Seniors and the generation spending gap


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
You're a hypocrite unless of course you are going to refuse the seniors grant when your turn comes! -:)

Well, at least you admit you're at the government trough. I would most definitely take the grant when my time comes. I would give the money to my kids. At issue is not whether you take the grant. At issue is the silly claims you make that you pay your own way. Clearly you don't. I understand that it's difficult for you to look yourself in the mirror and acknowledge that but it is what it is.

Federal tax credits for seniors and other tax considerations

Tax savings whether you need it or not.... Just because you deserve it


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.

I think we are all aware of the different forms taxes take. That's why it posted the link to the municipal tax break you get as a senior. Try try but your tax bill isn't even close to 50% of your income.

Oh, I see how it works- your tax burden is over 50% and mine isn't. And do you think for a minute when I was your age my taxes weren't equal to yours? Silly boy! You are such a hypocrite!

Well, at least you admit you're at the government trough. I would most definitely take the grant when my time comes. I would give the money to my kids. At issue is not whether you take the grant. At issue is the silly claims you make that you pay your own way. Clearly you don't. I understand that it's difficult for you to look yourself in the mirror and acknowledge that but it is what it is.

Federal tax credits for seniors and other tax considerations

Tax savings whether you need it or not.... Just because you deserve it

It's time you start seeing the light. First of all you have absolutely no idea just what I pay? Or perhaps Revenue Canada sends you copies of my receipts to charities every year. You should be very thankful for us older folks that snot nosed little bastards like yourself are on the gravy wagon and can spend half your summers on the golf course.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Oh, I see how it works- your tax burden is over 50% and mine isn't.
Well, at least we can agree on that

And do you think for a minute when I was your age my taxes weren't equal to yours?

Of course not. The cost of paying down the public debt was considerably less when you were my age because the public debt was considerably less. Remember? Your generation borrowed money like drunken sailors so you could have cheap stamps.

Silly boy! You are such a hypocrite!


It's time you start seeing the light. First of all you have absolutely no idea just what I pay? Or perhaps Revenue Canada sends you copies of my receipts to charities every year. You should be very thankful for us older folks that snot nosed little bastards like yourself are on the gravy wagon and can spend half your summers on the golf course.

I get to spend half my summers on the golf course because I've made smart decisions. Had it not been for the hundreds of billions of public debt I have to help pay off (thanks to you seniors) not to mention all the other seniors goodies, I could probably spend 75% of my summer on the course. I'm not complaining though. I'm merely offering a real perspective to offset your fantasy world. For what it's worth, I have no problems seeing my tax dollars go to help seniors, welfare recipients, aboriginals, farmers and other disadvantaged people. Not everybody can make smart decisions and/or stand on their own two feet. I just get a kick out of shining a light on the hypocrisy of those that have their snout firmly planted in the public trough and pretend that they don't
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Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Another way that the younger generations are getting screwed over by seniors through public policy is through supply and demand in housing.

The government creates programs that allow seniors to stay in their homes that they otherwise could not afford. Reduced down payment requirements (through CMHC) meant that more people were able to qualify for homes. This created a situation where there was a lower supply of homes and an increased demand. Anybody with a basic understanding of economics knows what that means. The seniors see the value of their homes increase while the young working folks have to pay for these government programs as well as the over inflated price of a house.

What do farmers get?

Lolz. You still haven't explained how firefighters have to spend money to get the firefighter tax credit. I understand you are mad because I made you look silly. I apologized for that. I'm not sure what else I can do


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Another way that the younger generations are getting screwed over by seniors through public policy is through supply and demand in housing.

The government creates programs that allow seniors to stay in their homes that they otherwise could not afford. Reduced down payment requirements (through CMHC) meant that more people were able to qualify for homes. This created a situation where there was a lower supply of homes and an increased demand. Anybody with a basic understanding of economics knows what that means. The seniors see the value of their homes increase while the young working folks have to pay for these government programs as well as the over inflated price of a house.

Lolz. You still haven't explained how firefighters have to spend money to get the firefighter tax credit. I understand you are mad because I made you look silly. I apologized for that. I'm not sure what else I can do
You never made me look silly it's all on you for lying.

You aren't using your own vehicle and burning your own gas, cellphone and time? Why do volunteers for other charities get tax credits?

Now please explain what farmers get or is this another lie like the "I run a renvo business" bullsh-t?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Of course not. The cost of paying down the public debt was considerably less when you were my age because the public debt was considerably less. Remember? Your generation borrowed money like drunken sailors so you could have cheap stamps.

I guess if you lie to yourself often enough you believe your bullsh*t. My generation DIDN'T borrow like drunken sailors, we basically saved until we could afford what we wanted. Sure we had mortgages, at one point paying 21% interest, but we also had to have a hefty down payment to qualify. Even back in the mid 80s after the interest rates plummeted I was paying about 12%. Anyway I'm done arguing with the likes of you who are so clever and generous and pure. Open your eyes, half the forum is laughing at you. And quit your f**king bullsh*t.

P.S. So I had "cheap stamps" to the tune of about $2 a year. -:) -:) -:) -:)


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
I guess if you lie to yourself often enough you believe your bullsh*t. My generation DIDN'T borrow like drunken sailors, we basically saved until we could afford what we wanted.

Don't be so silly JLM. Where do you think the 100s of billions of dollars of public debt came from? While you didn't personally borrow the money, you were quite happy to have the government borrow on your behalf so you could have all your government programs and have your kids pay for it.

Anyway I'm done arguing with the likes of you...

I'm not surprised. The truth can be pretty embarrassing sometimes. Just ask Petros.

....who are so clever and generous and pure. Open your eyes, half the forum is laughing at you. And quit your f**king bullsh*t.




Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.

This guy is just so entertaining, Petros- I pissed my pants three times in the past two hours, I've been laughing so hard. I wish he'd tell me where one can find these programs. We sure don't have them in Vernon. I pay about $200 quarterly for the drinking water program and several more bucks for the garbage and recycle program and then there is a parking program down town that costs a $ an hour. Then there's the charity program where strangers come to your door looking for money. -:)


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
You are going to have to leave the city.

The grant is available to qualified residents that pay property taxes to a municipality or the province in a*rural area.*


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Nice "hearing" from you Mowich! How's things in the Upper Canim? -:)

You are going to have to leave the city.

The grant is available to qualified residents that pay property taxes to a municipality or the province in a*rural area.*

I wonder if that's a scheme to get people out of the Lower Mainland. Probably a good thing in the long run. I would think just the cost of infrastructure to serve over 2 million people is strangling them.