Tories suggest missing aboriginal women related to domestic violence


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
The federal Status of Women Minister hopes to emerge from Canada’s first national round table on murdered and missing aboriginal women with plans for anti-violence initiatives directed at aboriginal men, saying she has a “good sense” of the people who are committing the crimes.

The Conservative government is using its assertion that the disproportionate number of deaths and disappearances is largely related to domestic violence to bolster its arguments against a national inquiry into the tragedies.

“We have a good sense of the individuals who are perpetuating these crimes and I think that’s something that’s very, very important for us to take into account, and it allows us also to take action,” Status of Women Minister Kellie Leitch told The Globe and Mail on the eve of Friday’s round table with premiers, native leaders and victims’ families. “I know we have some initiatives that I would like to move forward on, on men and boys’ campaigns. I’m confident that other provinces and other aboriginal organizations have those, too. Let’s do them together.”

Indigenous groups, however, point out that many of the women met their fate in major Canadian cities or on highways – not just reserves – and that some of the worst aggressors, including Vancouver’s Robert Pickton, have been non-aboriginal men. They also argue that the violence has deep social roots in poverty, discrimination and poor education that lead indigenous women into high-risk lifestyles.

Some of the victims’ families who gathered at a downtown Ottawa hotel Thursday are looking for a different kind of action than what Ms. Leitch described: the national inquiry the government has rejected.


Tories suggest missing aboriginal women related to domestic violence - The Globe and Mail


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Where are the missing Native women?

Ask the Native men.
That is very "white" colonialist of you. You and the Harpo government would like it to be. Great hate propaganda and it keeps with the governments policy of denigrating aboriginal people, keeping them as second class citizens. If it was an internal problem, then why are they wanting a public hearing to air their dirty laundry. Me thinks your prejudice is showing. Just becfause you chose to live in an inner city slum doesn't mean you know anything about aboriginal peoples or their culture.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
I wonder how many 'white' women have gone missing and why nothing is being done about them. Why not make the inquiry about missing women.


Council Member
Jan 19, 2012
Van Isle
That is very "white" colonialist of you. You and the Harpo government would like it to be. Great hate propaganda and it keeps with the governments policy of denigrating aboriginal people, keeping them as second class citizens. If it was an internal problem, then why are they wanting a public hearing to air their dirty laundry. Me thinks your prejudice is showing. Just becfause you chose to live in an inner city slum doesn't mean you know anything about aboriginal peoples or their culture.

A government denigrating aboriginal people? How could that be? So many liberal governments, so many years. and no cure for those problems you refer to? You idiot, just because you decide to believe BS does not make you an expert on losers...oh wait

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
That is very "white" colonialist of you. You and the Harpo government would like it to be. Great hate propaganda and it keeps with the governments policy of denigrating aboriginal people, keeping them as second class citizens. If it was an internal problem, then why are they wanting a public hearing to air their dirty laundry. Me thinks your prejudice is showing. Just becfause you chose to live in an inner city slum doesn't mean you know anything about aboriginal peoples or their culture.

You do realize that there have been a number of investigations into this issue, right? All of the partisan subjectivity in the world won't change the realities on this.

in the meantime, all you are doing is shopping for as many investigations as it takes until you get the outcome you are looking for


Council Member
Aug 9, 2008
A government denigrating aboriginal people? How could that be? So many liberal governments, so many years. and no cure for those problems you refer to? You idiot, just because you decide to believe BS does not make you an expert on losers...oh wait
Oh come now!! It is neither men nor governments but both together!! After all ALL Canadian governments were a majority of men. So put the blame where it belong. Ergo...mostly men in government or mostly men.

Now I do not intimate it is all men but it does seem to me that those who go into government understand all about power, so tend to not see how that relationship can be a danger.


Council Member
Jan 19, 2012
Van Isle
Oh come now!! It is neither men nor governments but both together!! After all ALL Canadian governments were a majority of men. So put the blame where it belong. Ergo...mostly men in government or mostly men.

Now I do not intimate it is all men but it does seem to me that those who go into government understand all about power, so tend to not see how that relationship can be a danger.

Ahhhhh, a man hater, now i understand.


Council Member
Aug 9, 2008
Ahhhhh, a man hater, now i understand.
Somehow, I knew that would be your reaction. Sorry my dear but my best friends are mostly male and I have quite a number of those. LOL....try using your brain instead of your prejudices.

It seems you spent your opportunity to point it was the Liberals fault. I am simply evening up the scales a bit.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Somehow, I knew that would be your reaction. Sorry my dear but my best friends are mostly male and I have quite a number of those. LOL....try using your brain instead of your prejudices.

I surely hope that none of your man-friends are in gvt.... As we now know from your remarkable insights, all men in gvt murder aboriginal women.

... What was that you were saying about prejudices again?


Council Member
Jan 19, 2012
Van Isle
Somehow, I knew that would be your reaction. Sorry my dear but my best friends are mostly male and I have quite a number of those. LOL....try using your brain instead of your prejudices.

It seems you spent your opportunity to point it was the Liberals fault. I am simply evening up the scales a bit.

So, the liberals could not share any fault because you have male friends? Even the scales? Your hypocrisy was noted.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
That is very "white" colonialist of you. You and the Harpo government would like it to be. Great hate propaganda and it keeps with the governments policy of denigrating aboriginal people, keeping them as second class citizens. If it was an internal problem, then why are they wanting a public hearing to air their dirty laundry. Me thinks your prejudice is showing. Just becfause you chose to live in an inner city slum doesn't mean you know anything about aboriginal peoples or their culture.
Go get help. Reality is within your grasp if you want it.


Council Member
Aug 9, 2008
I surely hope that none of your man-friends are in gvt.... As we now know from your remarkable insights, all men in gvt murder aboriginal women.

... What was that you were saying about prejudices again?
LOL How ridiculous. You guys have given me the biggest belly laugh of my day. one point of hypocrisy. I have never been a Harpo admirer, simply because, if he could he would limit women's rights to abortion and birth control. So tell me again, he doesn't feel he should have power over women's reproductive systems. For Pete's sake, after many many years of including birth control in help to third world countries, this cretin stopped it from being included this year. It makes me ashamed of our government. I have never hidden that here or anywhere else.

Now Captain Morgan, Where exactly did I accuse the men of government murdering women?? How quickly would those male governments have acted if as many men disappeared from any other Canadian community?? Talk about prejudice!! Simply look in the mirror.

Petros....Being a women who grew up remembering when my mum got the right to vote......Who got refused birth control when it was first prescribed by my doctor by two pharmacists , I have a very strong grasp of reality. I was told at the age of 11 while playing at the playground, that I could no longer wear shorts by a policeman. Oh and I was with my mother who was told by another policeman, that she could not wear the sleeveless sundress on the street and then continue to believe I do not have a grasp of how some males use control over others.......the weaker the better.

Oh my grasp of reality is very, very healthy.


Council Member
Aug 9, 2008
Here you go taken from CBC news today........

" Susan Truppe, the parliametary secretary to the federal women's minister, insisted in the House of Commons that the government has taken action to alleviate the problem and that no more studies are needed.

Liberal M-P Carolyn Bennett, attending a similar meeting in Calgary, says many people and groups she has spoken with are resigned to the likelihood that there won't be an inquiry so long as Prime Minister Stephen Harper's Conservatives are in power.

Bennett says that means the only way to get one is through an election and a change of government."

It seems Susan Truppe is quite happy that the whole episode is done. No report of how many women turned up alive, or dead.....just the problem is solved. Crappy for all those looking for answers.


Council Member
Jan 19, 2012
Van Isle
Here you go taken from CBC news today........

" Susan Truppe, the parliametary secretary to the federal women's minister, insisted in the House of Commons that the government has taken action to alleviate the problem and that no more studies are needed.

Liberal M-P Carolyn Bennett, attending a similar meeting in Calgary, says many people and groups she has spoken with are resigned to the likelihood that there won't be an inquiry so long as Prime Minister Stephen Harper's Conservatives are in power.

Bennett says that means the only way to get one is through an election and a change of government."

It seems Susan Truppe is quite happy that the whole episode is done. No report of how many women turned up alive, or dead.....just the problem is solved. Crappy for all those looking for answers.

This so called problem is very old, why did the liberals not solve it in their many years of government? Just hating Harper (because you have been told to) does not make it all ok.
We do not currently involve ourselves with the part of the family that lives on reserve but we do know more about their lives than you ever could, keep that in mind when you start mouthing off.


Council Member
Aug 9, 2008
Why?? I have told you why I think this is so. My daughter works in a mental health facility that serves the town and a native reserve. I know what I mouth off about. Probably more than you do, since you do not involve yourself anymore than our politicians have in the problems. And exactly why do you not involve yourself?? Do you feel they deserve less than other Canadians, or just that you,, anymore than those who in government are supposed to care, cannot be bothered.

Here you go...I am sure that this many murdered and missing women would have been noticed anywhere else in Canada but hey they are only women and native...right?? Oh have met people like you often over my lifetime.

There are 1186 Missing & Murdered Indigenous Women. This tweet is pinned as a memorial and reminder. #MMIW
7:33 PM - 22 Dec 2014


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
All previous inquiries, studies, etc. all point to the same thing. Why waste money on another? No government study has ever solved any issue.