Tell me this isn't wrong!!!!!

Should the Resturant be Boycotted?

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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
That's an interesting attitude.

Temporary doesn't automatically mean some bean picker from a third world nation.

In order to work in Canada and most other nations, you need to apply and pay for a Visa. There are many types of Visas but in regards to Temp Visas, you have a Work Visa and a Work/Holiday Visa.... and there's of course Work Permits.

Good post Praxius. One has to be open minded. I think the local patrons will sort this one out one way or the other.


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
Good post Praxius. One has to be open minded. I think the local patrons will sort this one out one way or the other.

They most likely will. Whether they sort it out with level heads of jump to conclusions, who's to say.... but keep in mind that while these two women are from the local community, the business and the "Brothers" are from the same community too. Gossip and information from both sides will get around soon enough.

You're going to have people from the community who will side with the women and you will have people from the community side with the employers and the business, because people know people and knew them for a while.

The problem here is that the people who are going to get the most flack are the temporary workers caught in the middle who are just trying to do their jobs and get paid like everybody else. The majority of temp workers are no different from anybody else and are decent people like some would hope the majority of fellow Canadians are decent people.

Temporary Foreign Workers are "Not Just" bean picking third world people (ie: refuges who arrived in some leaky boat with little education or english/french skills) Most who can afford the Visas and travel to Canada are from similar nations, like the UK, the US, EU, Australia, etc.... just because someone has a different accent and decided to come to Canada (or another country) to experience life in Canada like other Canadians and work to contribute to Canadian Society while they are here, that doesn't mean they're Evil.

One would think Canada is still a multicultural nation and most of us Canadians were not originally from Canada either.

My family came from Scotland and Ireland originally and for many generations, were born and raised in Canada. If one was to track my family's history as far back as one can go, my family can be tracked all the way back to Spain earlier than 800 BC..... now here I am, continuing my family's tradition and ventured to Australia, where I came on a Spousal Visa and now a Permanent Resident. Whether I go for Citizenship (thus Dual) or remain a Perm Resident, I don't know.
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
They most likely will. Whether they sort it out with level heads of jump to conclusions, who's to say.... but keep in mind that while these two women are from the local community, the business and the "Brothers" are from the same community too. Gossip and information from both sides will get around soon enough.

You're going to have people from the community who will side with the women and you will have people from the community side with the employers and the business, because people know people and knew them for a while.

The problem here is that the people who are going to get the most flack are the temporary workers caught in the middle who are just trying to do their jobs and get paid like everybody else. The majority of temp workers are no different from anybody else and are decent people like some would hope the majority of fellow Canadians are decent people.

Temporary Foreign Workers are "Not Just" bean picking third world people (ie: refuges who arrived in some leaky boat with little education or english/french skills) Most who can afford the Visas and travel to Canada are from similar nations, like the UK, the US, EU, Australia, etc.... just because someone has a different accent and decided to come to Canada (or another country) to experience life in Canada like other Canadians and work to contribute to Canadian Society while they are here, that doesn't mean they're Evil.

One would think Canada is still a multicultural nation and most of us Canadians were not originally from Canada either.

My family came from Scotland and Ireland originally and for many generations, were born and raised in Canada. If one was to track my family's history as far back as one can go, my family can be tracked all the way back to Spain earlier than 800 BC..... now here I am, continuing my family's tradition and ventured to Australia, where I came on a Spousal Visa and now a Permanent Resident. Whether I go for Citizenship (thus Dual) or remain a Perm Resident, I don't know.

You hit the nail on the head. -:)


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
According to Nelson, a staff meeting was called on March 4 where they were informed there would be a change in operations, and that she would be getting a letter outlining the reason, and the temporary foreign workers were to get a different letter. Her letter spelled out that due to the change in operations, all of the employees were being dismissed, but she found out later that some of the temporary foreign workers were rehired.

“I read the letter, and I was in shock. I had no questions at the time; after this many years as an employee, you’re not expecting this as something they have to do. I thought this is not going to be a problem,” said Nelson, noting she then worked out her last two weeks of employment.

The first change in her position came in January; her normal shift was from 4 p.m. to closing, but then her shift was shortened by an hour a day to 5 p.m. until closing.

“When I asked why, I was told the restaurant wasn’t busy enough to have two people on at 4, and the temporary foreign worker needed her 40 hours, so she was given the 4-to-closing shift,” said Nelson.

She was offered possible part-time hours working at banquets, but she said they know she would rather have her full-time position.
Jennison-Yung said when she received her letter, she went to one of her employers and demanded to know what was going on.

“I had a confrontation with one of my bosses and I ended up quitting. He basically told me I should go work somewhere else. Sandy was dismissed, and she worked out her last two weeks and was told to go on unemployment, and maybe in the future she might get some hours,” said Jennison-Yung. “I got into trouble with them when I questioned one of the bosses, ‘what was going on? Who’s going to be working my position?’”

She added both she and Sandy were longtime employees who were both told “we would always have a job there, we were family, and they couldn’t run the place without us. It was such a ridiculous situation, they were changing their business hours.”

She said she understood under the Temporary Foreign Worker program, they could only fill a position that could not be filled by a Canadian worker.

“They get 40 hours and they’re still employed, and we’re not,” said Jennison-Yung. “The only Canadians working there now are part-time; the only full-time positions are filled by foreign workers.”

Former workers claim unfair treatment | Local News | Weyburn Review, Weyburn, SK

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
IF this is any way true, the whole bloody book should be thrown at the owners and they should face a HEFTY fine! This is unconscionable The government needs to investigate this immediately!



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
IF this is any way true, the whole bloody book should be thrown at the owners and they should face a HEFTY fine! This is unconscionable The government needs to investigate this immediately!


Your concern is justified but to tell you the truth it's probably best if Gov't just keeps its nose out of it. The patrons can probably deal with it much better.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
she is not old enough to retire yet so that won't work here...

Who said anything about her having to retire?! Do you think you need to retire before you can start living entirely and comfortable of the state and federal government? Oh heck no!

You can be perfectly fit and healthy and decide not to work and the government will pay you.

I don't think it is too late for you's just gonna take about 10 times more effort since there is 10 times the pop... not to mention... our imports here usually leave after the work period...our weather sucks... pick the apples and head home

Perhaps not too late but you know what it will take... a GOP government.

That is what they USED to do perhaps. Not anymore from what I can see.

According to Nelson, a staff meeting was called on March 4 where they were informed there would be a change in operations, and that she would be getting a letter outlining the reason, and the temporary foreign workers were to get a different letter. Her letter spelled out that due to the change in operations, all of the employees were being dismissed, but she found out later that some of the temporary foreign workers were rehired.

Tay joins the Tea Party too!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Who said anything about her having to retire?! Do you think you need to retire before you can start living entirely and comfortable of the state and federal government? Oh heck no!

You can be perfectly fit and healthy and decide not to work and the government will pay you.

There's a few of us Canadians who have a little pride and don't want to impose an encumbrance upon our fellow Canadians. -:)


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
There's a few of us Canadians who have a little pride and don't want to impose an encumbrance upon our fellow Canadians. -:)

Which is admirable JLM. There are a few, becoming even fewer here that feel the same.

However as this business showed... it is the bottom line and the Canadians have been cast out and the foreign workers brought in. This is merely the beginning.

Fight it and you will be branded a racist.

Welcome to the Right folks!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Which is admirable JLM. There are a few, becoming even fewer here that feel the same.

However as this business showed... it is the bottom line and the Canadians have been cast out and the foreign workers brought in. This is merely the beginning.

Fight it and you will be branded a racist.

Welcome to the Right folks!

I'm not sure that racism enters into it. Canadians should get first crack at any job as long as they are competent and their work ethic is satisfactory. Unfortunately there are some jobs that most Canadians won't do and there is little choice but to import workers. Now I can see one more problem arising with that. A foreigner gets a job because there are no Canadians available. He performs the job for several months or years and then out of the blue a Canadian shows up and want the job. Should the foreigner be dismissed at this point? I don't think so.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Which is admirable JLM. There are a few, becoming even fewer here that feel the same.

However as this business showed... it is the bottom line and the Canadians have been cast out and the foreign workers brought in. This is merely the beginning.

Fight it and you will be branded a racist.

Welcome to the Right folks!
Their bottom line has already been hit. My bro in-law is their supplier and he HATES tfws. You can fill in the rest from here on out.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
I'm not sure that racism enters into it.

One would think. But alas... you will be branded as one. This is the beginning.

Canadians should get first crack at any job as long as they are competent and their work ethic is satisfactory.

LMAO... Good Luck! The door has been opened. Business owners are even flying them in from other countries. Now other businesses will need to do the same to compete.

Unfortunately there are some jobs that most Canadians won't do and there is little choice but to import workers.

Yeah... that is what they have been telling us down here for years. Soon they will be laborers, formers, etc. More jobs will be added to the list of jobs that Canadians don't want to do.

Now I can see one more problem arising with that. A foreigner gets a job because there are no Canadians available. He performs the job for several months or years and then out of the blue a Canadian shows up and want the job. Should the foreigner be dismissed at this point? I don't think so.

Have no worries... that won't be a problem. I assure you.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
One would think. But alas... you will be branded as one. This is the beginning.

LMAO... Good Luck! The door has been opened. Business owners are even flying them in from other countries. Now other businesses will need to do the same to compete.

Yeah... that is what they have been telling us down here for years. Soon they will be laborers, formers, etc. More jobs will be added to the list of jobs that Canadians don't want to do.

Have no worries... that won't be a problem. I assure you.
So, would it be fair to say that you're anti-business and anti-free trade, and support the government telling the owners of private businesses who they may and may not employ?


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
So, would it be fair to say that you're anti-business and anti-free trade, and support the government telling the owners of private businesses who they may and may not employ?

Let the chips fall where they may son. Bring the whole world to our shores! Bring them and invite their families along.

And you may try and fill another's mouth up with your words if you like too!

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Making sense of Canada’s middle-class distress debate: Walkom | Toronto Star

The government’s very interesting expansion of the temporary foreign worker program is already achieving results. From fast food joints to mining operations, employers are laying off Canadian workers in order to replace them with cheaper or more docile foreign help.
The Conservatives’ ultimate aim, presumably, is to drive down wages.

How about driving down some CEO wages - and while you're at it, make CEO's actually have some experience in the business they're directing


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Let the chips fall where they may son. Bring the whole world to our shores! Bring them and invite their families along.
Yep, that's free trade and business opportunity.

And you may try and fill another's mouth up with your words if you like too!
It was a question, unlike your responses to other people. If I was to frame it as a statement, it would be something like "EagleSmack is now in favour of more government regulation of private businesses, just like Diane Feinstein and Barney Frank."


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
I'm not sure that racism enters into it. Canadians should get first crack at any job as long as they are competent and their work ethic is satisfactory. Unfortunately there are some jobs that most Canadians won't do and there is little choice but to import workers. Now I can see one more problem arising with that. A foreigner gets a job because there are no Canadians available. He performs the job for several months or years and then out of the blue a Canadian shows up and want the job. Should the foreigner be dismissed at this point? I don't think so.
nope he can pick apples for the next crop but he should not displace someone although he would likely just be hired on as a he likely would be hired on without displaying anyone

Who said anything about her having to retire?! Do you think you need to retire before you can start living entirely and comfortable of the state and federal government? Oh heck no!

You can be perfectly fit and healthy and decide not to work and the government will pay you.

I doubt that a woman who has worked at the same establishment for over a quarter of a century would be happy living on welfare. But even if she was;

  • it's not a life of abundance that would be comfortable
  • she's got two years to work and then she is eligible for her pension


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
nope he can pick apples for the next crop but he should not displace someone although he would likely just be hired on as a he likely would be hired on without displaying anyone

I doubt that a woman who has worked at the same establishment for over a quarter of a century would be happy living on welfare. But even if she was;

  • it's not a life of abundance that would be comfortable
  • she's got two years to work and then she is eligible for her pension
Unless she has one helluva pension OAS and CPP pay less than welfare after you factor in the extended health coverage of weelfare.