I love this protection from who? Our governments are over in some countries trying
to sell resource materials to make them stronger while at the same time telling me
they are a threat to our way of life. If that were so should we sell them the very material
that will strengthen them? Oh sorry we did that before remember we sold scrap iron to
Japan right up to the day they attacked America.
Russia buys and sells material to us, the Arabs sell oil to us and the list goes on. So who
is the enemy? If we are all buying and selling to each other there should be no need to
have large measures of defense.
Of course we are engaging in hypocrisy for profit knowing full well at some point the
masters of industry will demand the lives of our children and grandchildren to protect
their share price and the margins of profit/
No I am not against trade, not against profit and not against doing business as long as we
are dealing with people with a shred of honesty and integrity. We are doing business with
despots and dictators and making billions while decrying their human rights records and
demanding I pay more to defend against them when in the same breath they are selling
materials that could put our nation at risk. The suggestion we pay more while this is going
on is preposterous. Stop making our enemies strong by surrendering our jobs and
environmental carbon credits and technology to those who would do us harm and we
won't need to spend more
to sell resource materials to make them stronger while at the same time telling me
they are a threat to our way of life. If that were so should we sell them the very material
that will strengthen them? Oh sorry we did that before remember we sold scrap iron to
Japan right up to the day they attacked America.
Russia buys and sells material to us, the Arabs sell oil to us and the list goes on. So who
is the enemy? If we are all buying and selling to each other there should be no need to
have large measures of defense.
Of course we are engaging in hypocrisy for profit knowing full well at some point the
masters of industry will demand the lives of our children and grandchildren to protect
their share price and the margins of profit/
No I am not against trade, not against profit and not against doing business as long as we
are dealing with people with a shred of honesty and integrity. We are doing business with
despots and dictators and making billions while decrying their human rights records and
demanding I pay more to defend against them when in the same breath they are selling
materials that could put our nation at risk. The suggestion we pay more while this is going
on is preposterous. Stop making our enemies strong by surrendering our jobs and
environmental carbon credits and technology to those who would do us harm and we
won't need to spend more