Chretien has everything to do with it- Liberals will slam Harper but defend Chretien - This was posted for Liberals that think their party and Leaders are so different. The corruption and scandals under Chretien so far outweigh Harpers time in office.
Now the bulk bill are an atrocious abuse of Parliament- Chretien did it- Martin the same - All harper did was expand upon it - but in a way that I find reprehensible.
Pulling out a strawman like Chretien to excuse Steven Harper is absurd. Steven Harper isn't forced to live down to the worst examples of how to run a government in this country, he chose that path.
The Toronto Sun ran an article that was fact checked to the source. Layton was caught in a Toronto rub-n-tug, by Toronto Police.
Layton and the NDP threatened to sue the Sun.
Oddly enough, nothing ever came of it. It went cold even before he fell ill again.
Vexatious litigation, by any party, to subvert Freedom of the Press, is abhorrent at best.
And you should note what Goober posted above.
I'm sure you see it that way. I admit, I completely disagree with much of the CPC platform, and much of the actions since they acquired a majority. But I'm not blind enough to say they are the only party to have acted this way. Nor am I naive or stupid enough to believe that any party is any better.
Provide a link, so far all you've given is your version on it and you're the nob who tried to tell me the Pyramids are a larger engineering project than the oil sands.