Seniors and the generation spending gap


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Don't worry folks, I spent the summer in Europe with my family, replaced my old pool with a lovely bigger new one, and I just love my brand new red car with the cream leather interior. (OMG I sound like Hyacinthe Bucket LOL) Oh and I leave for the winter as soon as the guys are finished putting in the new windows and I get my flower garden tucked in for the winter.

So, not only do I not have a guilt trip, I intend to enjoy every blessed thing about the great way things turned out.

All the power to you- take care and enjoy yourself!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
I guess if you lie to yourself often enough you believe your bullsh*t. My generation DIDN'T borrow like drunken sailors, we basically saved until we could afford what we wanted. Sure we had mortgages, at one point paying 21% interest, but we also had to have a hefty down payment to qualify. Even back in the mid 80s after the interest rates plummeted I was paying about 12%. Anyway I'm done arguing with the likes of you who are so clever and generous and pure. Open your eyes, half the forum is laughing at you. And quit your f**king bullsh*t.

P.S. So I had "cheap stamps" to the tune of about $2 a year. -:) -:) -:) -:)

Perhaps individually. But the governments of the day certainly borrowed lots to supply all the desired social programs. To a large extent this is still happening and my grandchildren will be paying for it. Harper has so far been the best defense against this binge spending and yet everytime he makes a minuscle cut to some useless program the left squeal like stuck pigs. Now what we really neec is to put the brakes on runawy local government squandering.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
He's not delusional. He's just really nappy wearing young.

Oooooooooooooh Twila- he's not going to like you very much! -:)

Perhaps individually. But the governments of the day certainly borrowed lots to supply all the desired social programs. To a large extent this is still happening and my grandchildren will be paying for it. Harper has so far been the best defense against this binge spending and yet everytime he makes a minuscle cut to some useless program the left squeal like stuck pigs. Now what we really neec is to put the brakes on runawy local government squandering.

I have to fully agree with that Taxslave, but it's got much more to do with Gov'ts trying to get re- elected and create a bureaucracy for cronies than it has to do with me and my contemporaries' greed and selfishness. Our level of taxation never diminished through it all. Actually our generation was possibly the heaviest taxed of all times.


Council Member
Aug 9, 2008
Perhaps individually. But the governments of the day certainly borrowed lots to supply all the desired social programs. To a large extent this is still happening and my grandchildren will be paying for it. Harper has so far been the best defense against this binge spending and yet everytime he makes a minuscle cut to some useless program the left squeal like stuck pigs. Now what we really neec is to put the brakes on runawy local government squandering.
LOL...Like putting those brand new fighter planes into commission?? For what they cost to own and operate I feel we could have taken care of all our debt and had enough left over to help one or two of those struggling nations where terrorists are being produced at an alarming rate. There is a time where beaten down people, nations either die or get up and fight back.

At this point it is too late to reverse the anger and frustration of the emerging young nations, who have been taken advantage of, robbed blind and held hostage by the stronger and greedier countries. I personally feel, our taxes should go to Canadian social programs first, then to the poorer nations who need help to getting them on the pathway to prosperity. The world has more than enough to feed the world, but the delivery system does not exist to get it there. It would have been much better to help move the undeveloped societies into the twentieth century than to invade them for the assets they owned, rather than pay for them.

We are now paying a much higher price because some members of those societies, have not only pulled themselves into the scientific world but come into it with hate and revenge instead of what should have been gratefulness if we had lived up to our own stated values.


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
Oooooooooooooh Twila- he's not going to like you very much! -:)

That's ok. I don't think he comes here to be liked. I gather he comes here to pit his ideas against those of other people and see how it all comes out.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
That's ok. I don't think he comes here to be liked. I gather he comes here to pit his ideas against those of other people and see how it all comes out.

Yeah...............................if he was to change his ideas though, it would probably come out a whole lot better. -:)

LOL...Like putting those brand new fighter planes into commission?? For what they cost to own and operate I feel we could have taken care of all our debt and had enough left over to help one or two of those struggling nations where terrorists are being produced at an alarming rate. There is a time where beaten down people, nations either die or get up and fight back.

At this point it is too late to reverse the anger and frustration of the emerging young nations, who have been taken advantage of, robbed blind and held hostage by the stronger and greedier countries. I personally feel, our taxes should go to Canadian social programs first, then to the poorer nations who need help to getting them on the pathway to prosperity. The world has more than enough to feed the world, but the delivery system does not exist to get it there. It would have been much better to help move the undeveloped societies into the twentieth century than to invade them for the assets they owned, rather than pay for them.

We are now paying a much higher price because some members of those societies, have not only pulled themselves into the scientific world but come into it with hate and revenge instead of what should have been gratefulness if we had lived up to our own stated values.

I like some of your ideas. One problem we have is Gov'ts. are generally very poor at doing things and when they try invariably another bureaucracy is created. I've said it a thousand times.............Gov't should do two things enact and enforce legislation and be a watch dog. Put everything else out to the private sector. When there is competition to make money, efficiency improves.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
You spelled "bwaaahahaha" wrong.

I mean if you're going to emulate me, you may as well do a better job, And on that note, I rarely just post "lolz". But I wouldn't imagine an admittedly disadvantaged person, who admittedly doesn't understand people, such as yourself, would pick up on that.

But lolz all the same, lolz


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
That's ok. I don't think he comes here to be liked. I gather he comes here to pit his ideas against those of other people and see how it all comes out.

Actually, I come here fore entertainment. The fact is that people get all uppity when their cherished beliefs get challenged (ie: I paid my own way) and that can very entertaining to watch them try and justify their snout in the trough. You will notice that this thread has become all about me because nobody can actually refute the claims of the OP. The simple fact is that the seniors generation is the wealthiest generation in the history of this country and they don't really need all the handouts they get. Look, I get that it's easier to make believe I'm angry about it than to look in the mirror and admit, as a generation, you are greedy and don't care about your children and their children. That's why I find it so entertaining.

A post so nice, he quoted it twice, lolz.

At least he doesn't deny it, lolz



Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
The fact is that people get all uppity when their cherished beliefs get challenged (ie: I paid my own way) and that can very entertaining to watch them try and justify their snout in the trough.
Oh tell me about it, your excuses for suckling at the gov't teat is legendary, lolz.


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
Actually, I come here fore entertainment. The fact is that people get all uppity when their cherished beliefs get challenged (ie: I paid my own way) and that can very entertaining to watch them try and justify their snout in the trough. You will notice that this thread has become all about me because nobody can actually refute the claims of the OP. The simple fact is that the seniors generation is the wealthiest generation in the history of this country and they don't really need all the handouts they get. Look, I get that it's easier to make believe I'm angry about it than to look in the mirror and admit, as a generation, you are greedy and don't care about your children and their children. That's why I find it so entertaining.

You find it entertaining? You paint negative attributes to everyone here and you think you're being entertained by it?

Well I guess there's something to be said for being so easily entertained.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
I see you still don't get it, lolz


You find it entertaining? You paint negative attributes to everyone here and you think you're being entertained by it?.

Do you think everybody here is a senior that believes they made it all on their own and isn't benefiting from the current social programs and tax laws we have (that they get regardless of need)? If you do then I can add you to my list of entertaining posters. From my perspective there are lots of posters here I have nothing negative to say about. Ron in Regina, Toro, Karrie and Tonnington spring immediately to mind. Petro used to be one but he got mad at me for correcting him on some erroneous statements he made about tax credits. But again, you can make it about me if you choose. I dare say, it's a lot easier than defending the selfish behaviours of the senior's generation.

Kathie Bondar

Kathie Bondar
May 11, 2010
Calgary, Alberta
By your own admission you aren't. That would leave you lagging behind the rest of your generation. Too bad for you, you didn't make better choices. It's probably a bit humiliating I can only imagine.

You are right, society should not have seniors, let us get rid of them all and split all the moneys they are costing us, among ourselves. After that maybe we should march on to eliminate blacks, then the browns and the yellows, and enjoy our Utopia.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
You are right, society should not have seniors, let us get rid of them all and split all the moneys they are costing us, among ourselves. After that maybe we should march on to eliminate blacks, then the browns and the yellows, and enjoy our Utopia.

Don't be so silly.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
You spelled "bwaaahahaha" wrong.

I mean if you're going to emulate me, you may as well do a better job, And on that note, I rarely just post "lolz". But I wouldn't imagine an admittedly disadvantaged person, who admittedly doesn't understand people, such as yourself, would pick up on that.

But lolz all the same, lolz

The man's an idiot! -:)

You are right, society should not have seniors, let us get rid of them all and split all the moneys they are costing us, among ourselves. After that maybe we should march on to eliminate blacks, then the browns and the yellows, and enjoy our Utopia.

His mentality to a tee!


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
The man's an idiot! -:)
On some levels, yes.

When it comes to crying about getting personal, he takes the cake. He does it all the time, with his blanket bigoted generalizations, then wonders why he gets called out.

Which is where we see an area he lacks intelligence in.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Actually, I come here fore entertainment. The fact is that people get all uppity when their cherished beliefs get challenged (ie: I paid my own way) and that can very entertaining to watch them try and justify their snout in the trough. You will notice that this thread has become all about me because nobody can actually refute the claims of the OP. The simple fact is that the seniors generation is the wealthiest generation in the history of this country and they don't really need all the handouts they get. Look, I get that it's easier to make believe I'm angry about it than to look in the mirror and admit, as a generation, you are greedy and don't care about your children and their children. That's why I find it so entertaining.


You're a twit, I was going to explain it but you're too close minded to see anything but your own misconceptions. I can only speak for myself, I've earned enough to live comfortably in the traditional sense of three squares a day, a roof over our heads and some clothes to wear and a vehicle to drive and about 6 hours a week of recreation. I earned all of it, there were no handouts when I started. The wife got about $8 a month family allowance for the kids, a paltry kickback from income tax. I contributed to the pension and put a couple of bucks in R.R.S.P.s So if you don't f**king like it, stick it where the sun don't shine, A$$hole!

I see you still don't get it, lolz

You have to give him credit for changing his modus operandi.............he used to hand out a "red reps" for every post, and now he's graduated to "lolz", which proves an ability to both type and spell. -:) I think he's fully competent at a 5 I.Q. level.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
You have to give him credit for changing his modus operandi.............he used to hand out a "red reps" for every post, and now he's graduated to "lolz", which proves an ability to both type and spell. -:) I think he's fully competent at a 5 I.Q. level.
That's just his lack of imagination, and his love for me shining through.

He read where I explained what lolz means, felt hurt because of it and he's been running around posting it ever since.

You'll have to give him a pass on it, he's admitted to being troubled, if you get my drift.


Council Member
Aug 9, 2008

Do you think everybody here is a senior that believes they made it all on their own and isn't benefiting from the current social programs and tax laws we have (that they get regardless of need)? If you do then I can add you to my list of entertaining posters. From my perspective there are lots of posters here I have nothing negative to say about. Ron in Regina, Toro, Karrie and Tonnington spring immediately to mind. Petro used to be one but he got mad at me for correcting him on some erroneous statements he made about tax credits. But again, you can make it about me if you choose. I dare say, it's a lot easier than defending the selfish behaviours of the senior's generation.
I certainly hope you are preparing for your retirement. With the longer lifespan those social programs have given Canadians, you could be retired for 40 years. Whatever saving you put buy, it will not cover you until the end, particularly with all the young people demanding more money and lower hours per week....... and don't dare touch their retirement fund, wanting all post high school education paid for, and in some places, they want to be paid to go to school so where does that leave you in your retirement. LOL.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
. Ron in Regina, Toro, Karrie and Tonnington spring immediately to mind. Petro used to be one but he got mad at me for correcting him on some erroneous statements he made about tax credits. But again, you can make it about me if you choose. I dare say, it's a lot easier than defending the selfish behaviours of the senior's generation.

Well, you've named four out of hundreds, three of which are seldom if ever here! -:). Anyone (in my opinion) who denigrates an entire demographic is either stupid, arrogant or obnoxious (in my opinion) and most likely all three. -:) As for your kids tell them to quit their fricken' snivelling and grab some moxie and take advantage of a world that our generation worked hard to create for them. A little bit of gratitude can go a long way.

I certainly hope you are preparing for your retirement. With the longer lifespan those social programs have given Canadians, you could be retired for 40 years. Whatever saving you put buy, it will not cover you until the end, particularly with all the young people demanding more money and lower hours per week....... and don't dare touch their retirement fund, wanting all post high school education paid for, and in some places, they want to be paid to go to school so where does that leave you in your retirement. LOL.

If somebody doesn't shoot him! -:) -:) -:) -:)