Maybe for once........we should all try and stop the immediate assumptions that usually follow such an incident. Let's see what the EVIDENCE and INVESTIGATION brings forth. The authorities there are doing their best to remain objective, level headed , non reactionary as they carefully state only the KNOWN FACTS to the media. SMART NORWAY.
we should respect that and keepimg an open and objective mind.
(what NO ONE needs is a nancy grace type of over reactionary hysteria to color the facts and emotions even further. )
Looks like Norwegians are about to have a major security crunch. Hopefully - and it's a faint one - the country's citizens will demand accountability from their government. They'll need to know exactly what both precipitated and what facilitated such a tragedy in their country. And those banging the pc drums should be dealt with directly and unapologetically.
My goodness. ONE: let THEM deal with it in their way and stop offering opinions , ideas as they are more mature than most nations .
TWO: such a reaction as described in your usually a prelude to "lets go and attack everyone that is even remotely tied to the event and see if we can sell a few other wars while we are at it. . The american way is OUT. and very WRONG. and has been since their terror crime. Also , isn't that how revenge based policies are designed or those within a form of dictatorship???
Let's just try and be humanely SUPPORTIVE to them without dictating to them how things should be done now. They are not fools.