How the GW myth is perpetuated


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
Walter! What kind of a claimed skeptic are you? Surely you're not just going to blindly accept that graph from member 'Locutus' without asking a single question about it? Surely not, Walter! Say it ain't so, Walter... say it ain't so!

Walter!!! Don't just give me a reddie... why aren't you asking misinforming member 'Locutus' to source his graph? Walter, why are you so ready to just blindly accept that graph?

...from even 'VIEWING' his tweets.

tweets blocked!!! Outrageous :mrgreen:

How the Science Got Settled

ah yes, there goes Colpy again! Once again flogging the deniers regular go-to, "the science is settled" meme!
the "science is settled" meme is one regularly trotted out by fake-skeptics/deniers. Legitimate skeptics realize that proponents of AGW/CC do not recognize science as ever being settled. However, this 'unsettled science' does not negate confidence levels and probabilities of known/recognized understandings within science, nor does it detract from certain aspects of science that are known with near 100% certainty.
and... Colpy doubles down with one of his fav guys, Mark Steyn! He of the defamation defense that "since he's no expert, he can't be held accountable for his malice"! Well done Colpy, well done!


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
It's a good thing you shill for the globull warming truthers on line since it doesn't use up much resources. if you used paper whole forests would be denuded and my pulp shares would go up dramatically. If you stood on a stool and spewed forth your BS, that in itself would create AGW. Do your parents know you spend all day playing on the computer while they are at work?

Wait a minute. Are you a tree killer? Me too. Not much in the last few yerars though. The saw is to heavy, the trees still hate me, they tried to kill me a few times, broke both my ankles once , small maple, winch, tractor, never mind. I think Wadlos parents have their hands full,probably have to pick him off the curtains all day. I loved killing trees sawin them up making a pile of sawdust, those were the days.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
A graph? What are you trying to say? Where is the fugging oil?

Look the lights are goin down here the islamic hordes are penertrating our defences, they will go west you know, please save us, you build that fuggin pipeline, hurry up


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Walter!!! Don't just give me a reddie... why aren't you asking misinforming member 'Locutus' to source his graph? Walter, why are you so ready to just blindly accept that graph?

tweets blocked!!! Outrageous :mrgreen:

ah yes, there goes Colpy again! Once again flogging the deniers regular go-to, "the science is settled" meme!
the "science is settled" meme is one regularly trotted out by fake-skeptics/deniers. Legitimate skeptics realize that proponents of AGW/CC do not recognize science as ever being settled. However, this 'unsettled science' does not negate confidence levels and probabilities of known/recognized understandings within science, nor does it detract from certain aspects of science that are known with near 100% certainty.
and... Colpy doubles down with one of his fav guys, Mark Steyn! He of the defamation defense that "since he's no expert, he can't be held accountable for his malice"! Well done Colpy, well done!

Really....perhaps you could provide some indication of why you believe that Mark Steyn's defense is "since he's no expert, he can't be held accountable for his malice"??

Or is that Michael Mann's defense?

Funny how you aren't interested in tackling the destruction of the principles of peer review and the attempts by GW con artists to stifle all opposing views......


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
Funny how you aren't interested in tackling the destruction of the principles of peer review and the attempts by GW con artists to stifle all opposing views......

there's no there there! Even within your trumped up Hackergate reference... you played this earlier and I asked you what happened to the (2) papers in question. I asked you if they were suppressed. You didn't answer, why so?

again, hundreds of skeptical papers get published regularly. Your "gatekeeper" meme has no legs. This is just you being you... focusing on bullshyte so as to avoid acknowledging real science. Your denier side just has too many failed scientists attempting to flog failed science. Get over it!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
there's no there there! Even within your trumped up Hackergate reference... you played this earlier and I asked you what happened to the (2) papers in question. I asked you if they were suppressed. You didn't answer, why so?

again, hundreds of skeptical papers get published regularly. Your "gatekeeper" meme has no legs. This is just you being you... focusing on bullshyte so as to avoid acknowledging real science. Your denier side just has too many failed scientists attempting to flog failed science. Get over it!

Fall in line Sonny....I must say you are very good at parroting the mantra.

Well trained indeed.

The ice caps are growing again.

The temperature has stabilized.

Climate change happens.

And your heroes don't even really believe the BS. If they did, they would behave more responsibly.

You have been conned.


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
your claims are repeatedly shown to be false... and yet you persist! The ColpyCon persists:

The ice caps are growing again.

speaking of "recovery"... of "growing again" based on a single year reference is nonsense... notwithstanding the context with Extent increase is single versus multi-year ice. Single year ice is that ice most readily melted in the next year's melting season.

following are the Arctic long-term melting trend lines for both Extent and Volume... for an appropriate perspective on Arctic sea-ice.

similarly Antarctic sea-ice Extent has grown this year... but it, effectively almost melts in its entirety every year (as shown in the representative graphic below)... there is no year-upon-year accumulation of Antarctic sea-ice... Antarctic sea-ice Extent growth is attributed to stronger winds and slightly fresher sea surface water around the margins of the continent’s melting ice shelves. Also below, the long-term Antarctic ice Mass variation losses

NASA's Grace satellite's data show that both Antarctica and Greenland ice sheets are losing ice mass; since 2003:
- Antarctica losing ice mass @ ~ 147 billion tons of ice per year
- Greenland losing ice mass @ ~ 258 billion tons of ice per year

The temperature has stabilized.

no - it hasn't. You've been shown this is not the case... yet the ColpyCon persists!

again, even isolating to surface temperature only (without regard to ocean warming), even aligning with the cherry-picked, significantly anomalous 97/98 Enso endpoint..... no pause... no ColpyCon "stabilization":

notwithstanding 2014 is expected to take over as the warmest year on record, you're making your claim while somehow ignoring that the warmest years on record have all been in the relatively recent years. The 'Top 10' warmest years on record:
=> 2010, 2005, 1998, 2013, 2003, 2002, 2006, 2009, 2007, 2004, 2012

and ColpyCon... ocean warming... ocean heat content:

Climate change happens.

that's right... climate does change. Care to provide a principal attribution causal tie for this relatively recent climate change... one other than anthropogenic sourced CO2? What does the ColpyCon attribute it to?

You have been conned.

sure ColpyCon... sure! :mrgreen:


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
your claims are repeatedly shown to be false... and yet you persist! The ColpyCon persists:

speaking of "recovery"... of "growing again" based on a single year reference is nonsense... notwithstanding the context with Extent increase is single versus multi-year ice. Single year ice is that ice most readily melted in the next year's melting season.

following are the Arctic long-term melting trend lines for both Extent and Volume... for an appropriate perspective on Arctic sea-ice.

similarly Antarctic sea-ice Extent has grown this year... but it, effectively almost melts in its entirety every year (as shown in the representative graphic below)... there is no year-upon-year accumulation of Antarctic sea-ice... Antarctic sea-ice Extent growth is attributed to stronger winds and slightly fresher sea surface water around the margins of the continent’s melting ice shelves. Also below, the long-term Antarctic ice Mass variation losses

NASA's Grace satellite's data show that both Antarctica and Greenland ice sheets are losing ice mass; since 2003:
- Antarctica losing ice mass @ ~ 147 billion tons of ice per year
- Greenland losing ice mass @ ~ 258 billion tons of ice per year

no - it hasn't. You've been shown this is not the case... yet the ColpyCon persists!

again, even isolating to surface temperature only (without regard to ocean warming), even aligning with the cherry-picked, significantly anomalous 97/98 Enso endpoint..... no pause... no ColpyCon "stabilization":

notwithstanding 2014 is expected to take over as the warmest year on record, you're making your claim while somehow ignoring that the warmest years on record have all been in the relatively recent years. The 'Top 10' warmest years on record:
=> 2010, 2005, 1998, 2013, 2003, 2002, 2006, 2009, 2007, 2004, 2012

and ColpyCon... ocean warming... ocean heat content:

that's right... climate does change. Care to provide a principal attribution causal tie for this relatively recent climate change... one other than anthropogenic sourced CO2? What does the ColpyCon attribute it to?

sure ColpyCon... sure! :mrgreen:

Unfortunately, the "science" is shown in the Steyn article I posted.

And if you don't like Steyn, fine. Why are the GW alarmists trying to shut everybody else up? THAT is not science.

Climate is changing, it is always changing. There is absolutely no indication mankind is responsible, or that mankind can do a thing about it.

I love the "heat is hiding in the oceans"................while both ice caps grow. Huh??

Oh DEEP in the oceans.

Yeah, sure.

The GW alarm is a con-job. If not, explain to me why there are almost 10,000 people partying on my dime in Lima Peru?...........having built themselves a nice party palace, jetted themselves in, and set up the best of everything for the party............and and setting up the next annual party in Paris.

The fact that you are a blind ideologue is clearly revealed in the fact you refuse to even question why the leaders of the GW alarmists do not take the slightest steps to limit their own least not before public outcry.

It is like a religious cult leader preaching "send me your cash, as poverty is holy" while he lives in a mansion with gold faucets.

But you're a believer :)


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
Unfortunately, the "science" is shown in the Steyn article I posted.

And if you don't like Steyn, fine. Why are the GW alarmists trying to shut everybody else up? THAT is not science.

Climate is changing, it is always changing. There is absolutely no indication mankind is responsible, or that mankind can do a thing about it.

I love the "heat is hiding in the oceans"................while both ice caps grow. Huh??

Oh DEEP in the oceans.

Yeah, sure.

The GW alarm is a con-job. If not, explain to me why there are almost 10,000 people partying on my dime in Lima Peru?...........having built themselves a nice party palace, jetted themselves in, and set up the best of everything for the party............and and setting up the next annual party in Paris.

The fact that you are a blind ideologue is clearly revealed in the fact you refuse to even question why the leaders of the GW alarmists do not take the slightest steps to limit their own least not before public outcry.

It is like a religious cult leader preaching "send me your cash, as poverty is holy" while he lives in a mansion with gold faucets.

But you're a believer :)

The science is tainted. Sceintists--who are supposed to objective reviewers, and who are supposed to have a rigorous peer-review process--have been acting instead as advocates. Indeed the reason that bloggers and non-reserach scientists are getting so much ink now is because it is they--people like McIntyre adn McKitrick--who took it upon themselves to peer-review the work of tohers that was not being adequately peer-reviewed.

That said, the evidence is still very strong that CO2 in the atmosphere is increasing due to anthropogenic emissions, and the evidence is very strong that increasing CO2 will increase heat in the tropospehere, adn teh evidence is very strong that we are on a warming trend.


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
Colpy... you slid right on by my entire post... the ColpyCon chooses to ignore all those graphs that so incense member 'taxi'!

Unfortunately, the "science" is shown in the Steyn article I posted.

Steyn is just a "journalist"... and in recent days you're feverishly trying to resurrect Hackergate... as is much of the denialsphere! I suggested to you that even if your Hackergate examples had credence (they have little to none), you're taking the grandiose leap of attaching a Hackergate focus on a half-dozen or so persons and wildly applying that to a "the science is tainted". The science is not tainted... what might be tainted are the 5-year past reputations of a half-dozen or so.

And if you don't like Steyn, fine. Why are the GW alarmists trying to shut everybody else up? THAT is not science.

what scientists are, as you say, "trying to shut everybody else up"? Name the names... particularly of "everybody"!!! :mrgreen:

Climate is changing, it is always changing. There is absolutely no indication mankind is responsible, or that mankind can do a thing about it.

no indication? Have you bothered to actually research the the so-called human 'fingerprint' on warming? I mean, yes, you are so quick to dismiss all manner of empirical evidence... but what about something like mass-spectrometry? Is that a part of your declared "con", as well?
- of the 3 relevant carbon isotopes (C12, C13, C14), these carbon isotope variants offer undeniable proof that the increasing atmospheric CO2 levels are anthropogenic in nature; specifically:
- fossil fuels, forests, and soil carbon derive from the strongly depleted C13 photosynthetic carbon... plants have a lower C13/C12 ratio than that found in the atmosphere. The recent (since 1850 on) increase in atmospheric CO2 levels has resulted in an observed parallel decline in the C13/C12 ratio of atmospheric CO2

- fossil fuels do not contain C14. The recent (since 1850 on) increase in atmospheric CO2 levels has resulted in an observed parallel decline in the C14/C12 ratio of atmospheric CO2

- again... CO2 emissions rising increases the level of C12... a comparative decrease in C13/C12 & C14/C12 ratios provides definitive proof that mankind's burning of fossil-fuels is the source of the increased CO2 emissions... mass spectrometry shows a declining percentage of C13 & C14.
- the bottom half of the following graphic (from the IPCC AR4 WG1 report) shows the decreasing percentage of C13 in relation to increasing global emissions. The top half of that same graphic shows another aspect proof, as oxygen levels are decreasing due to fossil-fuel burning.

I love the "heat is hiding in the oceans"................while both ice caps grow. Huh??

Oh DEEP in the oceans.

Yeah, sure.

I've provided you graphics from the most reputable scientific organizations showing your claims are false. And yet... the ColpyCon persists! Go figure!

The GW alarm is a con-job. If not, explain to me why there are almost 10,000 people partying on my dime in Lima Peru?...........having built themselves a nice party palace, jetted themselves in, and set up the best of everything for the party............and and setting up the next annual party in Paris.

The fact that you are a blind ideologue is clearly revealed in the fact you refuse to even question why the leaders of the GW alarmists do not take the slightest steps to limit their own least not before public outcry.

you are consistent, if nothing else! Focusing in on the trivial "footprint" is simply a means for you to bluster and distract while ignoring the big-picture! Partying on... your dime... your dime, hey Colpy! :mrgreen:

The science is tainted. Sceintists--who are supposed to objective reviewers, and who are supposed to have a rigorous peer-review process--have been acting instead as advocates. Indeed the reason that bloggers and non-reserach scientists are getting so much ink now is because it is they--people like McIntyre adn McKitrick--who took it upon themselves to peer-review the work of tohers that was not being adequately peer-reviewed.

oh please! M&M are not the great "auditors" you're projecting. Mckitrick's failures are legion and well documented... McIntyre has spent a decade trying to break the hockey-stick and remains on that crusade... when the rest of the scientific world has long moved on past his obsession with 'the Mann'! If you're going to presume to advocate for M&M aren't you at all reserved in that advocacy given how selective the "audits" are applied?

That said, the evidence is still very strong that CO2 in the atmosphere is increasing due to anthropogenic emissions, and the evidence is very strong that increasing CO2 will increase heat in the tropospehere, adn teh evidence is very strong that we are on a warming trend.

of course... however, it seems these self-styled "skeptics" around here can't be bothered to actually apply their skepticism beyond denier blogs and denier blog science!
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House Member
Apr 12, 2013
oh please! M&M are not the great "auditors" you're projecting. Mckitrick's failures are legion and well documented... McIntyre has spent a decade trying to break the hockey-stick and remains on that crusade... when the rest of the scientific world has long moved on past his obsession with 'the Mann'! If you're going to presume to advocate for M&M aren't you at all reserved in that advocacy given how selective the "audits" are applied?

I'm not projecting either of them as great auditors. However they did discover an important issues with respect to the statistical analysis of the the so-called hockey stick that increased the uncertainty of the output. That should have been captured during the peer-review process. There's no doubt that M&M are also advocacy reserachers. And that's the problem. Advocacy science is not science.

It's the saem with all these so-called "think tanks" out there, like the Fraser Insititute and the Centre for Policy Alternatives, etc. These guys peddle their stuff as research, when all they are really putting out is the stuff that supports their pre-conceived notions. But put the author as some guy with a bunch of letters after his name, send out lots of media releases and people confuse it with independent research.

For the advocates on both sides, global warming is much more a PR issue than a science isssue.


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
I'm not projecting either of them as great auditors. However they did discover an important issues with respect to the statistical analysis of the the so-called hockey stick that increased the uncertainty of the output. That should have been captured during the peer-review process. There's no doubt that M&M are also advocacy reserachers. And that's the problem. Advocacy science is not science.

your assessment of M&M's contribution is very debatable, with many rat-holes to explore... and many have done so with results that don't paint McIntyre favorably, at all. Background perspective on M&M... reinforcing your advocacy emphasis: part 1... part2:

to suggest the science is tainted, as you did, is a skewed assessment based on a smattering of trumped up situations. Even if one were to accept the singular M&M targeting of 'the Mann', you obviously know, paleo reconstructions have continued over the years with results that clearly vindicate the early MBH... notwithstanding it being the first, notwithstanding it had self-acknowledged significant uncertainty declared within the paper


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Why are we supposed to be worried about the ice relics of the maunder minimum? What is the big deal?
Petros..... You must see that this rabid ideologue is too dumb to notice that the regular protagonists of global warming in this forum are steering clear of the threads he's in..... I wonder why?


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
your assessment of M&M's contribution is very debatable, with many rat-holes to explore... and many have done so with results that don't paint McIntyre favorably, at all. Background perspective on M&M... reinforcing your advocacy emphasis: part 1... part2:

to suggest the science is tainted, as you did, is a skewed assessment based on a smattering of trumped up situations. Even if one were to accept the singular M&M targeting of 'the Mann', you obviously know, paleo reconstructions have continued over the years with results that clearly vindicate the early MBH... notwithstanding it being the first, notwithstanding it had self-acknowledged significant uncertainty declared within the paper

The science around all controversial topics is tainted. Science still has some appeal to authority, so advocates will try to claim that the "science is on my side." It's not just Mann's hoclkey stick, but also some glaring oversights in the IPCC reports (for instance the rate of retreat of Himalayan glaciers). Attempts to prevent the publication or inclusion of papers or prevent the release of raw data (that came to light as a result of the hacked CRU emails) wasn't exactly science at its finest either.

Although the shenanigans of the deniers is orders of magnitudes more egregious than those of Mann et al., there's no saints in this game.
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House Member
Oct 19, 2009
Petros..... You must see that this rabid ideologue is too dumb to notice that the regular protagonists of global warming in this forum are steering clear of the threads he's in..... I wonder why?

hey DuhSleeper! Am I conversing with/responding to the, uhhh...... irregular protagonists... the irregular ones?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
I'm not aware of a single IPCC report error associated with the physical sciences or technical summary reports. Those IPCC AR4 'errors' that were so trumped up by deniers all associated to the WG2 so-called 'social sciences' report... of those, not a single 'error' reflected upon an official IPCC statement/position that appeared within SPM or Synthesis type reports... for the most part these 'errors' were a reflection on a failing to ensure complete continuity across all reports. Presumably, that has been resolved in this latest report iteration where additional resources were assigned specifically to ensure continuity across all reports. As Colby did, as you're now doing, there were no papers suppressed from appearing in the IPCC reports... 2 papers were mentioned in email exchanges (which were simply a couple of guys blowing off steam over their frustrations with the low quality of the papers... that they shouldn't have been published in the first place). Of course..... much ado about nothing. Both papers, of course, were published... both papers were mentioned in the applicable IPCC report. You're simply perpetuating an over-emphasis on crap that's been used to vilify scientists, at large, along with related science.

the whole Hackergate thing was purposely timed to mess with the Copenhagen COP... and it's the only reason it's surfaced again in recent weeks to attempt to deflect from the Lima COP. Unfortunately for deniers the mainstream media isn't biting at this time particularly after it's been made out to be nothing but trumped up BS in the first place.

Walter, stay in your comfort zone... do what you're good at. Throwing out reddies! Cause that's all ya got - you clearly can't discuss/argue a single damn thing in related subject material. You're a drive-by blowhard that liberally throws reddies... no different than a semi-intelligent monkey throwing shyte at the walls!
You really are not aware of very much except your cute little graphs. Most of which come from sources that have been proven to lie and obfuscate facts. How is the swimming in the ice free arctic these days?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Climate of Corruption

by Mark Steyn
Climategate Five Years On
December 11, 2014


In the last week or so, we've been marking the fifth anniversary of Climategate's fascinating glimpse into how the science got settled. The subordination of the scientific method to ideological goals is well summed up by the headline of Matt Ridley's column - "Policy-based evidence making":
As somebody who has championed science all his career, carrying a lot of water for the profession against its critics on many issues, I am losing faith. Recent examples of bias and corruption in science are bad enough. What's worse is the reluctance of scientific leaders to criticise the bad apples. Science as a philosophy is in good health; science as an institution increasingly stinks.
The Nuffield Council on Bioethics published a report last week that found evidence of scientists increasingly "employing less rigorous research methods" in response to funding pressures. A 2009 survey found that almost 2 per cent of scientists admitting that they have fabricated results; 14 per cent say that their colleagues have done so.
Lord Ridley gives three recent examples of "poor scientific practice". Here's the second:
Last week, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), a supposedly scientific body, issued a press release stating that this is likely to be the warmest year in a century or more, based on surface temperatures. Yet this predicted record would be only one hundredth of a degree above 2010 and two hundredths of a degree above 2005 — with an error range of one tenth of a degree. True scientists would have said: this year is unlikely to be significantly warmer than 2010 or 2005 and left it at that.
In any case, the year is not over, so why the announcement now? Oh yes, there's a political climate summit in Lima this week. The scientists of WMO allowed themselves to be used politically. Not that they were reluctant.
Indeed. Michael E Mann, PhD (Doctor of Phraudology) was, inevitably, one of those talking up the WMO spin, even though in his recent court pleadings in his interminable suit against me he's been (dishonestly) distancing himself from the WMO. He responded to Ridley's criticism in characteristically thoughtful fashion:
Latest #climatescience smearer @mattwridley has a disturbing record of disinformation & denial.
Surely that should be #climatesciencesmearer? If only Dr Mann worked as hard on his science as on his hashtags. Judith Curry addresses the substance of the matter here. By the way, Matt Ridley does not name Mann in his column but does mention the latest blow to his "science":
When a similar scandal blew up in 2009 over the hiding of inconvenient data that appeared to discredit the validity of proxies for past global temperatures based on tree rings (part of "Climategate"), the scientific establishment closed ranks and tried to pretend it did not matter. Last week a further instalment of that story came to light, showing that yet more inconvenient data (which discredit bristlecone pine tree rings as temperature proxies) had emerged.
The overwhelming majority of scientists do excellent, objective work, following the evidence wherever it leads. Science remains (in my view) our most treasured cultural achievement, bar none. Most of its astonishing insights into life, the universe and everything are beyond reproach and beyond compare. All the more reason to be less tolerant of those who let their motivated reasoning distort data or the presentation of data. It's hard for champions of science like me to make our case against creationists, homeopaths and other merchants of mysticism if some of those within science also practise pseudo-science.
"Pseudo-science" is a good term. I'm not so sure about that first sentence of Matt Ridley's up above, about how "I am losing faith" in science. In the hands of Mann and the "hockey team", climate science has itself become a "faith", and one in which apostates are hunted down and no reformation is to be entertained. Five years ago, after the failure of the post-Climategate Copenhagen summit, I wrote the following in Maclean's. This is one of the pieces Mann has demanded in discovery. While I'm waiting for him to reciprocate for the next year or three, I may publish Dr Fraudpants' Discovery Requests as the next Steyn anthology:
As I always say, if you're 30 there has been no global warming for your entire adult life. If you're graduating high school after a lifetime of eco-brainwashing, there has been no global warming since you entered first grade. None. After the leaked data from East Anglia revealed that Dr. Phil Jones (privately) conceded this point, Tim Flannery, one of the A-list warm-mongers in Copenhagen, owned up to it on Aussie TV, too. Yet, when I reprised the line in this space a couple of weeks back, thinking it was now safe for polite society, I was besieged by the usual "YOU LIE!!!!!!!" emails angrily denouncing me for failing to explain that the cooling trend of the oughts is in fact merely a blip in the long-term warming trend of the nineties.
Well, maybe. Then again, perhaps the warming trend of the nineties is merely a blip in the long-term ice age trend of the early seventies. I doubt many of my caps-lock emailers are aware of the formerly imminent ice age. It was in Newsweek and the New York Times, and it produced the occasional bestseller. But, unlike today's carbon panic, it wasn't everywhere; it wasn't, in every sense, the air that we breathe. Unlike Al Gore's wretched movie, it wasn't taught in schools. TV networks did not broadcast during children's time apocalyptic public service announcements that in any other circumstance would constitute child abuse. Unlike today, where incoming mayors announce that as their first act in office they're banning bottled water from council meetings, ostentatious displays of piety were not ubiquitous. It was not a universal pretext for recoiling from progress: back in the seventies, upscale municipalities that now obsess about emissions standards of hot-air dryers were busy banning garden clotheslines on aesthetic grounds. There were no fortunes to be made from government grants for bogus "renewable energy" projects. Unlike Al Gore, carbon billionaire, nobody got rich peddling ice offsets. The man with the sandwich board announcing the end of the world on Jan. 7 is usually unfazed when he wakes up on the morning of Jan. 8. He realigns the runes, repaints the sign, and reschedules Armageddon for May 23. The rest of us, on the other hand, scoff.
But not with this crowd. First it was the new ice age. Then it became global warming. Now it's "climate change." If it's hot, that's climate change. If it's cold, that's climate change. If it's 54 and partly sunny with a 30 per cent chance of mild precipitation in the afternoon, you should probably pack emergency supplies and head for higher ground because global milding is rampaging out of control, and lack of climate change is, as every scientist knows, the defining proof of climate change.
Indeed, our response to climate change can itself cause climate change that manifests itself in lack of climate change. A couple of days back, the Guardian ran the following story: "The hole in the earth's ozone layer has shielded Antarctica from the worst effects of global warming until now."
Remember the ozone layer? It was all the rage back in the old days. It was caused by spray-on deodorants, apparently. So we packed 'em in, and switched over to roll-on deodorants. And, because we forswore the sinful spraying of armpits, the hole began to heal. Which is tough on the Antarctic ice cap. Because the only reason it isn't melting is because the ozone hole isn't fully closed up. Once it is, more hot air will remain trapped and melt the ice. It may be time to start spraying your armpit hair again.
Why did "climate change" remain the boutique scare-story of a few specialists last time round, and gain global traction this time round? In the Spectator, Maurizio Morabito puts it this way: "Is the problem with the general public, who cannot talk about climate except in doom-laden terms, and for whom the sky is the last animist god?"
That last part explains a lot. Forty years ago conventional religious belief was certainly in decline in what we once knew as Christendom, but the hole was not yet ozone-layer sized. Once the sea of faith had receded far from shore, the post-Christian West looked at what remained and found "Gaia." Not long ago, in Burlington, Vt., I got into a somewhat heated discussion about global warming with a lady who accused me of ignoring "science." She then drove away in a car with the bumper sticker "THE EARTH IS YOUR MOTHER." In Quebec City for the Summit of the Americas in 2001, I sought a breather from the heady scent of Sûreté du Québec tear gas and idled away half an hour among a display of brassieres promoting "sustainable development." One (a 54D, as I recall) read "THE EARTH IS MA MÈRE." In flagrant breach of Quebec's Bill 101, the francophone right cup was not twice the size of the anglophone left cup. If the earth is our mother, who are we to dictate to the goddess? As Lord Monckton pointed out to that Norwegian CO2-head, we've had climate change for four billion years. But now apparently there is an ideal state that Ma Mère has to be maintained in. A belief in a garden of Eden which man through sin has despoiled sounds familiar. But this time we get to pick. Not the Medieval Warm Period that causes the "scientific consensus" such problems, and not presumably the bucolic state the planet was in when Canada was 150 feet under ice, but some pristine condition somewhere in between.
When man was made in the image of God, he was fallen but redeemable. Gaia's psychologically unhealthy progeny are merely irredeemable. Anti-humanism is everywhere, not least in the barely concealed admiration for China's (demographically disastrous) "One Child" policy advanced by everyone from the National Post's Diane Francis to David Attenborough, the world's leading telly naturalist but also a BBC exec who once long ago commissioned the great series The Ascent of Man. If Sir David's any guide, the great thing about man's ascent is it gives him a higher cliff to nosedive off.
Very few sciences could survive being embraced as a religion. Imagine the kind of engineering or math you'd get if it also had to function as a "faith tradition."
Which is where we came in, with Matt Ridley's observations about pseudo-science. The latest blow to Mann's "hockey stick" is not terribly important in the scheme of things: The IPCC and most of the other climate alarmists who seized upon Mann's graph so eagerly at the turn of the century have spent the last decade backing away from it. But the ideological groupthink that led them to embrace Mann's "sh*tty" science (as Professor Wallace Broecker calls it) remains. Jo Nova:
I've always thought it spoke volumes that many tree ring proxies ended in 1980, as if we'd cut down the last tree to launch the satellites in 1979. We all know that if modern tree rings showed that 1998 was warmer than 1278, the papers would have sprung forth from Nature, been copied in double page full-fear features in New Scientist, and would feature in the IPCC logo too.
Ponder that the MBH98 study was so widely cited, repeated, and used ad nauseum. It was instrumental in shaping the views of many policy makers, journalists, and members of the public, most of whom probably still believe it. The real message here is about the slowness of the scientific community to correct the problems in this paper...
The obvious message is that these particular proxies don't work now and probably never did, and that this hockeystick shape depends on not using tree rings after 1980.
More important than the details of one proxy, is the message that the modern bureaucratized monopolistic version of "science" doesn't work. Real scientists, who were really interested in the climate, would have published updates years ago.

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