Woman is the root cause of all of man’s and God’s woes.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Blackie, I seriously thought you were some retired, arthritic old guy in his late 70's to early 80's because you are so stodgy. I excused many of your opinions because I just thought of you as a throw back to many generations ago with the best of your years behind you. For someone so young, you'd best lighten up and live a bit or it's going to be one lonely, miserable, long life. If what you are saying is true regarding your age, you are young enough to be my kid not my grandfather. 8O I know people in their late 80's more open minded than you.

Blacky has 5 girlfriends that don't talk back.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
Mom used to make those. She would put differnt metal forms on the front of her hand crank meat grinder and instead of putting scrap meat in the top she'd put in cookie dough. I'd get to turn the crank and the machine would extrude the dough in the shape of the template. Mom would put the extrusions on the cookie sheet and into the oven the cookies would go. Thanks for triggering the memory.

Hey I remember something similar being in my house growing up. I remember my mum using it to grind up roast beef and onions and making amazing casseroles with it.


Electoral Member
Dec 18, 2012
age does allow an excuse for many things
Indeed, I remember my beloved grandmother who was always outspoken getting more and more outspoken the older she got. I had to laugh when she told me that she made it a point to swear around her youngest son, because he was such a prude and would think she made a habit of it. Then a couple of years before she died she told everyone that the same son was giving her a birthday party. So his sister told me "Mom is losing it", because there was no party planned (but of course now there was). "Losing it , like hell she wanted a birthday party and she got a birthday party". Yep she got away with a lot due to the excuse made that she was old and she knew it.

Unfortunately that doesn't work for me, the only thing I ever got out of being old was a youngster said "Oh isn't she cute", I remember saying that about a tiny ancient Navajo lady so I knew it meant "Oh isn't she so old that she is cute".


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Neither are women. When was the last time you and your girly mates all attended a self-control class?

Women are deformed men. And less intelligent on average, too.

You just clarified why British women are more into hand cream than sex.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
This topic has one small flaw the title. Gods wows come from a bunch of
men who can't control themselves. A bunch of secure men who feel they
have to control women cause they are scared as hell of them. A bunch of
hypocritical men cause they don't follow their own rules and and are not
strong enough to resist temptation so the women have to be kept down.
I am starting to wonder, in these relifious societies the take things to the
extreme who is the weaker sex here(tongue in cheek) the women who know
who they are or the men who might be afraid of what they are? Just askin'


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
The Pope centuries ago did have a wife Lucrezia Borgia was the end product and
that didn't work out too well. I think they might be mature enough to try it again


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Men and women have joint control of the human world despite what we might hear from the experts. Humanity can't exist any other way . It is an equal blend of spirit and matter.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Men and women have joint control of the human world despite what we might hear from the experts. Humanity can't exist any other way . It is an equal blend of spirit and matter.

Absolutely.........................life wouldn't be fit to live otherwise! -:)


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Blackie, I seriously thought you were some retired, arthritic old guy in his late 70's to early 80's because you are so stodgy. I excused many of your opinions because I just thought of you as a throw back to many generations ago with the best of your years behind you. For someone so young, you'd best lighten up and live a bit or it's going to be one lonely, miserable, long life. If what you are saying is true regarding your age, you are young enough to be my kid not my grandfather. 8O I know people in their late 80's more open minded than you.

You should have a go at Christianna, mate, not me. She's the one who started the sexism on here.

There are dead people more open minded them him Sal. He is seemingly quite incapable of making a single solitary statement without denigrating someone or something. He is, at best, a troll and, at worst, a petty small minded little man.

And yet no criticism of Christianna for her stupid comments that many modern women are prone to making today unfortunately: Men aren't taught any self-control. I wonder why that is? Is that because she is a woman making sexist remarks about men and, for that reason, it's deemed to be okay? Many weak, effeminate , hen-pecked men might take that sort of thing, but I'm afraid I don't.

There's a certain species of modern woman today who sees no problem in constantly slagging off her boyfriend, her husband or men in general - and they even get their own TV shows like Loose Women - but as soon as any man says anything even remotely denigrating women he suddenly finds himself attacked from all sides by those very same dopey birds who see no problem in constantly attacking men for everything they feel like attacking men for, calling him "sexist", "misogynist" or "a pig".

Come on, ladies. If you are so disgusted of sexism as you make out, then stop making the sexist remarks yourself. If anything, you're more sexist than many of the men you call sexist.

I think somebody needs to send Christianna to an anti-sexism class.

Let us all remind some like yourself~ "men" come from WOMEN, not the other way around.

Not originally, they didn't. Adam was created first, and he created Eve out of his rib.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
And yet no criticism of Christianna for her stupid comments that many modern women are prone to making today unfortunately: Men aren't taught any self-control. I wonder why that is? Is that because she is a woman making sexist remarks about men and, for that reason, it's deemed to be okay? Many weak, effeminate , hen-pecked men might take that sort of thing, but I'm afraid I don't.

There's a certain species of modern woman today who sees no problem in constantly slagging off her boyfriend, her husband or men in general - and they even get their own TV shows like Loose Women - but as soon as any man says anything even remotely denigrating women he suddenly finds himself attacked from all sides by those very same dopey birds who see no problem in constantly attacking men for everything they feel like attacking men for, calling him "sexist", "misogynist" or "a pig".

Come on, ladies. If you are so disgusted of sexism as you make out, then stop making the sexist remarks yourself. If anything, you're more sexist than many of the men you call sexist.

I think somebody needs to send Christianna to an anti-sexism class.

Actually I think you need to learn how to read properly.

The quote you chose, which is only part of the actual statement and thus out of context, was a clear response to the OP.

Not our fault, sounds like Islams teachings. It also isn't our fault if men aren't taught self control.

Of which I've highlighted certain sections.

Woman is the root cause of all of man’s and God’s woes.
I can understand my own, sometimes out of control passion for women. I am just a man who is good today but who has been less so. I have repented. What I cannot understand is why God would have built that, --- out of control desire, --- into his own nature and why he is passing it on to all of his God damned Sons of God. This then forces him to use genocide on us poor and pure humans, --- as a collateral damage as he eliminates his own hated progeny and Grandchildren.

The reference that I believe she is making in her entire statement is a comparison to the more ultra-conservative Muslim teachings which essentially can be summarized as women must be covered head to toe because men will then not be tempted. In other words, because men cannot control themselves and thus blame women for it. Whether it is an accurate comparison or not, it's fairly easy to understand the intention of the post Christianna made. If of course one actually takes the entire statement (the whole two sentences) into account and doesn't bisect it to "prove" a lame point.

I'm actually somewhat surprised you just glossed over that given your many statements of derision against Muslim people. What is that charming petty little nickname you've given them? Muslime I believe it is.

Now, let's revisit your statement.

Neither are women. When was the last time you and your girly mates all attended a self-control class?

Women are deformed men. And less intelligent on average, too.

A broad, generalized and derogatory statement. Insulting and indicative of a very closed mind. My opinion certainly but one in which I believe you will find there is a growing consensus on.

As to the terminology of 'sexist' or 'misogynist', perhaps you can pinpoint exactly where I have used either of those terms specifically? Now "pig" I have definitely used, once, in a very specific context where you were perving over the "young 16 year old" who lives on your street. And I stand by that one. However sexist I do not trot out lightly, misogynist even less so. Although, given your track record thus far, I'm withholding that for future use.

So essentially what we have here in this thread is an OP that, while it appears to be a negative commentary towards men is actually negative commentary towards God, which is about par for the course. And we have you taking part of a statement out of context to infer a meaning which really isn't there so as to somehow justify your own ignorant statement which I've quoted in full above.

Your move.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004

A broad, generalized and derogatory statement. Insulting and indicative of a very closed mind.

Just like Christianna's It also isn't our fault if men aren't taught self control comment, isn't it love? Except rather than being derided as being sexist, she was given three green-plusses.

As to the terminology of 'sexist' or 'misogynist', perhaps you can pinpoint exactly where I have used either of those terms specifically? Now "pig" I have definitely used, once, in a very specific context where you were perving over the "young 16 year old" who lives on your street. And I stand by that one.

You can stand by what you like, darling. You're still wrong. And you always will be.