Agnostics and there a more believeable religion in the world?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Nature uses the identical geometry....


Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
atheism is not a religion, no churches, etc., just a non belief of what many believe.

i am an atheist, I don't pray to anything, don't have to prove anything, I just live my
life on this earth focusing on my own reality.

when religious people throw 'stuff' at me, trashing me for not believing what they believe, it doesn't have any affect at all, that is their world, it is all about them, not me.

be happy, whatever you decide.

Actually a better description of atheism is an absence of belief. Believers always try to define terms like atheism in their frame of reference as that gives them a chance to claim that atheism is simply another system of belief rather than being a philosophy based on an absence of belief.

So far as proof of the circumference of the earth is concerned, the oldest historical record only dates back about 2000 years to Erathosthenes who worked out a very accurate estimate the earth's diameter in 240 BCE.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Ummmm...I already mentioned the Egyptians and Babylonians. That would be 3000 BCE. Great Pyramid was built around 2750 BCE. That is still 5000 years newer than your 10,000 year ago time line.
Little by little gerryh.

First you tell me how the foot ended up being based on the circumfrence of the earth and the length of the year to the decimal and I'll point you to some rocks.
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
What game? If it took the Greeks 2000 years to figure out what has already been perfected in Egypt. 2000 years prior and we still don't know how they pulled it off 4500 years after the Egyptians. What are the odds that 4500 years ago all this just landed in their laps?

It wasn't until GPS that we knew the circumference of the planet as precisely as those who figured, pi, phi astronomy and had one **** of a precise time measurment long before the Egyptians.

There are plenty of known civilizations prior to Sumer and Egypt.

You are aren't an atheist so you have a guide to go by.

We are told in the OT that there were great civilizations with incredible knowledge and some of those intelligent people survived even though God tried to get rid of them.

We know without any doubt that there was indeed a flood. It's been proven that there was indeed a mass extinction in the a blink of an eye ago in recent geological time. A rock from space slamming into the glacial ice cap will indeed make it rain like a son of bitch and create one **** of a flood and alter earth's climate.

If that piece of mans history has survived 13,000 years orally and biblically who is to say that geometry wasn't one of things they managed to salvage as well?

They obviously did what they could to keep that knowledge alive. Use your faith and your gnosis (opposite of agnostic) gerryh.

When you are ready to accept that the "foot" the "mile" and "hour" predate the Egyptians and Sumerians, I'll point you to some rocks in Europe, and South America that do indeed show that geometry was in use further back than 4500 years ago and was just as advanced.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Just sitting here at work late at night, reading some Bill Maher material and it got me wondering.....if you were an agnostic or an athiest (or even if you were religious, but had to come to an unbiased opinion regarding religion) is there a religion in the world that is MORE believeable and if there is which one is it....and why???

So I got snooping and found this old thread.

First off, let's define "religion".
Oxford says, "[count noun] a particular system of faith and worship:
the world’s great religions
[count noun] a pursuit or interest followed with great devotion:
consumerism is the new religion"

In those contexts, I'd say, "no" and "maybe". In the first context, religions are based upon the suppositions that there are gods and goddesses. There is no evidence of these things so none are any more believable than others.
In the second context, one pursuit of interest may be just as believable as another. It depends upon what the interest is. For example, anthropology is no more or less believable than biology. On the other hand, astronomy is more believable than phrenology.

Actually a better description of atheism is an absence of belief.
Even more precisely, atheism means, "without belief in gods or goddesses".
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kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
How the hell do you get to read stuff at work?? We used to have to go to work and WORK!!! Horrible concept, yes indeed.

And, no one..................NO ONE..........except maybe your mother or maiden aunt gives a flying frig if you're an Agnostic, Athiest, or a Mongolian toe-picker.

Sorry, it's early, and the coffee isn't ready.:-(

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
How the hell do you get to read stuff at work?? We used to have to go to work and WORK!!! Horrible concept, yes indeed.

And, no one..................NO ONE..........except maybe your mother or maiden aunt gives a flying frig if you're an Agnostic, Athiest, or a Mongolian toe-picker.

Sorry, it's early, and the coffee isn't ready.:-(
I'm not at work. lol I'm just up early.

Doesn't matter if no-one cares. The thread was here so I stuck a comment in it. Enjoy your cuppa joe.


kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
Nature uses the identical geometry....

8O Reminiscent of the preparatory work in a lot of the paintings by Alex Colville -- always wondered where he got it.

I'm not at work. lol I'm just up early.

Doesn't matter if no-one cares. The thread was here so I stuck a comment in it. Enjoy your cuppa joe.

hee hee hee; :lol: My post was aimed at the OP, not, have a

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Little by little gerryh.

First you tell me how the foot ended up being based on the circumfrence of the earth and the length of the year to the decimal and I'll point you to some rocks.
100 artabic feet are = to one second of degree.
Not sure about the decimal thing.

Ok, just looked it up: "Decimal time is the representation of the time of day using units which are decimally related. This term is often used to refer specifically to French Revolutionary Time, which divides the day into 10 decimal hours, each decimal hour into 100 decimal minutes and each decimal minute into 100 decimal seconds, as opposed to the more familiar standard time, which divides the day into 24 hours, each hour into 60 minutes and each minute into 60 seconds." - wiki


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Little by little gerryh.

First you tell me how the foot ended up being based on the circumfrence of the earth and the length of the year to the decimal and I'll point you to some rocks.

I thought the length of the "foot" was the length of the King's foot. The metre is 1/10000000 (approx.) of the distance from the equator to the pole. Metric is more scientific, but the Imperial system is more sensible. :lol:


Ace Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Aether Island
Sorry, can't be definitive, 10 000 BCE was a couple of years before I was born.

I thought the length of the "foot" was the length of the King's foot. The metre is 1/10000000 (approx.) of the distance from the equator to the pole. Metric is more scientific, but the Imperial system is more sensible. :lol:

You've been having the odd pint a tad early in the day. The imperial system is a dog's dropping!


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
I makes more sense to me that the original gods of the Hindus, Sumerians, Babylonians, Egyptians, etc. were aliens Their descriptions were not of this world and there are tons of references to space craft and off world origins and habitats. The war god of the desert looks like an amalgam of all it's predecessors. Probably the early Hebrew concept was not nasty enough to keep the people in line so the priesthood invented a bunch of dire consequences to scare the Hebrews into towing the line. Then some wise guy radical rabbi came along and tried to straighten out the mess created by the clergy and started the rumour that maybe Big G was not that bad a guy after all but they tried to kill him so he went to India because they could accept his version easier.

Then some bozo whose job it was to wipe out this dudes followers came along and decided to take control of the religion and reintroduce the concept the perhaps god is still prone to jealous fits and will actually fry your ass for not bowing down and kissing his butt. Now we have a religion that is nothing like the one the rabbi tried to start but is about what the persecutor said about the rabbi and I think it should be called Paulianity for that reason. Paulianity is religion based on the deification of a rabbi who taught tolerance and brotherly love but has resulted in untold death and suffering of those who would not tow the party line.
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L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
I thought the length of the "foot" was the length of the King's foot.
Different "foot". Foot (unit) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The metre is 1/10000000 (approx.) of the distance from the equator to the pole. Metric is more scientific, but the Imperial system is more sensible. :lol:
These days a meter is defined as the distance travelled by light in a vacuum in 1/299,792,458th of a second.

Back to the topic. Perhaps Buddhism - a non theistic religion...
Reincarnation is believable?


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
Ha! I'm Irish and I don't believe in them. I think they were concoctions of the imaginations of non-Irish people trying to romanticize a country that needed no romanticizing. lol

Well then you don't have the right recreational hobbies I'd say. Run the idea passed Omicron, see how that goes, lol.

But Ireland does seem like a cool place I'd love to visit some day. :)