How long has it been on the table? It's only 400 some odd pages long.Pushing it through one by one is the only way I'll accept a honeydo list too - otherwise I could end up agreeing to paint the garage pink without knowing it.
Pushing it through one by one is the only way I'll accept a honeydo list too - otherwise I could end up agreeing to paint the garage pink without knowing it.
400 pages of legalese couched in gobbledeygook with a lot of stuff rolled into the mix that has nothing to do with NOT wasting money on investor pies in the skyHow long has it been on the table? It's only 400 some odd pages long.
If the opposition can't read 400 pages in a week, they're even more grossly overpaid than I thought.
Pushing it through one by one is the only way I'll accept a honeydo list too - otherwise I could end up agreeing to paint the garage pink without knowing it.
Not voting is a vote for status quo. I prefer to get my name stroked off the elector's list and spoil the ballot ... seeing as how the Rhinos or Natural floating dudes don't run any more
How long has it been on the table? It's only 400 some odd pages long.
If the opposition can't read 400 pages in a week, they're even more grossly overpaid than I thought.
We aren't talking about one MP with reading glasses and a Plumbers ticket here.400 pages of legalese couched in gobbledeygook with a lot of stuff rolled into the mix that has nothing to do with NOT wasting money on investor pies in the sky
...and THAT's probably clearer than the bafflegab
And what about a majority, with the ability to ram through legislation doesn't do the same thing?The problem isn't that it takes a long time to read. It takes a long time to discuss problems and understand impacts.
No doubt.Of course, given how the Conservatives handled the debates on the minimum sentencing, they are not likely to be swayed by majorities of experts pointing out that their bills will damage society.
As I see it, not voting is a vote of no confidence in the electoral system. Even a spoiled ballot is an endorsement of the electoral system, if you think the very method of selecting candidates is broken, why would you vote?
I have a book here on general relativity that is less than 400 pages long. I am pretty sure it takes most people more than a year to fully understand everything in it. And general relativity isn't exactly known for having an impact on society.
The problem isn't that it takes a long time to read. It takes a long time to discuss problems and understand impacts.
Of course, given how the Conservatives handled the debates on the minimum sentencing, they are not likely to be swayed by majorities of experts pointing out that their bills will damage society.
:roll:Then why don't you explain it all to us ...
Ya, because I'm not in Canada and I'm not folk...... the folk this butterball bill is going to impact on
That's a matter of perspective.Explain how locking up criminals and keeping the streets safe will harm society.
That's exactly what I was thinking.Typical: :roll:
I have a fair idea thanks to the media.Do you know what's rolled into that bill or do you just blindly agree with steamroller government?
Exactly why party politics doesn't work in government, union or gang
Dude you're preaching to the choir.Exactly why party politics doesn't work in government, union or gang
Depends.... Are you a spoiled brat and control freak? Do you care what happens beyond your circle?So when I become dictator for life none of this will happen anymore.
Personally, I really can't afford to.Do you care what happens beyond your circle?
I'm just a little curious here.. Why was there no pissing and moaning when the opposition 'demanded' that riders be incorporated into legislation when Harper had a minority? It's the exact same scenario of piling on more legislation onto one bill in order to pass the components that Harper wanted. The opposition didn't bend over backwards to explain it to society and hold their hands back then as some are demanding right now.
Why no out cry then but all of the chest thumping now ?