No it doesn't, no matter how many times you cut it.
So, are you stating that it's only the emissions from a select demographic that are bad/evil/planet destroying then?... Are the CO2 emissions from the exhaust of a car more damaging than the CO2 emissions from burning wood in a Franklin stove?
.... I can see the carbon exchange getting really complicated now.
That said, it's not me 'cutting' anything, this is simple physics... I assume that you have some degree of faith in the study of physics
Five is still five in your world, I will assume. So why would you assert 5 less people emitting one tonne a year is more valid than 5 million people who all told emit 5 fewer tonnes per year? You're going to have to explain this logic.
5 less, eh? A whole 5 people out of 7 billion... Nothing like a wicked understating of the example to try and buoy a point.
Fact is, the pop is increasing at a very high rate... Quote whatever numbers you like, the fact is that the pop will hit a critical,
according to the Anthro GW/CC climate modelling where no amount of efficiency will offset the Armageddon to come.
Hell, the simple act of respiring O2 and expelling the evil CO2 will be enough to tip the scales under this model.
.... Yet, somehow, the
number of emitters has nothing to do with it
If it does to you, well that`s some really fuzzy logic.
What a massively ironic statement