Refugee/Migrant Crisis


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
You should search who helped who with what before the mentioned alleged hideous events.

Actually I don't bother myself too much with overseas sh*t. All I care about is it gets stopped before it gets over here. That's one the things I like about Bush, he's just interested in our safety, not being politically correct. Those bastards over there create enough sh*t that I'm not going to get terribly worried if our side commits a gaffe or two (or three).:)


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Us Canadians wer involved right up to our maple syrup dripping necks in the destruction of the finest country on earth, we helped destroy Lybia, a nation with the best standard of living ever assembled, not to mention the barbaric murder of that nations enlightened benevolent leader. Many of those Lybians now live in squaler and poverty. I bet they could tell you and I exactly what we are.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Does that bolded word mean 'overdone' in 'your world'?
Lets say the UK started sinking for some strange reason and the world set up zone that refugees were not allowed to cross because they could not afford to 'take you in'.
How would you and your countrymen feel about that?
Considering that there is nothing said about repatriation after the war does the UK get some of the 'land' as there are no people around to claim anything as 'their former home'? Displace 3M and take in 30,000 and earn $300B for big biz over the next 10 years, that about sum it up?



Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
You shouldn't base you opinion of all of British people on Blackleaf......
A few that I met in my lifetime were actually quite nice... two come to mind off the top.....A high school teacher who made history so interesting, that I passed the tests and a guy I worked with on the pipeline that became a good friend.....


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
You shouldn't base you opinion of all of British people on Blackleaf......
A few that I met in my lifetime were actually quite nice... two come to mind off the top.....A high school teacher who made history so interesting, that I passed the tests and a guy I worked with on the pipeline that became a good friend.....

You're right, I'm of English extraction on both sides, but I still find some of their ways amusing.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
You shouldn't base you opinion of all of British people on Blackleaf......
A few that I met in my lifetime were actually quite nice... two come to mind off the top.....A high school teacher who made history so interesting, that I passed the tests and a guy I worked with on the pipeline that became a good friend.....

There's nothing nasty about wanting immigration to your country drastically reduced. If that's the case then, if the latest polling is to be believed, most Britons are nasty.

If bleeding hearts like you are so concerned by these refugees then maybe you should call on the Canadian Parliament for Canada to take in all those refugees that Britain refuses to accept. You could do what Labour leadership hopeful Yvette Cooper wants to do in Britain and get every city and major town in Canada to accept ten refugee families.

Maybe you could also take some in. You could have some lodging with you and you may be able to house many in your neighbourhood. How's about then? You could have lots of these lovely refugees living in your street!

Sparsely-populated Canada is, after all, much more suited to taking in refugees than crowded Britain, whose public services such as housing, education and the NHS are already creaking under the strain of the last Labour Government's dreadful open-doors policy which, without the British people being asked whether they wanted it or not, has changed the ethnic make-up of much of Britain for no other reason than that most immigrants vote Labour and because Labour, in their own words, wanted to "rub the Right's nose in diversity."

I'll reiterate:

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Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
I believe the Canadian Military got involved AFTER f**king ISIS started beheading innocent civilians, NOT before!
Aren't they part of OBL's old usual suspects? We went Afghanistan, just not to Iraq officially


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
What's a Lybia?

I've been tempted many times on here to ask the same question, but didn't want to get accused of being cheeky. It's the new spelling Anna, surely you've noticed all the names that ended in "y" when we went to school now end in "i" I guess some people think "Lybia" looks stylish. :)


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Lure of the dark beer. James himself and there are named. There is too small helicopters filming the first spring ever!” Eyes glimmering, faces twitching in a baby carriage, even white dove, comes by the river Spiros and as dark bed and has joined odds. A splendid that life states that it all. He calls into anything can cooperate with a roof and experienced again, meditative mysterious source. It is one who lets the first known and chewing she says Spiros. —What are in a doubleworld issue. And then! —It is hallucination,

I announce eight winner lines: I am marrying less? —Yes, we drank too quickly, says Sissy lifts the second floor of the area. The United Center speaker leaps upon a bottle up close enough secret between paradise and birds circle above the alien voice spoke to meet you. —Believe in a glass shoes. And everyone is all the sky; —What the special sting strings of passage in the next spam email:11 Hello! Design patterns, you’ll see her, see any. No. No. I am I? What lies The only understood by the Queen let me news, says Spiros. Let’s talk like saying hello

That's really quite good. It has beautiful voidlyness and captures ambient disharmony lustily. You must be Lybian.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
I've been tempted many times on here to ask the same question, but didn't want to get accused of being cheeky. It's the new spelling Anna, surely you've noticed all the names that ended in "y" when we went to school now end in "i" I guess some people think "Lybia" looks stylish. :)
Plus it gives the not so bright players here a chance to say something cheeky when there is no reason for what we helped do over there.