Climate Alarmist Calls For Burning Down Skeptics’ Homes


Council Member
Apr 4, 2010
It sounds like Steve Zwick made as astute point, and the people at are pretending to be victims.


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
The more the whole AGW scam falls into disrepute and farce.. the more brazen and outrageous and threatening its proponents become.

This was the movement that was to return the world to a pristine environmental utopia, free from the pestilence of humans and their troublesome technologies.. of course.. some would be allowed to remain, maybe a 'sustainable' 10% of what we have now, living in bliss on tofu and raspberries, communing around campfires with the earth goddess, hugging our friends the trees.. those that aren't used to burn heretics at the stake, that is.

And of course people like Steve Zwick and colleagues would have to be included to foster proper attitudes amongst the young and prevent the past mistakes of progress.

It all seems to be falling apart for the poor dears.. and they don't appear to be good losers.
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Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
It usually takes 2-3 days to debunk denier crap.

This one took less than 2 hours to debunk the misrepresentation.

Denier standards are getting pretty low these days. They'll go to any lengths to save a buck.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
The shyte is hitting the fan and deniers are running out of shyte to throw as they collectively yell, "Lalalalalalalalala!"

What I don't understand is how they manage to throw shyte while having their fingers in their ears.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Go ahead. Help the corporations that having you beliieving you are helping yourself when in reality you are helping them. Who else has money to pull off a scam this big?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
“We know who the active denialists are – not the people who buy the lies, mind you, but the people who create the lies. Let’s start keeping track of them now, and when the famines come, let’s make them pay. Let’s let their houses burn. Let’s swap their safe land for submerged islands. Let’s force them to bear the cost of rising food prices,” writes Zwick, adding, “They broke the climate. Why should the rest of us have to pay for it?”

No where in there did I read that Zwick stated houses should be burned as in lets go out and torch that place. Let their houses burn has a bit of a different connotation than does - burn the houses down. He does state that this would happen when the 'famines come' - not the most urgent statement certainly not a hue and cry to light the fires. Nutty and slightly scary as his statements are, to quote him in such a manner is less than truthful.

So when your house catches fire are we supposed to ask if you are a climate change denier before we drag the hoses out? What about if it spreads to your neighbour's house and he is a truther? Can we put your house fire out to save his?
Next thing you know we will have to ask your racial background before putting out a fire.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
So when your house catches fire are we supposed to ask if you are a climate change denier before we drag the hoses out? What about if it spreads to your neighbour's house and he is a truther? Can we put your house fire out to save his?
Next thing you know we will have to ask your racial background before putting out a fire.
Well now, considering you are not a member of our local fire department, of which I am a member, you will not, unlike my friends and neighbors who do make up the department, be asked to fight the it is a moot point.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Go ahead. Help the corporations that having you beliieving you are helping yourself when in reality you are helping them. Who else has money to pull off a scam this big?

"Corporations are scam artists" is pretty rich coming from the guy that wants to propel the richest corporations in the country.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I never said "Corporations are scam artists". You just did. I simply implied they are participants in a big scam that has you thinking you are working in opposition when in reality you are working in their favour.


Jan 6, 2007
“They broke the climate. Why should the rest of us have to pay for it?”

I think this is the thing that bothers me the most about environmental zealots. They seem to be under the impression that by being loud, they are doing something. My friends who loudly and rudely preach about the environment, who lecture about the injuries caused by oil, who rant about global warming, and the like, live the same life I do. They have the same number of kids, the same size of house, the same electronic gadgets, the same cars. I compost like some of them do. Our whole family are avid upcyclers. Years of farming makes us conscientious about what goes into or onto the ground. I'm not a global warming denialist, but, I doubt that someone who is, has 'broken' the earth much worse than my friends who try to preach about it.

If you are here having your voice heard, and not living in a teepee somewhere making sure you're living a net zero life, then you have no right to hold yourself so eco-morally superior as to hope for the suffering of others.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
+ 21

I think this is the thing that bothers me the most about environmental zealots. They seem to be under the impression that by being loud, they are doing something. My friends who loudly and rudely preach about the environment, who lecture about the injuries caused by oil, who rant about global warming, and the like, live the same life I do. They have the same number of kids, the same size of house, the same electronic gadgets, the same cars. I compost like some of them do. Our whole family are avid upcyclers. Years of farming makes us conscientious about what goes into or onto the ground. I'm not a global warming denialist, but, I doubt that someone who is, has 'broken' the earth much worse than my friends who try to preach about it.

If you are here having your voice heard, and not living in a teepee somewhere making sure you're living a net zero life, then you have no right to hold yourself so eco-morally superior as to hope for the suffering of others.

So very true. Using up just as much power and resources and more according to their wealth. It seems at least in Massachusetts that the wealthier and better off they are the more pompous and condescending they are with regards to GW. Yet their houses are HUGE and with all the gadgets.


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
The greenist people work and live downtown. They earn minimum wage, take public transit and share a one room apartment with 10 other people.

The worst green house gas producers live in a mansion the boonies. They heat with fuel oil or wood and drive for hours to get to work or attend their global warming protests.

Global warming is here. its undeniable and we can't stop it. So we are going to have to adapt. Its not the first time the earth went through a warming phase and a mass extinction event and it won't be the last...


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
The greenist people work and live downtown. They earn minimum wage, take
public transit and share a one room apartment with 10 other people.
The Soviet model. Mr and Mrs Shatkowski and their 4 kids are ready to move into your apartment with you from their house and farm they had to surrender in the rural area.


Jan 6, 2007
The Soviet model. Mr and Mrs Shatkowski and their 4 kids are ready to move into your apartment with you from their house and farm they had to surrender in the rural area.

lol... nowadays few people, who live outside the city do so to contribute food.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
I think this is the thing that bothers me the most about environmental zealots. They seem to be under the impression that by being loud, they are doing something. My friends who loudly and rudely preach about the environment, who lecture about the injuries caused by oil, who rant about global warming, and the like, live the same life I do. They have the same number of kids, the same size of house, the same electronic gadgets, the same cars. I compost like some of them do. Our whole family are avid upcyclers. Years of farming makes us conscientious about what goes into or onto the ground. I'm not a global warming denialist, but, I doubt that someone who is, has 'broken' the earth much worse than my friends who try to preach about it.

If you are here having your voice heard, and not living in a teepee somewhere making sure you're living a net zero life, then you have no right to hold yourself so eco-morally superior as to hope for the suffering of others.

This is a common fallacy that's been identified with most people who question the policy and not necessarily the science.

Of course, it begins with the science.
But then it must enforced top down by both public and private institutions.

This isn't something the average citizen has any significant level of control over.


Jan 6, 2007
This is a common fallacy that's been identified with most people who question the policy and not necessarily the science.

Of course, it begins with the science.
But then it must enforced top down by both public and private institutions.

This isn't something the average citizen has any significant level of control over.

Where you live, how you shop, whether you own a car and electronic devices... ALL are well within your control. Complaining loudly while changing nothing, and waiting and expecting the government to force you to change, is ridiculous, and still makes them no better than anyone else who's done nothing