the way of the truth.

It means: Were they equal in guidance?
For the Samaritan invited his people to worship the calf, and a large number of them followed him, so they disbelieved, lost and were killed;
while the other party followed Aaron and did not worship the calf, so they were successful and were saved from the killing and punishment.

Therefore, this is a parable propounded by God – be glorified – concerning the associaters and idolaters among Quraish, so that He likened Abu Jahl to the Samaritan who misguided his people with the calf worship and so they lost; and He likened Mohammed to Aaron who forbade his people from worshiping the calf and so they succeeded.

Therefore, you should follow Mohammed in order to succeed as did Aaron’s followers succeeded who did not worship the calf.

The interpretation is by Mohammed-Ali Hassan Al-Hilly.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Meh I would rather rend this god of yours into small pieces and feed it to a garburetor. Good thing for it that I will likely never get the chance. I will be off enjoying goddesses and gods that are more pleasant or else there will be nothing after I die except the spreading of my molecules into the universe.
I'll bet He feels immense relief.


Time Out
Jul 13, 2015
[Then God – be glorified – warned the associaters, among the Arab, of the chastisement, if they do not believe; and He said:]

Quran 78: 40. We warn you, [associaters], of an imminent chastisement [following after your death a.]

41. The day when man [who is a believer] will look on [the charity] that his hands forwarded [to find it before him], while the disbeliever will say [when he will see the chastisement]: "O would that I were dust. b "

a In the Barzakh world [or the Afterlife.]

b In order to get rid of the chastisement, just as how my body has become dust, and so it has got rid of the punishment: it will not be punished or taken to account.

The interpretation is by Mohammed-Ali Hassan Al-Hilly.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Ahhh. The excuse given by some Nazis. We were just following orders.
You gave your brain a holiday? For the umpteenth time, I treasure life. That means not starting wars; not by anyone. Especially not because someone else wanted you to go warring.

Muslims do not have to kill each other. They can say, "no". But they seem to like killing. I guess you do not pay attention to what is in the Quran.
And here you are making up feeble excuses for them.
Too bad the US let the ones giving orders escape any punishment, instead they go new lives in the US will power and money.

Like Nancy Regan promoted the 'just say no'? People do all sorts of crazy things for money and power.

Stating the facts isn't making feeble excuses, you want to punish the minions and let the overlords skate away, that is making feeble excuses. The only question that remains is why you would go against the facts, obviously you have some sort of hidden agenda.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Only according to His words.

But you are still saying God cannot speak to people directly, thus saying what God can and cannot do.

You, therefore, are trying to control what God does.

Do you not understand how this makes you seem?

God does not speak directly to man, because God does not sit with mortals or spiritual beings and does not talk to them directly as do they talk to each other; He is lofty and high in place over His throne, and sights cannot see Him, but He sees them.
Moreover, God does not fear of anyone, because He created all of them, and none is comparable to Him.

Again dictating what God can and can't do.

You make God seem more like an absentee ruler than someone worthy of worship who could ever care about us, his 'creations'.


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
You make God seem more like an absentee ruler than someone worthy of worship who could ever care about us, his 'creations'.

He is an absentee ruler. And those of a particular arrogance are taking advantage of that to control and make money of those who find this reality terrifying or just too much to handle.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
But you are still saying God cannot speak to people directly, thus saying what God can and cannot do.

You, therefore, are trying to control what God does.

Do you not understand how this makes you seem?

Again dictating what God can and can't do.

You make God seem more like an absentee ruler than someone worthy of worship who could ever care about us, his 'creations'.
Anytime you open the Bible God is speaking to you directly. If you can't understand it then He isn't all that fond of you.


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
Anytime you open the Bible God is speaking to you directly. If you can't understand it then He isn't all that fond of you.

For you maybe.

Man is a very arrogant creature, he thinks this god (he's created) is going to care what he does. This makes man feel like his life matters. It also provides some mental security thinking that others will be punished for things he finds repugnant. It's a form of control.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
I remember years ago listening to a speech by Farrakan where he attributed some words of Saul as a saying of Jesus. While it obviously went unnoticed by his followers it stood out like a sore thumb to me. Pretty easy to manipulate those who don't read.

He was Iu, coming as the su, or son. His mother in the Atum cult was Iusaas. He was God the son, the prince, the heir. He was the original of all Jesus figures, of whom there are some twenty or more by the name of Jesus (Joshua, Jesse, Joses, Hosea, Isaiah, Isaac, Esau, Josiah, Joash, Jehoaz, Jehoahaz, Job, Jonah, Joel and others) both in the Old Testament and outside of it. Samson, Saul and Solomon are prior types of Jesus, all bearing the solar character in their name.

Lost Light AB Khun

For you maybe.

Man is a very arrogant creature, he thinks this god (he's created) is going to care what he does. This makes man feel like his life matters. It also provides some mental security thinking that others will be punished for things he finds repugnant. It's a form of control.

What created you? Why do you believe that humans created the universe?


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
For you maybe.

Man is a very arrogant creature, he thinks this god (he's created) is going to care what he does. This makes man feel like his life matters. It also provides some mental security thinking that others will be punished for things he finds repugnant. It's a form of control.
I can assure you the book allows for people to believe he doesn't exist, that doesn't mean your name isn't still in the book of life.

If after the manner of men I have fought with beasts at Ephesus,
what advantageth it me,
if the dead rise not?
let us eat and drink;
for to morrow we die.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
He was Iu, coming as the su, or son. His mother in the Atum cult was Iusaas. He was God the son, the prince, the heir. He was the original of all Jesus figures, of whom there are some twenty or more by the name of Jesus (Joshua, Jesse, Joses, Hosea, Isaiah, Isaac, Esau, Josiah, Joash, Jehoaz, Jehoahaz, Job, Jonah, Joel and others) both in the Old Testament and outside of it. Samson, Saul and Solomon are prior types of Jesus, all bearing the solar character in their name.

Lost Light AB Khun

What created you? Why do you believe that humans created the universe?