I've seen the Prime Minister's entourage (with a line of black Yukons) on the 407. Perhaps, he has commandeered a C- 117 to fly his entourage around.
If someone else like an NDP or a Lib was Prime Minister.......?
Y'all would say he was entitled....:roll:
Well, we could sure as hell kiss the seniors tax splitting good bye.
And a bunch of freedoms. And a bunch of money from our paycheques.
Where exactly is that corruption ?So, shut up or we lose our freedoms?
What about the freedom to complain about a government that appears to be becoming corrupt? It happens to every government of every party when they've been in power a long time, you know.
"Don't complain about corruption! Your taxes might go up!"
That's the spirit of democracy.
Where exactly is that corruption ?
Paying back a fat pig's trough bill , does not sound like corruption to me .
Stealing millions of Gov't of Canada funds and funnelling it back to liberal party coffers is corruption .
Negative things about Whynn (Wynne) ? Ummmmmmm....every day there is none stop yammering about Wynne on the talk shows and I don't recall a positive story about Wynne from the newspapers since she began running for Premier.
The pot is something Harpo still propagandizes. I think you mean the plot....
So, shut up or we lose our freedoms?
What about the freedom to complain about a government that appears to be becoming corrupt? It happens to every government of every party when they've been in power a long time, you know.
"Don't complain about corruption! Your taxes might go up!"
That's the spirit of democracy.
"The pot thickens". Just fu ckin hilarious.
"The pot thickens". Just fu ckin hilarious.
The pot thickens after having to make so many trough decisions.
I did not in way suggest you were anything . I did state that the Liberal Party of Canada are masters at corruption .Yes, yes it is. You had better get it out of your simpleton mind that if I think the Conservatives have done something wrong, therefore I must be a Liberal ...or even an NDPer. You've been posting with Americans too long, where there are only two choices and you publically declare your party affiliation ...neither of which ever struck me as being particularly democratic.
The Prime Minister if he's doing his job properly has got a hell of a lot more things he should be and is paid to be attending to than a porcine A$$hole like Duffy & $90,000. F**king reporters have to grow up!
I'll give you a thumbs up for that brilliant prose .You are a poor judge of character. The Harp of Zion is a controled asset of the Anglo Zionist Empire. Not to worry though because that dirty pack of barbaric murderous scumbags is falling apart. Bust at the seams and spraying it's rotten guts all over stupid slaves.
You are a poor judge of character. The Harp of Zion is a controled asset of the Anglo Zionist Empire. Not to worry though because that dirty pack of barbaric murderous scumbags is falling apart. Bust at the seams and spraying it's rotten guts all over stupid slaves.
Preston Manning is too busy making money,and building his legacy to really care.I'd sure like to know what Preston Manning thinks of all of this. The current government is partly his creation and his whole political line was to clean up murk just like this.