Ferguson grand jury makes decision; announcement tonight


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
The channel is showing archived videos. Send him a PM if you don't believe when he said it was a provocateur who stole his video phone.

I am sure he DID say that. He has an agenda. He's there to make the cops look bad and WAALAAA he gets his phone swiped by one of the people he's there trying to help.

He looks like an idiot filming... he looks like an idiot getting his iPhone swiped... now he looks like an even bigger idiot by claiming it was an Agent Provocateur.

You had to have heard the exchange at the end of the video. Didn't you?

I have no intention of PMing him... I'm talking to his clone right now.

The channel is showing archived videos..

Of course it's showing archives.

The Dude got his phone jacked by a "Ferguson" resident.

How clutch is that! How freaking poetic!


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
Neither did the grand jury. Apparently prosecutors are supposed to make them.

I listened to an interview with Officer Wilson after the decision.

He was the type of individual you often see in uniformed bureaucracies... extremely literal and practical, not given to empathy or flexibility.. often with an inflated sense of missionary duty against some demonized 'outsiders'.

Unfortuately, more commensurate and resourceful approaches to dealing with situations, minimizing the need for force, which might have resolved this before it spiralled out of control.. are not taught. In fact are openly discouraged in hiring profiles and training.

This was failure of leadership, and systemic culture. Both Wilson and Brown just got caught up in established stereotypes and confrontational roles of resolving them.. with tragic results.
Last edited:


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
btw darren wilson is 6'4 220lbs, not exactly a small guy.

Still not as big as 292lbs..



Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
I am sure he DID say that. He has an agenda. He's there to make the cops look bad and WAALAAA he gets his phone swiped by one of the people he's there trying to help.

He looks like an idiot filming... he looks like an idiot getting his iPhone swiped... now he looks like an even bigger idiot by claiming it was an Agent Provocateur.

You had to have heard the exchange at the end of the video. Didn't you?

I have no intention of PMing him... I'm talking to his clone right now.

Of course it's showing archives.

The Dude got his phone jacked by a "Ferguson" resident.

How clutch is that! How freaking poetic!

I told you - I wish watching that video LIVE as it happened. People next to him said later on when he used his second phone that it was a provocateur. Don't be fooled by the use of the N word as that is a tactic used by the government to distract people from the source of these troubles. See my earlier posts for proof.


How the rest of the world sees Ferguson:

How the rest of the world sees Ferguson - The Washington Post


Spiegel Online, a centrist, left-leaning publication, discussed Ferguson with Marcel Kuhlmey, an academic who studies police reactions. Kuhlmey told the site that in Germany, “weapons are the last resort, but in the U.S. police officers make use of them much faster” and went on to say that the “last time the German police owned assault rifles [which are being used in Ferguson] was during the Cold War.” The expert concluded that police officers “would never proceed like this in Germany."

These criticisms echo those found in the media of other U.S. allies. Le Figaro – the main conservative voice of Germany’s neighbor France – focused less on the remaining racial tensions in the United States than on “the excessive militarization of the police forces." Despite its right-leaning editorial stance, Le Figaro predicts repercussions for the Republican Party “which may be felt for a long time and even cost the GOP the next presidential elections.” El Mundo, a right-wing Spanish newspaper, writes that Obama's "words of peace and reconciliation are perceived by many activists as inadequate and almost treason to a situation they see as a direct result of slavery and racial segregation laws that were in force until 1965."

Meanwhile in Russia, a country with a far more negative view of the United States, Ferguson has become a major news story. As our Moscow-based colleague Karoun Demirjian writes, the riots in Ferguson "provide an opportunity, in this era of sanctions and new Cold War-style sentiments, to accuse America of being a giant hypocrite." Russian state television has ominously warned Obama that the problem may soon become national. Russia Today, a state-funded English-language news network that portrays itself as showing views more mainstream Western outlets wouldn't publish, has covered the riots extensively. One popular Russian Web site has labeled Ferguson's crisis as "AfroMaidan" and says that Americans have "prejudice towards African-Americans … in their blood.”

This is precisely what I have written here enough times - the USA has absolutely no goddamn business being involved in the affairs of other countries when it cannot solve its own problems. That, in fact, foreign wars serve to distract us from ever solving our problems. Things will only get worse (while elites profit) as people stupidly insist that we must make more war with ISIS, Syria, the Russians, and everyone else.



Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
I told you - I wish watching that video LIVE as it happened. People next to him said later on when he used his second phone that it was a provocateur. Don't be fooled by the use of the N word as that is a tactic used by the government to distract people from the source of these troubles. See my earlier posts for proof.

He got jacked by a Ferguson resident and it's all on his iPhone6.

I never thought you to be a conspiracy theorists. A liberal yes, but a truther, etc. No.

At any rate... he got his phone stolen by one of the locals and it is on film. And he told the other resident he got it from "some N**"


kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
Yeah so where is the "Justice" for the store keeper who was robbed then looted by these thugs??

All dee way from Pakistan for dis ?


Looter 1: " So, bro, you know dis Brown woo gots shoot ?

Looter 2: " Who?"


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
I told you - I wish watching that video LIVE as it happened. People next to him said later on when he used his second phone that it was a provocateur. Don't be fooled by the use of the N word as that is a tactic used by the government to distract people from the source of these troubles. See my earlier posts for proof.

This is precisely what I have written here enough times - the USA has absolutely no goddamn business being involved in the affairs of other countries when it cannot solve its own problems. That, in fact, foreign wars serve to distract us from ever solving our problems. Things will only get worse (while elites profit) as people stupidly insist that we must make more war with ISIS, Syria, the Russians, and everyone else.
You should know as well as I do this is not a problem, it's a solution, just not for the people. Either this civil war happens or the lids swing. The3 lids don't want to swing hence the carnage is set in motion and the lids watch it on TV and laugh. A foolproof design, the people will wait too long. The rest of the world ain't been blinded by decades of bullsh sh**it...


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
He got jacked by a Ferguson resident and it's all on his iPhone6.

I never thought you to be a conspiracy theorists. A liberal yes, but a truther, etc. No.

At any rate... he got his phone stolen by one of the locals and it is on film. And he told the other resident he got it from "some N**"


As for "truth" or truthers, I do believe you commented on my past posts about Tower Seven which miraculously fell to the ground without being touched.



Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Ignorant people, just plain ignorant.
You know there's a word for that right?


Hey Gopher... I thought you'd like this. It is an article of THAT guy getting his phone swiped and the thief leaves it on while he makes his escape.

You've got to watch it to the end when he explains that he just got an iPhone6... and WHO he got it from.

VIDEO: Ferguson Protestor Has Phone Stolen--While Live-Streaming Riot

I wonder if half of these people even know why they are being idiots.
Fish don't know they're wet.

who the hell after robbing a store, walks on the middle of the road, then when a police officer shows up and tells him to walk on the sidewalk says "**** what you have to say", slams the door on the officer when he tries to get out of his vehicle, then punches at him, then hands off the stolen goods he robbed to his friend, so he can get a better punch off.. THEN, tells the officer he's too much of a ***** to shoot him when he sees him reaching for his gun...

hahaha my bull**** meter just exploded with the power of 1000 tsar bombs

not to mention every witness contradicted that bull**** story...
You are without a doubt, an idiot.

I've got some magical fairy dust I'd like to sell you.
And it looks like you've snorted it all.

Yeah so where is the "Justice" for the store keeper who was robbed then looted by these thugs??

F*ckin cracke... oh wait.

Blowing out anothers' candle does not make yours shine any brighter.
Nope, but it means they can be left behind stumbling around in the dark, unable to do any real damage.

Consider it a public service.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
You obviously missed my reply in which I mentioned having watching it live and exchanges comments with the presenter and people who were next to him as it happened.
You have obviously mistaken me for someone who gives a crap about your fantasies.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
The Wilson case was rigged in his favour. Micheal Brown was just a tool, like a starters pistol. The race is on now and obviously so, and nation wide, I expect increased incidents like this of increased violent nature as the economy flounders.