I'm not sure what the fuss is. The Conservatives are acting like they have a majority and the opposition is acting like they don't. Time honoured Canadian politics.
I wouldn't sweep this under the rug. The OAS stuff looks pretty damning.
I'm not sure what the fuss is. The Conservatives are acting like they have a majority and the opposition is acting like they don't. Time honoured Canadian politics.
I wouldn't sweep this under the rug. The OAS stuff looks pretty damning.
The "OAS stuff" is dictated much more by demographics and economics than on politics!
I'm not sure what the fuss is. The Conservatives are acting like they have a majority and the opposition is acting like they don't. Time honoured Canadian politics. The bill will eventually pass while each take pot shots at each other trying to score political points.
"The government made their bed, now they have to lie in it," he told reporters. "We're trying to put a little water in the wine of the government and say, 'You may have some technical powers here but there are still rights and privileges for MPs and the people we represent and the people we represent want to see a fair hearing of this bill and want the worst parts taken out."'
This sort of behavior is the exact same thing the Conservatives criticized the Liberals for when in power, jamming all sorts of legislation into omnibus bills. History really does repeat it self...
Has anybody else noticed that lately....the threads.......... since Harper got a majority....... have been full of................
Don't buy the CPC line on demographics. OAS is sustainable and numerous economists have confirmed it.
Yeah ... many by Harper yes people who don't like questionable practice being questionedHas anybody else noticed that lately....the threads.......... since Harper got a majority....... have been full of................
How long would it take you t0 read a 400+ page of legalese? Ten, to analyse and prepare commentary on top of that.? To assess the implications for almost 60 affected laws and prior Bills. And then how hey fare when interacting.The NDP can read, and digest, a 400 page bill without any problem. If they can not, then they have no business being in Parliament.
They are merely trying to be obstructionist, and do everything in their power to sabotage the Government. Then, they will turn around and say, "See how incompetent they really are".
Yeah ... many by Harper yes people who don't like questionable practice being questioned
Yeah ... many by Harper yes people who don't like questionable practice being questioned
I don't care who does it, they all wanna appear like they're doing something.
Yep! It's amazing how many people just keep buying into the whole 'they're working for us' message though, isn't it?