Ferguson grand jury makes decision; announcement tonight


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
Oh you're a liberal for sure. Confused and being an Alex Jones fan you seem even more out there than I thought. I googled the guy... he's a 9/11 Truther as well!

Didn't actually say I was a fan of his Eagle but I go agree with him every once in a while - his shows on 9/11 were very thought provoking, that's for sure.

But since you are such a fan of TP's I thought you would love him like they do.

Am watching LA street protests tonight. Rally in Minneapolis was largely peaceful today - hopefully will stay that way.

By the way, I have yet to see any forum right winger here affirm these protesters right to keep and bear arms just like the TPs. Why the silence??


Am also watching live Ferguson stream - cop car was overturned by masked men. Then one of them put something into the car and receded into the crowd before it exploded into a fire. Obviously he was a provocateur.

Live Streaming 2 | FOX2now.com


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
I wonder if half of these people even know why they are being idiots.


Dark Overlord
May 29, 2007
LOL -1 from WalMart.. :lol:

Hey, they are raiding and burning a WalMart.. now you can get mad Walter..

I wonder. How long before they decide to call them by their real names. They aren't protesters after all. They are LOOTERS!

I wonder what their justification is? How many of them actually think that looting a store is going to change things for the better? Oh wait. They have no justification. They are just a bunch of thugs and criminals that decided that joining real protesters would be a good shield for their true motives.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Didn't actually say I was a fan of his Eagle but I go agree with him every once in a while - his shows on 9/11 were very thought provoking, that's for sure.

But since you are such a fan of TP's I thought you would love him like they do.

It seems like you ... a liberal conspiracist ... are the one watching him.

By the way, I have yet to see any forum right winger here affirm these protesters right to keep and bear arms just like the TPs. Why the silence??

The last time you brought this up your post was laughed off the forum. Because conservatives in here said everyone had the right to keep and bear arms within the laws.

Am also watching live Ferguson stream - cop car was overturned by masked men. Then one of them put something into the car and receded into the crowd before it exploded into a fire. Obviously he was a provocateur.

It was COINTELPRO Gopher. Only Agent Provocateurs have the knowledge and desire to burn a cop car, steal an iPhone6, and loot. The rioters in Ferguson would never do this.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
By the way, I have yet to see any forum right winger here affirm these protesters right to keep and bear arms just like the TPs. Why the silence??

Come to think of it Gopher... we didn't debate the benefits of having a fake Christmas tree over a real one.

Why the silence?

On my many trips to the Western U.S. years ago I found Americans to be a friendly, compassionate and law abiding people. Apparently much different from the modern day f**kers living to the east who seem to think that to protest one has to cause mayhem and break things. Not everything in the world is right but you don't correct it by being an A$$hole!:)

I was talking about the Americans I met in Wash. Ore. Nev. etc. and I was referring to the trouble makers in Ferguson MO. I didn't think that was hard to understand!:icon_smile:

These people in Oregon?

Portland:protester punches white bystander; cop called gay slurs - EAGnews.org


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
I didn't see a case for charging the officer.

I will say this though, there is a mentality of arrogance and licence that has infected many police forces in the States and beyond. An 'us or them' mentality in training and attitude that makes cases like this all but inevitable.

Situations are ratcheted up and inflamed in the assumption of the worst of intentions.. rather than diffused with a little street diplomacy and flexibility. The latter used to be seen as a sign of good police work, now, in many departments it's the toughest bully on the force that gets the praise and promotions.

The officer, as far as i could see, complied with the letter of the law in the confrontation.. and ignored the spirit of good police work.
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the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
I wonder. How long before they decide to call them by their real names. They aren't protesters after all. They are LOOTERS!

I wonder what their justification is? How many of them actually think that looting a store is going to change things for the better? Oh wait. They have no justification. They are just a bunch of thugs and criminals that decided that joining real protesters would be a good shield for their true motives.
Looting and arson are easy to start once you turn it on you can go back to the office 52 foot air conditioned trailor and play video games.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
If those folks could only figure out that they are being used by the likes of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton....

Hell Soit-disant "smart" left winger are being bamboozled, so you can't blame the Black folks too much!


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
I didn't see a case for charging the officer.

I will say this though, there is a mentality of arrogance and licence that has infected many police forces in the States and beyond. An 'us or them' mentality in training and attitude that makes cases like this all but inevitable.

Situations are ratcheted up and inflamed in the assumption of the worst of intentions.. rather than diffused with a little street diplomacy and flexibility. The latter used to be seen as a sign of good police work, now, in many departments it's the toughest bully on the force that gets the praise and promotions.

The officer, as far as i could see, complied with the letter of the law in the confrontation.. and ignored the spirit of good police work.
fully agree

I wonder. How long before they decide to call them by their real names. They aren't protesters after all. They are LOOTERS!

I wonder what their justification is? How many of them actually think that looting a store is going to change things for the better? Oh wait. They have no justification. They are just a bunch of thugs and criminals that decided that joining real protesters would be a good shield for their true motives.
I would be surprised if these were even townies and if they have any interest in the case at all...they saw an opportunity for possible violence and free goods...they went for it


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
New York Times Publishes Details on Where Newlywed Ferguson Officer Lives

Angering fellow journalists and the public alike, The New York Times published details on the residence of Darren Wilson, the Ferguson, Mo., police officer whom a grand jury declined to indict for the shooting death of 18-year-old Michael Brown.

The newspaper posted an article Monday on Wilson’s marriage to a fellow Ferguson police officer, Barbara Spradling. Near the end, the article by reporters Julie Bosman and Campbell Robertson specified the street and city where the newlyweds reside.

“Officer Wilson and Officer Spradling own a home together on _______ in _________, Mo., a St. Louis suburb about a __-hour drive from Ferguson,” the article read.

The Daily Signal has removed the street, city and number of hours from the text.

fukkin' trolls

Disbelief: NYT Publishes Details on Home of Ferguson Officer


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
I see Officer Wilson moving far away from the St. Louis area. Somewhere sunny and warm.

Maybe writing a book.