Harper's disturbing narcissism on display in Parliament


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
I get that some people see everything as a joke, what I don't understand is how they think that's a normal state of mind.

Perhaps people are trying to get you to lighten up and also to listen a little instead of jumping all over everything like it's the end of the world.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
I get that some people see everything as a joke, what I don't understand is how they think that's a normal state of mind.
Ok, if you won't reread what I said and explain how you warped what I did say right out of shape, I'll paraphrase what I said;
partisans are a daft but extremely funny group. And I say this because they are bombastic jackasses who spew rhetoric from their comically emotional state.

And perhaps you can explain to me how you figure that a four year old, minor issue about photos brings about the end of Canada.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
Ok, if you won't reread what I said and explain how you warped what I did say right out of shape, I'll paraphrase what I said;
partisans are a daft but extremely funny group. And I say this because they are bombastic jackasses who spew rhetoric from their comically emotional state.

Well said. The comically emotional state of extremism which they can't see because they are in it.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Perhaps people are trying to get you to lighten up and also to listen a little instead of jumping all over everything like it's the end of the world.

For sure, I'd bet he could raise his I.Q. by 10 points, if he could just spend 15 minutes a day with Walter! :smile:


Electoral Member
May 13, 2012
You can see a full and fundamental lack of empathy from only a few words that somebody posts on the internet??? Damn but that's impressive.

Not that I'd waste my time, but from what little I've seen so far I'm willing to bet a meta study of Walter's posts would indicate a pretty consistent lack of empathy.

I'm not alone in thinking what's been going on in Canada especially in the last six years is very disturbing for anyone who's interested in rule of law, democracy, basic human rights, a sustainable future and more. There's been serious questions about Steven Harper long before he got to where he is now and the frightening direction he's taking this country.

Anyone who pipes in with callous comments about what a joke these concerns are is showing the same kind of mentality that got us here in the first place. I don't need know everything about Walter to understand that if he agrees with the destructive nature of the "leadership" of Steven Harper, then he more than likely shares many of his traits.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Not that I'd waste my time, but from what little I've seen so far I'm willing to bet a meta study of Walter's posts would indicate a pretty consistent lack of empathy.
Would you be willing to bet your presence here on it?

I'm not alone in thinking what's been going on in Canada especially in the last six years is very disturbing for anyone who's interested in rule of law, democracy, basic human rights, a sustainable future and more. There's been serious questions about Steven Harper long before he got to where he is now and the frightening direction he's taking this country.
Ideologues, with copious amounts of BS and hyperbole to post, are not in low supply.

Anyone who pipes in with callous comments about what a joke these concerns are is showing the same kind of mentality that got us here in the first place.
Again, it isn't the concerns that we find comical.

I don't need know everything about Walter to understand that if he agrees with the destructive nature of the "leadership" of Steven Harper, then he more than likely shares many of his traits.
That being an excellent example thereof.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
Not that I'd waste my time, but from what little I've seen so far I'm willing to bet a meta study of Walter's posts would indicate a pretty consistent lack of empathy.

Ok, then let try a different approach. What makes you such a vaulted human being that you can pass judgement on others? Do you comprehend that people dislike being talked 'at' or 'down to'? What is your intention? To persuade, to sway, to convince? Consider your previous attempts and ask yourself if they are working?

Do you get that people are trying to tell you it's not what you are saying but how you are saying it that is indeed the problem?

I'm not alone in thinking what's been going on in Canada especially in the last six years is very disturbing for anyone who's interested in rule of law, democracy, basic human rights, a sustainable future and more. There's been serious questions about Steven Harper long before he got to where he is now and the frightening direction he's taking this country.

Anyone who pipes in with callous comments about what a joke these concerns are is showing the same kind of mentality that got us here in the first place. I don't need know everything about Walter to understand that if he agrees with the destructive nature of the "leadership" of Steven Harper, then he more than likely shares many of his traits.
I am not a fan of Harper in particular but for goodness sakes the man is not the Anti-Christ! Taking such a strict and unbending approach to politics does more disservice for your 'cause' than any Conservative ever could.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Ok, then let try a different approach. What makes you such a vaulted human being that you can pass judgement on others? Do you comprehend that people dislike being talked 'at' or 'down to'? What is your intention? To persuade, to sway, to convince? Consider your previous attempts and ask yourself if they are working?

Do you get that people are trying to tell you it's not what you are saying but how you are saying it that is indeed the problem?

I am not a fan of Harper in particular but for goodness sakes the man is not the Anti-Christ! Taking such a strict and unbending approach to politics does more disservice for your 'cause' than any Conservative ever could.
That would be an excellent example of what we were just discussing.


Electoral Member
May 13, 2012
Perhaps people are trying to get you to lighten up and also to listen a little instead of jumping all over everything like it's the end of the world.

And I'm saying the opposite, we need to stop listening to the people who are trying to tell us what a load of fun and games having Steven Harper in power is.

Over 150 Canadians have died fighting for democracy and human rights in a country with a government that respects neither and our current government knew it according to some of its own officials which it got caught contradicting repeatedly. How about the billions spent there that are almost certainly going to be for naught when NATO goes home. conservatives complained bitterly and endlessly about the long gun registry, that really is a joke compared to this one issue and it's not even the most serious.

There's the very serious issue of the environmental front.

We don't suffer from people taking the issues too seriously in the highest levels of this nation, it's the opposite.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Anyone who pipes in with callous comments about what a joke these concerns are is showing the same kind of mentality that got us here in the first place.

Again, it isn't the concerns that we find comical.

That being an excellent example thereof.

Perhaps Red cannot fathom how people could face adversity and still have wit enough to see humor in things. Kinda sad, actually. he should really meet this friend of ours who is a paraplegic/amputee and a pretty damned good comedian about being in a wheelchair and in his condition.


Electoral Member
May 13, 2012
Ok, then let try a different approach. What makes you such a vaulted human being that you can pass judgement on others? Do you comprehend that people dislike being talked 'at' or 'down to'? What is your intention? To persuade, to sway, to convince? Consider your previous attempts and ask yourself if they are working?

Do you get that people are trying to tell you it's not what you are saying but how you are saying it that is indeed the problem?

I am not a fan of Harper in particular but for goodness sakes the man is not the Anti-Christ! Taking such a strict and unbending approach to politics does more disservice for your 'cause' than any Conservative ever could.

I'm not saying the he's the anti-christ, I'm saying there's a very real possibility based on his actions and behaviour that he's physically incapable of feeling empathy and most emotions, for people with his condition the most common way to derive meaning in life is to take it from others. Just look at his actions and where he's been taking this country and tell me if it has anything remotely to do with good governance.

In our name the Canadian government is going to international conferences on how to deal with what most experts and governments agree is the single most important issue today and our representatives do what. according to reports they work behind the scenes to prevent any meaningful action to be taken and are consistently condemned by the world...all of us are...for it.

The consequences of this one policy direction could make the damage done by all the despots in history look tame...and we're supposed to do what, sit back drink beer and cheer on the end of the world?

Stupid and Canadian aren't two words I'd usually put together, but I'm really starting to wonder.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
I'm not saying the he's the anti-christ, I'm saying there's a very real possibility based on his actions and behaviour that he's physically incapable of feeling empathy and most emotions, for people with his condition the most common way to derive meaning in life is to take it from others. Just look at his actions and where he's been taking this country and tell me if it has anything remotely to do with good governance.

In our name the Canadian government is going to international conferences on how to deal with what most experts and governments agree is the single most important issue today and our representatives do what. according to reports they work behind the scenes to prevent any meaningful action to be taken and are consistently condemned by the world...all of us are...for it.

The consequences of this one policy direction could make the damage done by all the despots in history look tame...and we're supposed to do what, sit back drink beer and cheer on the end of the world?

Stupid and Canadian aren't two words I'd usually put together, but I'm really starting to wonder.
Yeah, so? We survived the last dickhead who parked his ass in the PM's chair.


Council Member
Apr 24, 2012
This is not about a few words on the internet as one poster put it. It is about a thirty year career of Harper. There have been several responsible jopurnalists who have made the same claims about Harper over the past few years. There is nothing new in this and it is not Rebel's statements that should be received with so much scorn.

Look at the claims objectively.

Neither is the matter of the photographs a light one. It is one more of those autocratic moves that Harper has got away with simply because there is always something new and there is a mental fatigue in the populace that brushes aside new revelations. How else could a contempt of Parliament not have led to the end of his government and his personal placing into an ignominous place in history already/

As for psychopathy! There have been studies that conclude that more than 4% (some higher) of corporate CEOs are psychopaths and that the proportion is higher among politicians. I have not seen any figure placed on that because of the limited number of high ranking politicians.

However, Rebel is correct in the elements of psychopathy and that Harper displays some of them.

Unusual is that a psychopath remains at the top of his Party for any extended time since his state becomes clear to his own Party rather quiickly. But it happens and I think Rebel is correct in this. There are, however, degrees of the descent into that mental wilderness and Harper does not have some of the full blown traits. He does, however, have some other minor ones such as being a loner and delusional.


Council Member
Jan 19, 2012
Van Isle
This is not about a few words on the internet as one poster put it. It is about a thirty year career of Harper. There have been several responsible jopurnalists who have made the same claims about Harper over the past few years. There is nothing new in this and it is not Rebel's statements that should be received with so much scorn.

Look at the claims objectively.

Neither is the matter of the photographs a light one. It is one more of those autocratic moves that Harper has got away with simply because there is always something new and there is a mental fatigue in the populace that brushes aside new revelations. How else could a contempt of Parliament not have led to the end of his government and his personal placing into an ignominous place in history already/

As for psychopathy! There have been studies that conclude that more than 4% (some higher) of corporate CEOs are psychopaths and that the proportion is higher among politicians. I have not seen any figure placed on that because of the limited number of high ranking politicians.

However, Rebel is correct in the elements of psychopathy and that Harper displays some of them.

Unusual is that a psychopath remains at the top of his Party for any extended time since his state becomes clear to his own Party rather quiickly. But it happens and I think Rebel is correct in this. There are, however, degrees of the descent into that mental wilderness and Harper does not have some of the full blown traits. He does, however, have some other minor ones such as being a loner and delusional.

Both so secure in your ideology, you can state that a much more significant portion of the Canadian public than your politics represents are all stupid for voting PC/Harper? Sorta reminds me of the age old question "if your so smart, why ain't you rich?" Is dumb arrogance a symptom of mental problems also?
I happen to be another who does not particularly care for Harper but i don't go off the deep end and shrill that the sky is falling, cause that's Henny Penny's job and the Cows would wobble if i did her job.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Prove it.

We're still here in a country called "Canada" aren't we?