Ferguson grand jury makes decision; announcement tonight


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Is that Dillion Taylor kid even white? Haha. To the little bit I've just read on the story it seems both the cop and kid were Latino. Keep riding that fail boat B00mer.

Darren Wilson's story is unbelievable and anyone who would believe it without second thought has some sort of agenda, like a racist agenda perhaps.. like you're a racist piece of garbage maybe? ...
As white as Zimmerman?


Time Out
Oct 23, 2011
it doesn't really matter, black cops killing white kids is so much more rarer and more likely to have been legitimate.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
The guy with an avatar of a racist, murdering, homophobe calling others racist!



Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
who the hell after robbing a store, walks on the middle of the road, then when a police officer shows up and tells him to walk on the sidewalk says "**** what you have to say", slams the door on the officer when he tries to get out of his vehicle, then punches at him, then hands off the stolen goods he robbed to his friend, so he can get a better punch off.. THEN, tells the officer he's too much of a ***** to shoot him when he sees him reaching for his gun...

hahaha my bull**** meter just exploded with the power of 1000 tsar bombs

not to mention every witness contradicted that bull**** story...

you're an idiot. read witness # 10 testimony. page 4 here for you to find it easily. it's even highlighted in yellow m'kay.

Interview Witness 10


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
who the hell after robbing a store, walks on the middle of the road, then when a police officer shows up and tells him to walk on the sidewalk says "**** what you have to say", slams the door on the officer when he tries to get out of his vehicle, then punches at him, then hands off the stolen goods he robbed to his friend, so he can get a better punch off.. THEN, tells the officer he's too much of a ***** to shoot him when he sees him reaching for his gun...

hahaha my bull**** meter just exploded with the power of 1000 tsar bombs

not to mention every witness contradicted that bull**** story...

Stop making sh!t up. Next you claim that Agent Provocateurs started the riots.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
Michael Brown's stepfather consoled the dead teen's distraught mother after Monday's controversial grand jury announcement and then turned to the crowd of demonstrators, saying, "Burn this motherf---er down" and "Burn this bitch down," according to a New York Times video. The comments by Brown's stepfather, Louis Head, came shortly before an eruption of rage by some protesters over the decision not to indict police Officer Darren Wilson in the August shooting death of 18-year-old Brown in Ferguson, Missouri.
A row of businesses on West Florissant Avenue, a major thoroughfare in the St. Louis suburb, was engulfed in flames Monday night. Police cars and vehicles at a nearby dealership were turned into fireballs. There were so many blazes that firefighters couldn't reach every one.
In The New York Times video, Brown's mother, Lesley McSpadden, is visible in the crowd Monday night in Ferguson.
Crump: Brown family overwhelmed by emotion
McSpadden speaks to the crowd briefly, saying she has lived in the community her whole life and never experienced anything like this.
"I don't do nothing to nobody," she said, crying uncontrollably and placing her hands over her face. Head comforts her before his outburst.
Shouts of "F--- the police" can be heard from the crowd.
CNN is trying to reach Head for comment.
His words were markedly different than those of Michael Brown Sr., who recorded a public service announcement last week, saying that "destroying property is not the answer."
And Monday night the family released a written statement that read, in part: "We respectfully ask that you please keep your protests peaceful. Answering violence with violence is not the appropriate reaction. Let's not just make noise, let's make a difference."
St. Louis Alderman Antonio French told CNN Tuesday that he was nearby when Head made the statements.
"I think he was expressing a sentiment that a lot of folks in that crowd felt and when he said those words, the mood did change and things got a little bit out of control," French said. "There is such anger and emotion around this case."
But French questioned what he said was the "incredibly poor choice" by authorities to announce the grand jury's decision at night. He said there were no police officers or National Guardsmen patrolling one of the hardest-hit stretches on West Florissant Avenue.
At a news conference Tuesday, an attorney for the Brown family, Benjamin Crump, said the Times video captured the couple's "desperation and frustration" over the grand jury decision not to indict Wilson.
Crump said videotaped remarks by Michael Brown's stepfather were inappropriate. But Crump said not to condemn him for being human.
"God forbid your child was killed ... and then they get that just devastating announcement in the manner it was announced, and somebody put a camera in your face," he said. "What would be your immediate reaction?"
The family "understands we all have a responsibility to protect the community," Crump said.
"Nobody is going to condone violence," he said.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Breaking stuff and stealing has never improved any situation!:)