Ferguson grand jury makes decision; announcement tonight


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
EagleSmack; said:
It seems like you ... a liberal conspiracist ... are the one watching him.

The last time you brought this up your post was laughed off the forum. Because conservatives in here said everyone had the right to keep and bear arms within the laws.

It was COINTELPRO Gopher. Only Agent Provocateurs have the knowledge and desire to burn a cop car, steal an iPhone6, and loot. The rioters in Ferguson would never do this.

I only watch him once in a while, Eagle. Fox network talks conspiracy such as Benghazi more than anyone else. As a regular viewer you know that.

As for arms, are you saying that yes the people protesting in Ferguson should be armed to the teeth just like the TP?

COINTELPRO - we all know about that especially since you are ever so open minded and have looked up the links I gave you, right? ;)



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
As soon as race is brought into these issues, credibility goes out the window. Wrong doing has nothing to do with colour of skin!:)


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
The riots are purposely being fueled to draw attention away from the real looting on Wall Street. Governments love emotional issues because reason and logic fly out the window. Ferguson is there to cover up the real crimes being committed against America. People can't see past their noses.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
The riots are purposely being fueled to draw attention away from the real looting on Wall Street. Governments love emotional issues because reason and logic fly out the window. Ferguson is there to cover up the real crimes being committed against America. People can't see past their noses.

Sorry Cliffy, can't agree with you there! There's no rhyme, reason or valid thinking in this bullsh*t, just small minds acting on impulse. It's good to support the "underdog" after it's determined he isn't an a$$hole


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.

November 26, 2014

The riot in Ferguson reminds me, I hate criminals, but I hate liberals more
. They planned this riot. They stoked the fire, lied about the evidence and produced a made-to-order riot.

Every other riot I've ever heard of was touched off by some spontaneous event that exploded into mob violence long before any media trucks arrived. This time, the networks gave us a countdown to the riot, as if it were a Super Bowl kickoff.

From the beginning, Officer Darren Wilson's shooting of Michael Brown wasn't reported like news. It was reported like a cause.

The media are in a huff about the prosecutor being "biased" because his father was a cop, who was shot and killed by an African-American. What an assh@le!

Evidently, the sum-total of what every idiot on TV knows about the law is Judge Sol Wachtler's 20-year-old joke that a prosecutor could "indict a ham sandwich." We're supposed to be outraged that this prosecutor didn't indict the ham sandwich of Darren Wilson.

Liberals seem not to understand that they don't have a divine right to ruin someone's life and bankrupt him with a criminal trial, just so they're satisfied.

The reason most grand jury investigations result in an indictment is that most grand juries aren't convened solely to patronize racial mobs. Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon was basically demanding an indictment of Wilson before Big Mike's body was cold. It was only because of racial politics that this shooting wasn't dismissed without a grand jury, at all.

Obama says anger is an "understandable reaction" to the grand jury's finding. Why? And why -- as almost everyone is saying -- are we supposed to praise the "peaceful protests"?

There's nothing to protest! A cop shot a thug who was trying to kill him. The grand jury documents make perfectly clear that Big Mike was entirely responsible for his own death. Can't the peaceful protesters read?

The night of the riot, Obama said the law "often feels as if it is being applied in discriminatory fashion." Maybe, but not in this case -- except toward Officer Wilson.

I know liberals were hoping they had finally found the great white whale of racism, but they're just going to have to keep plugging away. They might want to come up with a more productive way to spend their time, inasmuch as they're about 0:100 on white racism sightings.

Anyone following this case has seen the video of Big Mike robbing a store and roughing up an innocent Pakistani clerk about 10 minutes before being shot by Officer Wilson. They've seen him flashing Bloods gang signs in photos.

They know Brown's mother was recently arrested for clubbing grandma with a pipe over T-shirt proceeds. They've seen the video of Brown's ex-con stepfather shouting at a crowd of protesters after the grand jury's decision: "Burn this bitch down!"

Liberals will say none of that is relevant in court, but apparently they don't think actual evidence is relevant either. It's certainly relevant in the court of public opinion that the alleged victims are a cartoonishly lower-class, periodically criminal black family.

TV hosts narrated the riot by saying it showed "the community" feels it's not being listened to. Only liberals look at blacks looting and say, See what white Americans made them do?

That's their proof of injustice -- look at how blacks are reacting! (While I don't approve of the looting part, I do approve of the whole throwing-bottles-at-CNN part.)

The looters aren't the community!

The community doesn't want black thugs robbing stores and sauntering down the middle of its streets. The community doesn't want to be assaulted by Big Mike. The community didn't want its stores burned down.

That community testified in support of Officer Darren Wilson. About a half-dozen black witnesses supported Officer Wilson's version of what happened. One was a black woman, who saw the shooting from the Canfield Green apartments. Crying on the stand, she said, "I have a child and that could have been my son."

And yet, she confirmed all crucial parts of Wilson's account. She said "the child" (292-pound Big Mike) never had his hands up and the cop only fired when "the baby" was coming at him. "Why won't that boy stop?" she asked her husband.

I always want to know more about the heroic black witnesses. They are put in a position no white person will ever be in and do the right thing by telling the truth -- then go into hiding from "the community" being championed by goo-goo liberals.

White people don't feel any obligation to defend some thug just because he's white. Only blacks are expected to lie on behalf of criminals of their own race.

But real heroism doesn't interest liberals. They only ooh-and-ahh over blacks with rap sheets. The only meaningful white racism anymore is the liberal infantilization of black people



Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
I really have avoided most of the Ferguson story but the odd thing I have heard make me wonder about the details.

A week or so after the shooting I heard there were 2 crackers who were working on some construction type project who witnessed Brown with his hands up yadda, yadda.

Not sure what became of those 2. And I just read this article on the St Louis Prosecutor...........

Robert McCulloch isn’t known to back down.

For decades, the St. Louis County prosecutor has been in the spotlight for everything ranging from his prosecution of Guns N’ Roses frontman Axl Rose to questions about his deep police roots. And for decades county voters have kept him in office.

On Friday, McCulloch faced calls from political foes to step aside in the investigation of the fatal shooting death of unarmed black teenager Michael Brown at the hand of a white police officer. State Sen. Jamilah Nasheed wrote a letter to McCulloch saying prior prosecutorial decisions and his heavy support of Steve Stenger in his defeat of St. Louis County Executive Charlie Dooley in this month’s Democratic primary scarred the black community.

In 2001, two undercover drug officers from Dellwood shot and killed two men on the parking lot of a Jack in the Box in north St. Louis County. The officers said the suspects, who had prior felony convictions for drug and assault offenses, tried to escape arrest and then drove toward the officers.

A subsequent federal investigation showed that the men were unarmed and that their car had not moved forward when the officers fired 21 shots and killed the suspects, Earl Murray and Ronald Beasley. The probe, however, also concluded that because the officers feared for their safety, the shootings were justified.

McCulloch didn’t prosecute the officers. He specifically drew the ire of defense lawyers and protesters, who had been holding demonstrations and threatened to block Highway 40,when he said of Murray and Beasley, “These guys were bums.”

After being criticized, McCulloch refused to back down, saying, “The print media and self-anointed activists have been portraying the two gentlemen as folk heroes and have been vilifying the police. I think it is important for the public to know that these two and others like them for years have spread destruction in the community dealing crack cocaine and heroin.”

Nasheed pointed to the Jack in the Box case in her letter: “Critically important, you must consider the potential consequences if you choose to not seek a special prosecutor. If you should decide to not indict this police officer, the rioting we witnessed this past week will seem like a picnic compared to the havoc that will likely occur, because the black community will never accept that there was an impartial investigation from your office.”

McCulloch’s opponents also point to his familial ties to law enforcement. McCulloch’s father, brother, nephew and cousin all served with St. Louis police; his mother was a clerk there.

McCulloch was 12 when his father, St. Louis police officer Paul McCulloch, was shot and killed July 2, 1964, in a gun battle with a kidnapper in the 2100 block of Dickson Street at the former Pruitt-Igoe public-housing complex. Witnesses said Paul McCulloch had just rounded the corner responding to the call when he was shot in the head by a fleeing kidnapper, Eddie Glenn.


St. Louis prosecutor has faced controversy for decades : News

Gil Scott Heron Was Wrong



Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Self flagellating liberals will never quit trying to find excuses for what happened in Ferguson......Can't defend Brown?......attack the prosecutor:roll:

Smart liberals are letting us listen to the crickets.............


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
As for arms, are you saying that yes the people protesting in Ferguson should be armed to the teeth just like the TP?

You see... this is why nobody really takes you serious.

The last time you brought stuff like this up you were pretty much laughed off the forum.

Now what part of my answer before did you not understand.

COINTELPRO - we all know about that especially since you are ever so open minded and have looked up the links I gave you, right? ;)

Did you see the link I left for you about that protestor getting his phone you were talking about. The one who said a cop stole it?

Did you see that the thief left the phone cam on and videoed his escape?

Did you hear the audio at the end?

Here it is again...


Sorry Cliffy, can't agree with you there! There's no rhyme, reason or valid thinking in this bullsh*t, just small minds acting on impulse. It's good to support the "underdog" after it's determined he isn't an a$$hole

That's your boy JLM!


Time Out
Oct 23, 2011
why you keep talking about his size, he was still 18. and Wilson's story still isn't close to believable.


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Besides, this still going on, the guy is worm bait.. people still talking about him?? Geeez.. I'll go back to my James Bondathon and MGM Movies..

why you keep talking about his size, he was still 18. and Wilson's story still isn't close to believable.

Who gives a fukk about his age.. he's a thug.. and now he's dead... GOOD RIDDANCE !!!!