Agnostics and there a more believeable religion in the world?

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Well then you don't have the right recreational hobbies I'd say. Run the idea passed Omicron, see how that goes, lol.
I'm scared to run anything past Omicron. I might not recognize it after he's done with it. ;)

But Ireland does seem like a cool place I'd love to visit some day. :)
Ditto. I'm 1st born Canuck. I have cousins that have visited relatives there, though. They say it's pretty awesome.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
I'm scared to run anything past Omicron. I might not recognize it after he's done with it. ;)

I understand your fear and I respect it. :)

Ditto. I'm 1st born Canuck. I have cousins that have visited relatives there, though. They say it's pretty awesome.

I'm your typical heinz 57 Canadian, lol. I think there's some Irish in there somewhere. Either way, it would still be an awesome and beautiful place to visit.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
The problem is with religion and the belief systems is they are all selfish at some point.
Ever notice that what ever religion it is, at some point it becomes exclusive. Believe as
we believe or you won't get to heaven. WE are here to help you but only if you are in
fact prepared to surrender your thoughts and beliefs and adopt ours.
Someone said dogma takes over and that is so true. I think if God were to return to
earth, even he or she would be confused.
The books have been used as the greatest political tool the world has ever known by
some of the world worst Devils Children if we can use that term. There are so many
wolves we have literally run out of sheep's clothing to the point where people not only cease
to believe they are soon going to cease to care.
The concept of religion and mans own inner greed conflict to the point where they cannot
reconcile each other. We have preachers on the pulpit preaching about charity and giving
and modesty and self sacrifice. After an hour of good words they hop in there BMW and
cadillacs and drive off to an expensive breakfast where they can be seen networking and
receiving praise for their sermon.
And so it goes all the way down the line. Most religions has disposed with spiritual things
a long time ago until some of these churches are more of a reminder of a department store
Christmas. Oh Christ or who ever is supposed to be the Lord is still there but the dayity is
not as important as the amount in the collection plate.
No religion is a mechanism to control people, and governments in some cases, and what
ever is used as a tool to control free thoughts is not an improvement for the human spirit.


Electoral Member
Sep 18, 2013
Just sitting here at work late at night, reading some Bill Maher material and it got me wondering.....if you were an agnostic or an athiest (or even if you were religious, but had to come to an unbiased opinion regarding religion) is there a religion in the world that is MORE believeable and if there is which one is it....and why???
Look at all World Religions and you will find just one that is different in regards to justification/salvation/afterlife/eternity. All World Religions except Christianity "require" certain works, rituals, rules and/or traditions be met in order to attain a desired position after death. Christianity is the only one that does not require works. Many will argue that Christianity does have a set of rules one must follow, but that is not true. Now, what does that mean? Does that mean one can sport a red devil spandex suit and run through the community wreaking havoc and mayhem? See. Here is where the discussion of faith vs. works begins.


Electoral Member
Sep 18, 2013
The problem is with religion and the belief systems is they are all selfish at some point.
Ever notice that what ever religion it is, at some point it becomes exclusive. Believe as
we believe or you won't get to heaven. WE are here to help you but only if you are in
fact prepared to surrender your thoughts and beliefs and adopt ours.
Someone said dogma takes over and that is so true. I think if God were to return to
earth, even he or she would be confused.
The books have been used as the greatest political tool the world has ever known by
some of the world worst Devils Children if we can use that term. There are so many
wolves we have literally run out of sheep's clothing to the point where people not only cease
to believe they are soon going to cease to care.
The concept of religion and mans own inner greed conflict to the point where they cannot
reconcile each other. We have preachers on the pulpit preaching about charity and giving
and modesty and self sacrifice. After an hour of good words they hop in there BMW and
cadillacs and drive off to an expensive breakfast where they can be seen networking and
receiving praise for their sermon.
And so it goes all the way down the line. Most religions has disposed with spiritual things
a long time ago until some of these churches are more of a reminder of a department store
Christmas. Oh Christ or who ever is supposed to be the Lord is still there but the dayity is
not as important as the amount in the collection plate.
No religion is a mechanism to control people, and governments in some cases, and what
ever is used as a tool to control free thoughts is not an improvement for the human spirit.
You have jumped head long into the devil's trap. He always sets up a sparkly preacher with a BMW. Pay no mind to such a preacher. True, we are tripping over devils, but no matter the number, the truth will not leave the earth. Faith Alone.

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
Christianity is the only one that does not require works.
There are biblical citations that can be used to advance the argument that faith alone is sufficient, or works alone are sufficient, or both are required, and there are other belief systems that do not require works, though they wouldn't qualify as world religions, or even monotheisms. Whether your claim is true or not really doesn't matter in the context of the question posed in the OP though, it adds nothing either way to Christianity's believability or unbelievability.


Electoral Member
Sep 18, 2013
There are biblical citations that can be used to advance the argument that faith alone is sufficient, or works alone are sufficient, or both are required, and there are other belief systems that do not require works, though they wouldn't qualify as world religions, or even monotheisms. Whether your claim is true or not really doesn't matter in the context of the question posed in the OP though, it adds nothing either way to Christianity's believability or unbelievability.
Context. Context Context. Yes, text can be manipulated to promote different narratives. However, poor reading comprehension should not trump what the Bible actually says. It's funny how 99% of people that read a classic such as Guliver's Travels or Moby **** would agree on topic, plot, charatcter, setting etc. But when it comes to the Bible, not many agree on what exacly it has to say. It is possible to know what the Bible says about God, Sin, Hell, Salvation, etc. No one is demanding that it be believed by everyone. If you disagree, so be it.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Context. Context Context. Yes, text can be manipulated to promote different narratives. However, poor reading comprehension should not trump what the Bible actually says. It's funny how 99% of people that read a classic such as Guliver's Travels or Moby **** would agree on topic, plot, charatcter, setting etc. But when it comes to the Bible, not many agree on what exacly it has to say. It is possible to know what the Bible says about God, Sin, Hell, Salvation, etc. No one is demanding that it be believed by everyone. If you disagree, so be it.
I suppose if you ignore the thousands of contradictory passages you might get a clear idea, at least in your own mind, but...

If you really study the history of who, where, when and why it was put together in its present form, there is no reason to believe that the bible is anything but a bunch of myths and allegories. The OT god was a psychopath and the NT god got anger management training.



Electoral Member
Sep 18, 2013
I suppose if you ignore the thousands of contradictory passages you might get a clear idea, at least in your own mind, but...

If you really study the history of who, where, when and why it was put together in its present form, there is no reason to believe that the bible is anything but a bunch of myths and allegories. The OT god was a psychopath and the NT god got anger management training.

Cliffy - If you do not believe anything the Bible has to say, so be it. Why is it you are so enraged by the book though? I suppose it is easier to conclude the book has no historic value or archeological substance. At the risk of sounding like a elitist, pompous, privileged, enlighted, elect Christian - if you would practice some humlity before the real Almighty God, perhaps you would gain knowledge & understanding. I dare you. Or are you a scaredy cat? Ask God to convict you of your sin and then wait.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Cliffy - If you do not believe anything the Bible has to say, so be it. Why is it you are so enraged by the book though? I suppose it is easier to conclude the book has no historic value or archeological substance. At the risk of sounding like a elitist, pompous, privileged, enlighted, elect Christian - if you would practice some humlity before the real Almighty God, perhaps you would gain knowledge & understanding. I dare you. Or are you a scaredy cat? Ask God to convict you of your sin and then wait.
I spent my whole life seeking the truth. I have a personal relationship with my Creator. The truth/god/the Universe cannot be contained in a book. You have to experience it. The bible is not what you think it is. You will not find your maker there or in a church or from bible studies. If you want the truth, go to the source. That is what Jesus did. That is what all the holy men and women did. Unless you have the courage to go out into the wilderness to seek your maker, you will only find blind alleys.


Electoral Member
Sep 18, 2013
You don't gain knowledge and understanding by practicing humility. You get it by studying and paying attention.
I disagree. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction. Humilty is good stuff. I highly recommend it.

I spent my whole life seeking the truth. I have a personal relationship with my Creator. The truth/god/the Universe cannot be contained in a book. You have to experience it. The bible is not what you think it is. You will not find your maker there or in a church or from bible studies. If you want the truth, go to the source. That is what Jesus did. That is what all the holy men and women did. Unless you have the courage to go out into the wilderness to seek your maker, you will only find blind alleys.
Cliffy, How do you know the Bible is not what I think it is? You speak in riddles. Kinda like a riddler. You would have to first tell me what you think I think the Bible is. Then I can let you know if I think you know what I think the Bible is.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Just sitting here at work late at night, reading some Bill Maher material and it got me wondering.....if you were an agnostic or an athiest (or even if you were religious, but had to come to an unbiased opinion regarding religion) is there a religion in the world that is MORE believeable and if there is which one is it....and why???

I guess most believable would be dependent on the number of people subscribe to it...........First is Christianity, second is Muslim, third is Hinduism and fourth is Buddism. Guess that's about as democratic as you can get.

I spent my whole life seeking the truth. I have a personal relationship with my Creator. The truth/god/the Universe cannot be contained in a book. You have to experience it. The bible is not what you think it is. You will not find your maker there or in a church or from bible studies. If you want the truth, go to the source. That is what Jesus did. That is what all the holy men and women did. Unless you have the courage to go out into the wilderness to seek your maker, you will only find blind alleys.

Who is to say the answer is in the wilderness? Perhaps some people find it at the corner of Portage and Main or Main and Hastings.

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
I disagree. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction
Fear seems unlikely to me to be a sound basis for knowledge, wisdom and instruction, I'd say it's the first step on a path to ignorance, subjugation, and slavery.

Context. Context Context. .
I'd have thought a divine being of infinite power who wanted to get a message to us could have composed one a little clearer and less dependent on context and interpretation.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Who is to say the answer is in the wilderness? Perhaps some people find it at the corner of Portage and Main or Main and Hastings.
The difference is all the distraction. The idea of going out into the wilderness is to clear the mind of everyday concerns and distractions. It is also about leaving one's comfort zone where one is vulnerable, where one is forced to face their demons (everyone has a closet full). The story of Jesus in the wilderness is an allegory for those who choose to find the truth.

We live in a virtual reality, a program of the mind. We are programmed since birth: what is real, what is true, what is good and bad, ect. Escaping that program is an effective way to really see what is real and true.