Notice how the sun line is thinner than the others and is not as sharp. This is a sloppy psych poster, crayonish.
beav, beav... as deep as you are, this is nothing more than a "crayonish widget"! And here I thought you might chew on the temp-CO2 correlation!
the waldocene minimum as usual. :lol:
But believers don't need facts. They just KNOW.
Make a complaint to the nobody gives a flying f-ck dept and see what happens.
because a google indoor scarfer says so and those that want to be in the relevant club with the popular kids clap away. :lol:
In a recent interview with National Public Radio host Diane Rehm, Google Chairman Eric Schmidt said his company “has a very strong view that we should make decisions in politics based on facts. And the facts of climate change are not in question anymore. Everyone understands climate change is occurring, and the people who oppose it are really hurting our children and our grandchildren and making the world a much worse place. We should not be aligned with such people. They’re just literally lying.”
While he didn’t vilify us by name, Mr. Schmidt was certainly targeting us, the climate scientists who collect and summarize thousands of articles for the NIPCC’s Climate Change Reconsidered reports, the hundreds who participate in Heartland Institute climate conferences, and the 31,487 US scientists who have signed the Oregon Petition, attesting that there is no convincing scientific evidence that humans are causing catastrophic warming or climate disruption.
Google goes off the climate change deep end | Watts Up With That?
Or the naive and ultimately horrific proposals put forth by the "let's give up oil and frolic in the meadow" Gaians.
I completely agree on Schmidt with this one, and good for him for speaking up. It doesn't escape most people that the alliance against global warming is mostly made up by very strong right-wingers,m whereas the alliance in support of AGW is made up of most scientists. It's pretty obvious the opposition is primarily ideological. Right wingers don't like the proposed policy remedies to climate change because it includes a lot of UN/world governance stuff. That's anathema to libertarians, neo-cons and teabaggers.
That said, I can't say I'm too crazy about any global solution given the endemic corruption of the UN. Or the naive and ultimately horrific proposals put forth by the "let's give up oil and frolic in the meadow" Gaians.
Doesn't mean there's no global warming though.
There is a large part of the reason to deny AGW.
The people pushing the scam have other interests than lowering the temperature. If they had stuck with a simple message of pick up your sh it instead of lying about the extent of the problem and insisting on complete destruction of our economy things would be very different.
you're incapable of recognizing a distinction between the science and presumed purveyors of "self-interest"?
a constant theme in your posts is one of a presumed "economy wrecking"... in this latest case you speak of "complete destruction of our economy". You also liberally throw around the term 'Alarmist', yet you appear not to see your own contradiction. I asked you to provide examples of 'economy wreaking' policy/proposal put forward by legitimate sources... the best you could do is provide me a 'go fetch to the Fraser Institute'. Recently in a CC thread, a simple narrow example like the B.C. carbon tax was discussed to a somewhat extended level, yet you chose to simply ignore all manner of positive review of that initiative. At some point you'll need to actually bring forward real case examples of your concern...
You got any proof that it won't destroy our economy?
The only positive reviews of the BC carbon scam have been from the left as usual.
the related article/paper as published within the journal 'Oceanography'... inclusive of detailed chemistry and a related (data sourced) table of "average concentrations of carbon system parameters and temperature-and-salinity values for surface waters of the major ocean basins based on the global ocean data analysis project data set."