Tories suggest missing aboriginal women related to domestic violence


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
support whomever you wish there golf club, you're still a caught-liar. ;-)

Don't be so silly. There is only one of us caught lying and we all know it's you. Like I said to Boomer and Petros, I really do apologize for embarrassing you but you need to get over it.

Of course you are mistaken... Your infatuation with Justine is shorting the circuits in your brain.

I don't even know any Justine. Clearly you're just being silly again.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
all canandians could benifit from a public inquiry into missing and murdered aboriginal women,this inquiry is not limited to aboriginal,this about a whole bunch of correction in a system of mismanagement which is over due for some type of examination and correction.It is time for the Canadians public to meddle.This whole misguided ordeal is really about discrimatory and prejusticee practices,procedures,etc within the administration of law,all Canadians could benifit from identification and knowledge of these practices,not just aboriginals,this includes law enforcement themselves. Imagine,if you can," my friend", that this inquiry could identify and remove the discrimatory and prejudice practices which continously and constantly plague all Canadians within the administration of law,justice and Constitutional application.Imagine families will finally get identification,aboriginal or not.
Stakeholders could use this inquiry as a medium to correct and return the continouse loss of power within administrative design.
RCMP of middle management could benifit from this inquiry,particularly in the financial application of money in the safety department.
Canadians should not be fooled into believing this is an aboriginal issue,this inquiry will be of benifit to all Canadians.
I strongly believe our Prime Minister is denying an inquiry because he knows the information design will reveal prejustices and discrimatory practices which are inspired and protected by poltical meddling and influences, this includes financial,he know this issue of political interfering is impossible to limit to "aboriginal",he knows polticial power will be lost,and power will be redistributed to Canadians,this is power our Prime Minister does not want to give up.
I think the Prime Minister hates Constitutional application,it interferes with the design of power,I think our Courts are symptoms of this design of power.Justices have been corrupted by this design.
another significant mindfullness Canadians should pay attention to,is the design and structure of the Inquiry,who,what designs the information process of this inquiry,this has great significance. Incidently,I have a history of doing information auditing on designs of "poltical influenced information process's","public inquiries",I forget all the names of the different,inquiries,there are a few different types ofobligation inquiries,ususally the process will define the outcome of the inquiry.
I imagine our Prime Minister will attempt "reasoning and bartering" of the information process,and people will settle for the lesser information obligation design.I see the whiskey and water syndrome is on the move,"attentive ears" are in place,and identification of the trouble makers is on full identification,a design which is significant in the future design process.
Upon completion of these audits,all i can say,is Canadians payed alot of money for insignificant chit chat,I could write on what influences these designs,and why they can be altered to set agendas of minimizing disclosure,I could write about Justices who lend their names to doodling,but that would be another letter.
Did anyone read the report "MIssing and aboriginal women"authored by the RCMP?,they minimized owness and responsibilities,the report seemed a little manipulating of information,and of course and more significance,the timing of this information process has great significance,time and information pairing can be everything in the world of poltics.

as a Canadian, I thank the huge lobbying groups of people who are fighting hard for this inquiry on the behalf of all Canadians who experience prejustices and discrimination in legal/administrative response,I believe they are doing me and my fellow Canadians huge justice,I hope they do not fall victim to the whiskey and water syndrome.
Make it about all women or none at all sticking with studies from as recent as 2011.

It's already well know what the root causes of violence are and that Native populuous is far above other demographics.

It's a waste.

personal touch

House Member
Sep 17, 2014
i would like a response to my writings,besides i am a terrible speller.
any response is good.

Prime Minister Harper is a chicken,weak and does not believe in Constitutional application,this is why he will not pemit an inquiry.
He is a wimp!


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
So why was a study done by the Harper Govt into domestic violence in the Native populous that came out in 2011? I posted a link above!

Violent victimization of Aboriginal women in the Canadian provinces, 2009

What are we supposed to do? House, educate and enhance life's skills in a safe environment away from the source of their woes?

How about we look into something like how in the hell 10% of the population is responsible for 40% of healthcare cost and 85% of the Court and corrections?


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
So why was a study done by the Harper Govt into domestic violence in the Native populous that came out in 2011? I posted a link above!

Violent victimization of Aboriginal women in the Canadian provinces, 2009

What are we supposed to do? House, educate and enhance life's skills in a safe environment away from the source of their woes?

How about we look into something like how in the hell 10% of the population is responsible for 40% of healthcare cost and 85% of the Court and corrections?

No , because that would be mean spirited. Lol:):):)


Council Member
Aug 9, 2008
Yes... You definitely need to work on this

A 'Task Force'?

How is this different from a criminal investigation by the cops?

Kudos... You've said absolutely nothing... Just like your messiah Justine
My God what is the matter with you!! A public inquiry is just by the government. A POLICE TASK force investigates crimes. It is a group of specialist POLICE Agents assembled to investigate crimes. It is under law enforcement agencies. How much plainer can I make lit. I am beginning to feel like a teacher of a special ed class. Get with it folks.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
My God what is the matter with you!! A public inquiry is just by the government. A POLICE TASK force investigates crimes. It is a group of specialist POLICE Agents assembled to investigate crimes. It is under law enforcement agencies. How much plainer can I make lit. I am beginning to feel like a teacher of a special ed class. Get with it folks.

You are beginning to sound like someone looking for grant money for nothing.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
My God what is the matter with you!! A public inquiry is just by the government. A POLICE TASK force investigates crimes. It is a group of specialist POLICE Agents assembled to investigate crimes. It is under law enforcement agencies. How much plainer can I make lit. I am beginning to feel like a teacher of a special ed class. Get with it folks.
So where is this task force to be located , Prince George B.C. near the highway of tears ,
somewhere in the prairies like De Pas or wouldn't it be so much closer to parliament if we set them up in the Ritz Carlton .


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
But that's what social conservatives do. When they can't realistically argue against what you've said, they just make up their own version of what you've said. It makes this whole "Internet forum" thing a little easier to manage.
Oh well, that explains all the stuff you make up about First Nations and well, me, lol.

You're a social conservative.


Council Member
Aug 9, 2008
You are beginning to sound like someone looking for grant money for nothing.
Read very carefully.........I do not need money, I have very much more than I will ever use. A simple acknowledgement of misjudgment on your part , is the sensible way to climb out of the hole you have dug yourself into.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Read very carefully.........I do not need money, I have very much more than I will ever use. A simple acknowledgement of misjudgment on your part , is the sensible way to climb out of the hole you have dug yourself into.

No misjudgment on my part. The people pushing for this inquiry are professional grant writers and/or bureaucraps. That you support them simply means you have been sucked in. That is how they operate, play on peoples emotions. If you have so much disposable cash and feel so strongly about the cause du jour by all means give your money to them but leave me and my pay cheque out of it.


Council Member
Aug 9, 2008
No misjudgment on my part. The people pushing for this inquiry are professional grant writers and/or bureaucraps. That you support them simply means you have been sucked in. That is how they operate, play on peoples emotions. If you have so much disposable cash and feel so strongly about the cause du jour by all means give your money to them but leave me and my pay cheque out of it.
Oh yes there is. I did not get "sucked" in as you put it. You simply never bothered to read the post through and assumed you already knew what I wrote.. I challenge you again to point out where I recommended another inquiry or admit you were wrong, or is that beyond your capability.


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
Read very carefully.........I do not need money, I have very much more than I will ever use. A simple acknowledgement of misjudgment on your part , is the sensible way to climb out of the hole you have dug yourself into.

Oh so why don't you hire a investigator? If this is something you hold to hart you can foot the cost as a donaction.
At least you're money will go to helping someone instead of sitting doing nothing you greedy little human.

It's you're money you can do with it whatever you like. My guess is you won't cause you're just greedy like that.


Council Member
Aug 9, 2008
Oh so why don't you hire a investigator? If this is something you hold to hart you can foot the cost as a donaction.
At least you're money will go to helping someone instead of sitting doing nothing you greedy little human.

It's you're money you can do with it whatever you like. My guess is you won't cause you're just greedy like that.
Well, let's see.....first I am a Canadian citizen, who is smart enough not to be sucked into doing the jobs that the police or my government should be doing. I pay my taxes to that end. So I am greedy little human because I demand my government use MY tax money to do THEIR jobs. Get real!!! I am responding sensibly to the most ASSignine responses and suggestions, as though they were formed by intelligent human beings, who seem to be intent on proving me wrong on all counts.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Well, let's see.....first I am a Canadian citizen, who is smart enough not to be sucked into doing the jobs that the police or my government should be doing. I pay my taxes to that end. So I am greedy little human because I demand my government use MY tax money to do THEIR jobs. Get real!!! I am responding sensibly to the most ASSignine responses and suggestions, as though they were formed by intelligent human beings, who seem to be intent on proving me wrong on all counts.
So were should the inquiry be held ?
An all expenses paid trip for all native leaders and political agitators at the Ritz Carlton .
Thanks Canadian taxpayer ,that was fun and we achieved so much .
A liberal idea of how government works for the people .


Council Member
Aug 9, 2008
So where is this task force to be located , Prince George B.C. near the highway of tears ,
somewhere in the prairies like De Pas or wouldn't it be so much closer to parliament if we set them up in the Ritz Carlton .
Since there are such things as International Police Task Forces as well as those that operate out of specific cities, why would a Police Task Force need to be set up in one particular area....after all we do live in what is called the information age. There are computers, instant relay of information, video conferencing calls etc. So, you explain to me why a single base needs to be set up in the Ritz Carlton?? Surely, it is more sensible to have at least two members (one local and one from an outside reservation) located on all reservations, who main job is dealing with missing young women. Someone asked for suggestions on how to try to solve the problem of these women and those are what I submitted. NO public inquiry.. No marches....Give the job to those who are supposed to be trained to solve crimes.

So, why would you ask me about public inquiries?? I certainly am not interested in seeing them formed nor have I ever endorsed them.

A main base for compiling information and directing operations could be anywhere but in my opinion, should be where the main disappearances are occurring. Just my opinion.