Tories suggest missing aboriginal women related to domestic violence


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Majority of murders are commited by someone you know or domestic violence. How far above average do A-bros and Er-chas sit when it comes to domestic violence?


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
it's clearly obvious that harper ordered wasp mounties to abduct and kill all these people.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Just look at the Pickford case. If this was happening in the burbs, the police and Govt would be all over it like stink on a fart.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
I wonder how many 'white' women have gone missing and why nothing is being done about them. Why not make the inquiry about missing women.
Because "white" people aren't asking for one.

Thousands of aboriginal women were sterilized by the Alberta government under Manning. Thousands of children were taken by the RCMP from their parents, taken to residential schools and had the "indian" beat out of them. Social services is still kidnapping aboriginal children and putting them in "white" foster care, thus, continuing a hundred years of cultural genocide on those peoples.Thinking that some of the missing women were taken or murdered by government agencies is not that far fetched. Canada has been cited at least three times by the international court for their treatment of aboriginal people and successive governments continue to thumb their noses at it. So I think the aboriginal peoples have fairly good reason to suspect foul play from the settler communities and government.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
I wonder how many 'white' women have gone missing and why nothing is being done about them. Why not make the inquiry about missing women.

How very unPC of you.

All previous inquiries, studies, etc. all point to the same thing. Why waste money on another? No government study has ever solved any issue.

The purpose of studies, commissions, reports etc is not to solve anything but to enhance the bank accounts of those doing the studies.


Council Member
Aug 9, 2008
Is that why Native men kill their women? White made them do it?
You can't possibly be as crass and unfeeling as you make yourself appear here, surely. Not too many people think murder of young women a laughing matter. In fact, normal people find it rather offensive to make jokes about the loss of a child. But hey, whoever would assume, from your posts here, that you are anywhere normal.



The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Then face facts. It's Native men disappearing Native women and it's not f-cking Whitie driving them to do it. No inquiry is needed. A Sociological study needs to be done

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
This so called problem is very old, why did the liberals not solve it in their many years of government? Just hating Harper (because you have been told to) does not make it all ok.
We do not currently involve ourselves with the part of the family that lives on reserve but we do know more about their lives than you ever could, keep that in mind when you start mouthing off.

Just like Skook mentioned, this issue has been around for many years, enough so that there have been multiple commissions, investigations, etc, etc. Engaging another won't change the results.

On that note, the 'findings' are no different from any other demographic relative to women of any culture (probably men too). Just 'cause you want to isolate and analyze one cultural demographic does not make it a magically unique circumstance that somehow justifies your twisted fantasies of genocide and assumed programs of extermination

As for the conspiracy theory bullsh*t, get a grip.... You have this compelling info, release it Matlock and blow the whole crime wide open... Until then, yours are just the ravings of a partisan lunatic that has no grasp of reality.

Then face facts. It's Native men disappearing Native women and it's not f-cking Whitie driving them to do it. No inquiry is needed. A Sociological study needs to be done

I'm really interested what these folks recommend be done?.. Severe limits on what, where and when FN women can exercise their freedoms?.. Demand they all achieve PhDs under pain of death?

The only people that can affect the changes they desire are themselves.... No amount legislation, sensitivity training or punishing outside, unrelated 3rd parties will push that change


Council Member
Jan 19, 2012
Van Isle
"The only people that can affect the changes they desire are themselves.... No amount legislation, sensitivity training or punishing outside, unrelated 3rd parties will push that change"

It is good that some people get it and do not play the victim.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
That is very "white" colonialist of you. You and the Harpo government would like it to be. Great hate propaganda and it keeps with the governments policy of denigrating aboriginal people, keeping them as second class citizens. If it was an internal problem, then why are they wanting a public hearing to air their dirty laundry. Me thinks your prejudice is showing. Just becfause you chose to live in an inner city slum doesn't mean you know anything about aboriginal peoples or their culture.

Jesus Christ Cliffy get a grip.

Domestic abuse in the aboriginal community has sweet **** to do with whitey. It's a fact and there are many non self hating aboriginals who are calling for change.


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
Aboriginal women who participate in high risk life style choices. Only they can decide to not participate in those life style's.

Maybe if we put a warning on the drug baggies, that consuming the content can lead to death. :) :) :)


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Aboriginal women who participate in high risk life style choices. Only they can decide to not participate in those life style's.

Maybe if we put a warning on the drug baggies, that consuming the content can lead to death. :) :) :)
Not only drugs but the cash to pay for such drugs .
Native female leaves res ,goes to big city ,prostitutes herself for drug money, rips off client .
Client is not a nice man = one missing aboriginal woman.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Not only drugs but the cash to pay for such drugs .
Native female leaves res ,goes to big city ,prostitutes herself for drug money, rips off client .
Client is not a nice man = one missing aboriginal woman.

More like rips off her dealer but that is rare. Then there are the "dungeons"...


Council Member
Aug 9, 2008
Just like Skook mentioned, this issue has been around for many years, enough so that there have been multiple commissions, investigations, etc, etc. Engaging another won't change the results.

On that note, the 'findings' are no different from any other demographic relative to women of any culture (probably men too). Just 'cause you want to isolate and analyze one cultural demographic does not make it a magically unique circumstance that somehow justifies your twisted fantasies of genocide and assumed programs of extermination

As for the conspiracy theory bullsh*t, get a grip.... You have this compelling info, release it Matlock and blow the whole crime wide open... Until then, yours are just the ravings of a partisan lunatic that has no grasp of reality.

I'm really interested what these folks recommend be done?.. Severe limits on what, where and when FN women can exercise their freedoms?.. Demand they all achieve PhDs under pain of death?

The only people that can affect the changes they desire are themselves.... No amount legislation, sensitivity training or punishing outside, unrelated 3rd parties will push that change
It seems to me that a white man disappearing a wife, daughter or girlfriend, would make waves. It gets press coverage. The case gets solved most of the time. In the Bernardo case (3) victims and it is known worldwide.

It is not enough for the government to say the problem is solved. The pressure should be on the government to give a detailed report on how it has been solved. Simply shuffling it to the back burner should not be an option.

Where are the interrogations, arrests, etc. These are criminal cases, what happened to finding motives and checking alibis, friends and neighbors or do young native women exist in a vacuum?? Where are the Police task forces. White men do not resort to this behavior in such numbers, because fear of the consequences does set limits on behaviour.

A Police task force should be formed linking all the reserves. Perhaps with the stipulation that a fair portion of the agents assigned were native but strangers to the reserve they served.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
It seems to me that a white man disappearing a wife, daughter or girlfriend, would make waves. It gets press coverage. The case gets solved most of the time. In the Bernardo case (3) victims and it is known worldwide.

It gets investigated as a crime and not by the Feds as a national Commission.

PS - I highlighted a real important word so you might understand

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Are you saying that every criminal case should have a Federal Commission attached to it?

What is so difficult for you to understand on this?.. Is your political partisanship so strong that you are blind to reality?... Are the many Fed Commissions that have been done in the past not valid because you personally don't approve?

If you're that choked-up about it, sell your damn house and hire a fleet of investigators to solve these crimes.... May I suggest you contact Thomas Magnum to act as the lead investigator?... He has his own binoculars and always solves the crime and generally within one hour.


Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
Why?? I have told you why I think this is so. My daughter works in a mental health facility that serves the town and a native reserve. I know what I mouth off about. Probably more than you do, since you do not involve yourself anymore than our politicians have in the problems. And exactly why do you not involve yourself?? Do you feel they deserve less than other Canadians, or just that you,, anymore than those who in government are supposed to care, cannot be bothered.

Here you go...I am sure that this many murdered and missing women would have been noticed anywhere else in Canada but hey they are only women and native...right?? Oh have met people like you often over my lifetime.

There are 1186 Missing & Murdered Indigenous Women. This tweet is pinned as a memorial and reminder. #MMIW
7:33 PM - 22 Dec 2014

Please, oh wise one, how is a public inquiry going to help? Really. Is it going to stop women from going missing? Is it going to help police find out what's happened to them? Is an inquiry going to actually solve the issue and all of a sudden women will stop going missing?

Please - I WANT to understand how an inquiry is going to help anyone that previous inquiries/town hall meetings and police investigations haven't already done. We already know the causes of these and domestic violence is only part of the problem.
Poverty, high risk activities, alcohol consumption are also part of the issue. So tell me, how is a "public inquiry" going to help solve these issues?

I just want to know 'cuz maybe I'm not looking at it from the proper me with this!!