We are????
Is there any doubt? If so perhaps you'd like to itemize the details! :smile:
We are????
We are????
Learn to read English. As I said, there is nothing you can teach me about these topics.
Yes we are. Well perhaps you freeloaders are not but the rest of us really do not have anything to complain about. The economy is doing reasonably well. interest rates are low, bit by bit the excesses of government are being cut back, taxes are slowly coming down. The Long Gun Registry has been eliminated. What more do you want?
Not only am I a freeloader because of my injuries, but now I'm a parasite because I'm 66. The only advise I ever gave my son was, "Don't let the assholes get you down."Some H. Salt fish 'n' chips....
...from an injured worker, once employed by the Province until that day, now lumped among the "freeloaders" by people but for the Grace of good fortune go they
Learn to read English. As I said, there is nothing you can teach me about these topics.
Not only am I a freeloader because of my injuries, but now I'm a parasite because I'm 66. The only advise I ever gave my son was, "Don't let the assholes get you down."
Well so far we are doing much better under Harper than we did under the two Liberal predecessors.
I learn every day. My mind never stops seeking information and knowledge, but, more importantly the wisdom to use it productively and for the benefit of all.There is a huge difference between someone NOT being able to teach you something and having nothing more to learn! :lol: The latter is the epitome of arrogance! :lol:
Or "don't let them get at your a$$hole by getting you down! :smile:
By what measure?
Over 150 Canadians dead in a war that was probably pointless and never what the Conservative government kept telling us it was, most of .
For those above who say that we are doing better under the PC, it would be useful to know in what way. Again, I see nothing but unsubstantiated assertions.
You don't quit until you have both feet in your month plus two or three hands. That war was started under the Liberal regime, nothing to do with Conservatives! Perhaps there is a course in Canadian History 1 in your area! :lol:
It's amazing how after six years Conservatives still blame the Liberals for everything, it's pathalogical.
When the Conservatives took power- and responsibility- in Canada I think less than ten Canadians had died in Afghanistan.
After they took over we entered heavy combat and we got nothng but constant BS from Harper and his government about what was going on over there. We were informed about how democratic the Karzi government was, it isn't and never was, we were misinformed about what was happening to detainees the Canadians caught then turned over to the local authorities, something that may have set our troops up for retaliation attacks and in the end we were completely BS'd on the propects for success. It wasn't the Liberals lying to us over those years so many Canadians were dying and so much money was being spent, it was the Conservatives. You can't have it both ways, you can't take power and lie your asses off about the facts and then claim it was someone elses fault.
The Liberals never should have taken us into that war and Steven Harper shouldn't have turned our part of it into his own personal crusade.