1874 was a key date for Russell. In many ways, 1874 was to Russell what 1914 is to Jehovah’'s Witnesses today. 1874 was the time of the second coming or second advent, the start of Jesus' invisible presence, the start of the harvest work and the beginning of the time for the generation that would see the end.
"The second advent of our Lord in the end or harvest of the Gospel age, occurring in the fall of 1874, proves to be at a point of time exactly parallel to the time of his first advent, in the end of the Jewish age. ... the Jubilee Cycles show October 1874 to be the date of our Lord s return. ... While the time-prophecies thus point to and harmonize with 1874 as the date of our Lord s second presence, assuring us of the fact with mathematical precision, we find ourselves overwhelmed with evidence of another character; for certain peculiar signs, foretold by the Lord and the apostles and prophets, which were to precede his coming, are now clearly recognised as actually fulfilled. ... The cleansing of the sanctuary was also accomplished as predicted, and at a time sufficiently in advance of 1874 to make ready "a people prepared for the Lord" a people in devout expectancy of his coming"" The Time of the Harvest (1911 ed.) pp.125,127,129
"... he would in reality assume the kingly office, power, etc., viz., in the spring of 1878, three and a half years after his second advent at the beginning of the harvest period, in the fall of 1874." The Time of the Harvest (1911 ed.) p.234
"So short a time ago as 1870 we saw, in addition to the first principles of the Gospel, only the two bare facts - the Lord's second coming and the Restitution - and these but vaguely; for though we then saw restitution taught in Scripture, we were much in doubt as to its comprehensiveness, questioning often whether it would include all the billions of the dead whom the god of this world had in the present life blinded. And concerning the Lord's second coming, while we realized that he is no longer a man, but is now the new creature--the express image of the Father's person-- a quickening spirit, yet we failed somehow to make a proper application of this to his second coming, and unthinkingly and ignorantly, rather expected his coming to be as a glorified man, than as a spiritual being. It was not until about 1874 that these things became clearer, so that we realized that when Jesus should come, it would be as unobserved by human eyes as though an angel had come; and that it could be known only by some miracle, by some manifestation or demonstration....
Next our attention was drawn to the subject of the TIME of our Lord's coming. Before this we had strenuously ignored time, partly because of its being made so much of by "Second Adventists," and because of the frequent failures of their expectations. Moreover, the fact that they claimed the destruction of the world to be the impending event, and used the periods of time mentioned in Scripture to mark the time of that destruction, was another reason why we were disposed to ignore the subject of time. Their erroneous theory of the destruction of the world cast discredit on the time which they associated with it.
When, however, the manner of our Lord's coming was seen in the light of what he is--a spiritual, and no longer a human being--then we saw that our Father had provided TIME in the Bible, that thus we might know, or see with the eye of our understanding, what we could not see with our natural eyes-- viz., the Lord's presence. A careful study of times and seasons taught in Scripture convinced us that the Lord was due to be present in 1874, and other time teachings of the Word showed that in the spring of 1875 the restitution of all things was due to commence." Zion's Watch Tower 1883 Aug p.1
Initially, Russell felt that the battle of Armageddon started in 1874, based on his understanding that this was a social upheaval
"The date of the close of that "battle" is definitely marked in Scripture as October 1914. It is already in progress, its beginning dating from October, 1874." Zion's Watch Tower 1892 Jan 15 p.23
In 1904, Russell changed the start of Armageddon to be 1914.
There was a great deal of Scriptural "proof" used to show Jesus' presence began in 1874, such as:
- The end of the jubilee cycles (Zion's Watch Tower 1881 January).
- It was the end of 6000 years after creation
- Daniel's prophecy of the 1335 days. This was interpreted to mean 1335 years after papal rule had started in 539 AD. Historical years were changed and adjusted in order to fit the year to the prophecy.
- Russell followed Barbour's idea that the Adventists were wrong to think the end of the world would be 1874 as this was just 30 years from 1844. As a generation is 70 years, the end of the world itself would not be until 1914. This fitted nicely with Barbour's understanding of the seven times.
It is interesting that prophecies vigorously used today to point to special events in the 1900's were used to point to completely different events in the 1800's. Even the methodology to work out these
prophecies has changed. For instance, the 1335 days were said to represent years, now we are supposed to believe they represent lunar days; that is, about 1320 solar days! These prophecies are meant to strengthen faith in the Watchtower interpretation of the Bible, when they are obviously being used to fit any situation the Watchtower Society desires.