You did?
p value is only as good as the number of samples allow.
No it isn't. The P-value is only as "good" as the variability in your samples allows. Small variability and small sample size can be fine. Now we're coming back around to statistical power, and the conversation about the so-called pause. High variability year to year, and low numbers of samples. Not a "good" p-value.
So what exactly do you say in a board room, if you're not showing them an objective analysis of the data you collected?
In the case of AGW, the ignorance metric can only be assessed on an after the fact basis.
That's ignorant. We can clearly assess the things people say, and if they aren't in accord with facts at hand, we don't have to wait until after the fact. With regards to statistics, I don't have to wait to know that Beav is ignorant on the topic of statistics. Numerology places special significance on numbers, derived from religious text, mysticism and superstition. Statistics is probability based, and based on empirical study of populations and the differences between them.
Case closed. Comparing the two is ignorant.