The association of others with God


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick

What will muslims do if they become powerful? This scholar explains...

It's the stuff like that video that makes people hate Islam. While people will understand having a different religion, no one has the right to force others to worship against their will. So, Selfsame, while it's great you have your faith, you have no right to force people to be of that faith. And according to this scholar, if a person is Christian or Jew, they're given three choices: convert, pay a tax or fight.

Why? WHY should they have to fight? Why can they not worship as they see fit? There are Muslims coming over to Europe and NA all the time, bringing their faith and allowed to practice said faith WITHOUT having to convert to another religion, pay any taxes or fight. Why cannot the same be given to other religious sects?

Because you want to promote Allah/God as being the only? Again, what right do you have to force that choice on people? God GAVE us choice, gave us free will; by dictating the choices, you and yours are taking the place of God.

And for anyone not of the 'three books', it's convert or fight? Again, what right do your people have to force this?

In the end I'll ask you what I ask Christians when this subject of "you must worship God this way" comes up... who are you to say what God is okay with and what God is not? No one knows for sure until they die - if you believe. And if you do not, even if you have the belief that there is nothing after death, WHY DO YOU CARE? It is THEIR soul, not yours. All religions shouldn't give a crap about anyone not of their faith and instead focus on those who do. And if, IF, there is a God that we all stand before after death, then leave it to them to explain themselves. Forcing one to convert makes the choice not genuine and how can God be pleased with an un-genuine choice? Wouldn't it be better to have someone choose a way of faith, free and clear and with open heart and soul, than to choose because they are under threat of death? That's not choosing, that's forced enslavement to the faith.

Which makes your religion no better than Christianity during a lot of its existence.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Click the download button and then allow on the next screen. The 60 second countdown should start and then save the zipped file. Hope it works

Da Fak?

Take your meds....
Go play checkers dork. Better yet take up skydiving, I'll even pack your chute for free.

You can't reason with a fanatic, seen in the video!
Is that you in the vid?


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
In the end I'll ask you what I ask Christians when this subject of "you must worship God this way" comes up... who are you to say what God is okay with and what God is not? No one knows for sure until they die - if you believe. And if you do not, even if you have the belief that there is nothing after death, WHY DO YOU CARE? It is THEIR soul, not yours. All religions shouldn't give a crap about anyone not of their faith and instead focus on those who do. And if, IF, there is a God that we all stand before after death, then leave it to them to explain themselves. Forcing one to convert makes the choice not genuine and how can God be pleased with an un-genuine choice? Wouldn't it be better to have someone choose a way of faith, free and clear and with open heart and soul, than to choose because they are under threat of death? That's not choosing, that's forced enslavement to the faith.

Which makes your religion no better than Christianity during a lot of its existence.

I'd imagine god is not ok with these types of believers. If he were, he wouldn't be hiding from them and the rest of the world. He'd be in everybodies face letting them know he does exist.

Cults operate by killing those who are unwilling to follow by the terms they set. Islam is a cult.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Sewer gas seems to have long term effect on reasoning................
I picked you out as a fuktard on your 2nd post and my view hasn't changed so my reasoning is sound and I don't see it ever changing as far as what I think of you. It was mould btw as the methane and H2S only happen 3 times in the 14 years and the mould was there for the whole 14 years. Way to show you didn't even get that part right, batting 1000 on that isn't something you should be proud of.

I'd imagine god is not ok with these types of believers. If he were, he wouldn't be hiding from them and the rest of the world. He'd be in everybodies face letting them know he does exist.

Cults operate by killing those who are unwilling to follow by the terms they set. Islam is a cult.
Under those rules Christians have killed about 10M Muslims in the last 60 years, goes to show which religion is the biggest tards on the planet.

The Bible is a new book for you is it not as you don't seem to apply the words to your version of God. You cannot hide your face and still look at what people are doing, that isn't that hard to understand really.

For thy Maker is thine husband;
the LORD of hosts is his name;
and thy Redeemer the Holy One of Israel;
The God of the whole earth shall he be called.
For the LORD hath called thee as a woman forsaken and grieved in spirit,
and a wife of youth,
when thou wast refused,
saith thy God.
For a small moment have I forsaken thee;
but with great mercies will I gather thee.
In a little wrath I hid my face from thee for a moment;
but with everlasting kindness will I have mercy on thee,
saith the LORD thy Redeemer.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
This is the result of a person who has not lived merely turned the pages
of an ancient text which outlines someone Else's vision of good and evil.
Hell Jim Jones did that too remember. Go out into the world. do the following
I say unto you.

Have a beer, chase women for a month, eat a pork chop or two. Do all that the
ancients have said is sinful. Then come back in six months or so and tell me
you didn't have fun.
He cannot do that, Grumpy. He would be stoned to death if he did. Or his hands would be cut off and his tongue would be cut out, or some such draconian display of Islam.

More likely you are trapped in either the left or right side and can't understand that there is a difference let alone what the differences are. Meeting somebody who can visit both sides leaves you in this state of mind you are currently in. Can't understand so the flaw must be on the 'other end' rather than on your end, far as I know there is no cure for that condition.

Perceptual Set | Simply Psychology
Perceptual set theory stresses the idea of perception as an active process involving selection, inference and interpretation.
The concept of perceptual set is important to the active process of perception. Allport, 1955 defined perceptual set as:

"a perceptual bias or predisposition or readiness to perceive particular features of a stimulus".

Perceptual set is a tendency to perceive or notice some aspects of the available sensory data and ignore others. According to Vernon, 1955 perceptual set works in two ways: (1) The perceiver has certain expectations and focuses attention on particular aspects of the sensory data: This he calls a Selector'. (2) The perceiver knows how to classify, understand and name selected data and what inferences to draw from it. This he calls an 'Interpreter'.
It has been found that a number of variables, or factors, influence perceptual set, and set in turn influences perception. The factors include:

• Expectations

• Emotion

• Motivation

• Culture
Now that you have pretended to fix or at least point out someone else's problem according to your perception, I say "Physician, heal thyself".


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
The cure is right in front of you. My avatar is a skull if you stand back, as you get closer the picture turns into a woman looking into a vanity. The change is when one side of the brain gives control to the other side. If you can only see one and not the other your brain is locked into one mode and being able to see another persons point is pretty much impossible, for life.


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
Under those rules Christians have killed about 10M Muslims in the last 60 years, goes to show which religion is the biggest tards on the planet.
“Some 11,000,000 Muslims have been violently killed since 1948, of which 35,000, or 0.3 percent, died during the sixty years of fighting Israel, or just 1 out of every 315 Muslim fatalities. In contrast, over 90 percent of the 11 million who perished were killed by fellow Muslims.”
Christian Atrocities | Victims of Christianity | Catholic Church Inquisition | Crusades

The Bible is a new book for you is it not as you don't seem to apply the words to your version of God. You cannot hide your face and still look at what people are doing, that isn't that hard to understand really.

My version of god? I don't believe in any gods. I think religion is what inspires people to kill each other. The only version I have of your god is what religious people continue to spout on about him.



Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009

What will muslims do if they become powerful? This scholar explains...

Well, If it is as that imam or whatever he is, is true, it just reinforces my theory that Islam is aggressive just like Christianity is aggressive but also irrational, draconian, archaic, and violent as well. People like that wingnut have no idea what it is to be civilised. Pretty sad.

Not letting you win? I had a little one in Cat-camp, nice for those long days when you were on tow-cat duty and nobody was getting stuck. Save the game was a good feature and the hardest level I always had to take back a move or two during the game if I was to get a sure win.
Taking back moves? Oh, brother. :roll: Computers can let you cheat, people will not. It seems kind of pathetic to cheat a stupid machine. All they can do is calculate which move is best at a particular moment. Chess is about strategy. It requires thought alone.
Pool is nice because it allows for calculating angles and concentrating on downing a ball while controlling the cueball to leave oneself in good position as well as control over the cuestick. It also requires some strategy.
Bowling is about angles, spin, velocity, and form. It is a more physical game than either chess or pool/billiards/snooker.
Each have their benefits.

You can't reason with a fanatic, seen in the video!
True dat. Their heads are full. Nothing new can enter. SO they have become nothing more than machine.

The cure is right in front of you. My avatar is a skull if you stand back, as you get closer the picture turns into a woman looking into a vanity. The change is when one side of the brain gives control to the other side. If you can only see one and not the other your brain is locked into one mode and being able to see another persons point is pretty much impossible, for life.
Graphic illusions are cool.

Some people are simply opaque or translucent to untrained observers. There are reasons for this.

I'd imagine god is not ok with these types of believers. If he were, he wouldn't be hiding from them and the rest of the world. He'd be in everybodies face letting them know he does exist.
A truly merciful god would be interfering (for lack of a better word at the moment), I agree. An indifferent god, on the other hand, would not. Or as in the atheist perspective, a non-existant god cannot.

Cults operate by killing those who are unwilling to follow by the terms they set. Islam is a cult.
Well, there is more to it than that, but the zealous types of followers turn their faiths into cults for sure. Small minded are the zealots.

Actually, according to the Bible, Yahweh had killed over 10 million people not including towns and cities like Sodom and Gomorrah. Given the choice between being killed or lied to by Satan, I would choose the lie because I love living in this world in spite of some things humans do that Yahweh, Allah allows.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
“Some 11,000,000 Muslims have been violently killed since 1948, of which 35,000, or 0.3 percent, died during the sixty years of fighting Israel, or just 1 out of every 315 Muslim fatalities. In contrast, over 90 percent of the 11 million who perished were killed by fellow Muslims.”
The Iran/Iraq war was Iraq fighting for the US as their proxy army so those are deaths caused by a Christian entity. The same holds true for all wars where Muslim is against Muslim.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
Under those rules Christians have killed about 10M Muslims in the last 60 years, goes to show which religion is the biggest tards on the planet.
“Some 11,000,000 Muslims have been violently killed since 1948, of which 35,000, or 0.3 percent, died during the sixty years of fighting Israel, or just 1 out of every 315 Muslim fatalities. In contrast, over 90 percent of the 11 million who perished were killed by fellow Muslims.”
Christian Atrocities | Victims of Christianity | Catholic Church Inquisition | Crusades

My version of god? I don't believe in any gods. I think religion is what inspires people to kill each other. The only version I have of your god is what religious people continue to spout on about him.

you're talking with a nut .


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
The Iran/Iraq war was Iraq fighting for the US as their proxy army so those are deaths caused by a Christian entity. The same holds true for all wars where Muslim is against Muslim.

well then you prove my point. Religion is the cause of all the evils in the world.

At some point man will learn that he is responsible for his actions and won't be able to blame it all on some religious dogma.

you're talking with a nut .

I don't think so. I think MHz believes what he says and I've found that he doesn't get disrespectful when he's treated with respect. I also know that if I'm being genuine, he is genuine. Sometimes I can be really bitchy and then he responds in kind and I'm ok with that. He doesn't hold it against me and I don't hold it against him.

We do, however have very very different views. But that's why I like reading some of his stuff and why I will chat with him.

We have different perspectives because we have led and continue to lead very different lives. Plus he loves animals and to me that's a one of the best qualities a human being can have.

And if I'm being honest, I like just about everybody here.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
The Iran/Iraq war was Iraq fighting for the US as their proxy army so those are deaths caused by a Christian entity. The same holds true for all wars where Muslim is against Muslim.
Baloney. Sunni and Shia have never gotten along regardless of whether the US was even around. Muslim against Muslim is wrong regardless of the excuse and the same goes for Muslim against Christian, against gays, against any other human. Similar behavior is also just as wrong from Christians or any other humans.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
Baloney. Sunni and Shia have never gotten along regardless of whether the US was even around. Muslim against Muslim is wrong regardless of the excuse and the same goes for Muslim against Christian, against gays, against any other human. Similar behavior is also just as wrong from Christians or any other humans.
We've been at each others throats since the dawn of civilization. Confrontation and the desire for control is embedded in the fabric of our being. Why? Because we all think we are right. Trying to establish peace in that part of the world is like trying to wash the stink from a turd. Excuse the analogy it just kinda came to mind.