Seniors and the generation spending gap


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Proving for all time your stupidity. whoever made that post in wiki does not know much.
My wife graduated from a Naturopathic college in Germany that was teaching medicine before Canada was even a country. Her job is dealing with food disorders. Mostly people that have given up on what the pil pushers peddle to them. your snake oil sales pitch for somebody else. Your religion is not backed up by science no matter how much you pretend it is.

Naturopathy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Naturopathic philosophy is based on a belief in vitalism and self-healing, and practitioners often prefer methods of treatment that are not compatible with evidence-based medicine. Naturopathic medicine is replete with pseudoscientific, ineffective, unethical, and possibly dangerous practices

Does your wife use a magic wand?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island your snake oil sales pitch for somebody else. Your religion is not backed up by science no matter how much you pretend it is.

Naturopathy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Does your wife use a magic wand?

You should try and find an intelligent source of information. Like listen to the adults on here.
What your link atempts to define as Naturopathy has little resemblence to what I see. Much like the pill pushers for Big Pharma have little connection to healing. Those are the real snakeoil salesmen and you have bought the whole supply. Enjoy

She doesn't use a wand but I am pretty sure she can cast spells if provoked.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
You should try and find an intelligent source of information. Like listen to the adults on here.
What your link atempts to define as Naturopathy has little resemblence to what I see. Much like the pill pushers for Big Pharma have little connection to healing. Those are the real snakeoil salesmen and you have bought the whole supply. Enjoy

She doesn't use a wand but I am pretty sure she can cast spells if provoked.'s hard to find an intelligent source explaining your religion.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Don't be silly JLM, government programs don't consist merely of the government handing out cheques. Have you ever stopped to consider how much you have benefitted form CMHC? Do you really think you paid the real cost of sending and recieving mail?


Yes, isn't it great?

You should quit talking through your hat. I've never in my life dealt with CMHC. Are we supposed to pay for sending the mail or receiving the mail? The mail I get is up to the sender, outside of half a dozen Xmas cards I probably send out about 5 things a year. And besides yapping about something you know nothing about you should maybe look at taking a course in spelling 3.

My grandmother used to go down to the grocery store and buy groceries on credit so lets not pretend.
So my parents used to too. So what's your point? Giving people credit for 30 days was a small price to pay for getting their business. Back in the 40s and 50s there were no credit cards, except maybe a revolving account at Eatons. I suppose if you were the mayor or the local brain surgeon some companies would let them run a tab.

It was much pretty easy to get credit years ago. It's not a new phenomenon.

It's about 20 times easier to get credit now than it was 50 years ago. About once a month at Super Store and Canadian Tire I get $20 bribes to sign up for their credit cards. Sadly I've found even for $20 it's not worth the hassle. Just the junk mail they generate drives you nuts. It's about time you started growing up, you're like a 12 year old child. Anyway I'm selfish and greedy and you're an A$$hole so we're about even!

How is it that everyone in the country benefits from these Gov't. programs except Cannuck?

Before you start denigrating alternative medicine, you might want to read up on the History of Richard Bloch. There's a lot of people walking the earth who are well today because of positive thinking and making up their mind they are going to get well - me included!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
That's all well and good...just as long as you folks pay the debt service on the bill we ran up.

I pay the service (interest) every month on the bill I ran up and I will look after it. It's got F/A to do with Cannuck and his ilk! -:)


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
You should quit talking through your hat. I've never in my life dealt with CMHC. Are we supposed to pay for sending the mail or receiving the mail? The mail I get is up to the sender, outside of half a dozen Xmas cards I probably send out about 5 things a year. And besides yapping about something you know nothing about you should maybe look at taking a course in spelling 3.
There you go being silly again. You don't have to deal directly with CMHC to reap benefits from having CMHC. Our education system benefits all Canadians including you ( even though you obviously didn't get a good education). Clearly it is not I that is "yapping" about things they know nothing about.

So my parents used to too. So what's your point?

That getting credit was easy long before my generation came along, contrary to your silly claims. Many times people were given credit far beyond 30 days (another of your fantasies)

It's about 20 times easier to get credit now than it was 50 years ago

Stop it JLM, you're killin' me. My grandma didn't have to qualify for credit at the grocery store. She just had to know the grocer. I'm a golfing buddy of the local grocer here and I don't even get the chance to qualify. No credit period.

It's about time you started growing up, you're like a 12 year old child. Anyway I'm selfish and greedy and you're an A$$hole so we're about even


How is it that everyone in the country benefits from these Gov't. programs except Cannuck?

You just keep getting sillier and sillier by the day. Of course I benefit from government programs. Some more than others. The difference between you and I is that I want to pay as we go. I would be embarrassed to reap the benefits of these programs while paying for them with borrowed money, all the while telling my kids I paid my own way. I guess I just have integrity.

Before you start denigrating alternative medicine, you might want to read up on the History of Richard Bloch. There's a lot of people walking the earth who are well today because of positive thinking and making up their mind they are going to get well - me included!

Calling it what it is, isn't denegrating it. Calling Christianity a religion isn't denegrating it. It's really not my fault if the members of the church can't see it's a church

I pay the service (interest) every month on the bill I ran up and I will look after it. It's got F/A to do with Cannuck and his ilk! -:)

My kids turn 18 in December. Unless you believe they should not have to pay taxes to cover national, provincial and municipal debts you are not "looking after the debts" you incurred. You are simply passing them on to future generations. The difference between you and I is that I can acknowledge that that is what is happening.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
There you go being silly again. You don't have to deal directly with CMHC to reap benefits from having CMHC. Our education system benefits all Canadians including you ( even though you obviously didn't get a good education). Clearly it is not I that is "yapping" about things they know nothing about.

That getting credit was easy long before my generation came along, contrary to your silly claims. Many times people were given credit far beyond 30 days (another of your fantasies)

Perhaps you forget that over 50% of my income every year goes for taxes (the break even day now is early in July). You are just plain f**king stupid.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Perhaps you forget that over 50% of my income every year goes for taxes

Don't be so silly. That would be the average taxpayer. You've already claimed to be lower income. Besides, my kids will pay the same tax as a senior without all the benefits received from the borrowed money. I'm prepared to pay extra tax so the younger generations arent saddled with my debts. Are you?

You are just plain f**king stupid.



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island

You sure can find all the quackery sites. Too bad none of your sources have a clue what they are talking about. Like you. In Germany Naturopaths have hospital privliges. Mostly just NA that is still mired in money based medicine. Many of us prefer to be healed rather than just take another happy pill.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
You sure can find all the quackery sites. Too bad none of your sources have a clue what they are talking about. Like you. In Germany Naturopaths have hospital privliges. Mostly just NA that is still mired in money based medicine. Many of us prefer to be healed rather than just take another happy pill.



Perhaps you forget that over 50% of my income every year goes for taxes (the break even day now is early in July). You are just plain f**king stupid.

Seniors - Home Owner Grant


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Don't be so silly. That would be the average taxpayer. You've already claimed to be lower income. Besides, my kids will pay the same tax as a senior without all the benefits received from the borrowed money. I'm prepared to pay extra tax so the younger generations arent saddled with my debts. Are you?


Again, your ignorance is coming through loud and clear. Income tax is just one of over 50 taxes that I pay.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Again, your ignorance is coming through loud and clear.
Income tax is just one of over 50 taxes that I pay.

I think we are all aware of the different forms taxes take. That's why it posted the link to the municipal tax break you get as a senior. Try try but your tax bill isn't even close to 50% of your income.