CBC 2011 federal election political compass


Force majeure
May 28, 2007
How about we use a few carriage returns in all our messages today? Maybe make a paragraph or two, and toss in some good old punctuation and "bada bing", people are able to read the sh!t right out of it.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010

WHO are you?

And what have you done with Mentalfloss????

Being a Canadian liberal is like being drunk while throwing darts. You'll be all over the map.

Now here's the REAL political compass (you should read REAL like you would EXTREME for full effect):

While the Liberals and the Conservatives accuse each other of reckless spending policies, their real differences are a little more significant on the social scale of The Political Compass. Ethical issues play well for the Liberals at the present time, while the Conservatives' winning card is family values. Identity politics make for a more comfortable debate between parties of relatively little economic distinction. Both of the big two, after all, talk of lower taxes, jobs and growth.

Perhaps because Canada has emerged in better shape from the financial crisis than most other industrialised countries, the Canadian left has not enjoyed the reinvigoration of progressive parties in other democracies. The NDP has further lost its radical edge, sounding increasingly like one of the milder European Social Democratic parties; keen to be all things to more voters, perhaps presenting a safe pair of hands for coalition with the Liberals. The Greens, with their promises on labour rights and childcare, have moved slightly to the left, countering the otherwise rightward drift of the major national parties.

Bloc Québécois continues to pose difficulties for The Political Compass. The diversity of conflicting views within the party are transcended by its core cause.



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
And this is me.

Economic Left/Right: -0.88
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 0.21

A moderate in all things.....


Perfection.....not that I am surprised...lol


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
I scored a left-libertarian. I don't really see my self as left'ist but anyhow.

Most people are actually left. It's just that most parties always swing further right. That includes the NDP. And since people follow the party they vote for, most believe that they have the exact same values.

Except for Avro, who is even further right than his fascist slave-driver.


Internet Lawyer
Mar 15, 2006
Most people are actually left. It's just that most parties always swing further right. That includes the NDP. And since people follow the party they vote for, most believe that they have the exact same values.

Except for Colpy and Avro, who are even further right than their fascist master.

I usual like the straddle the middle as I find the extreme right and left to be nauseous, far too much partisan adulation. Unfortunately, there isn't really a party that usually represents what I feel, so who I vote for ends up being a crapshoot.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
I usual like the straddle the middle as I find the extreme right and left to be nauseous, far too much partisan adulation. Unfortunately, there isn't really a party that usually represents what I feel, so who I vote for ends up being a crapshoot.

That correlation ain't necessarily true. It's a crapshoot for me as well and I'm a raging leftard.

Economic Left/Right: -7.50
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -6.92


Privy Council
Jul 28, 2010

That's a lot more realistic. I have zero idea where the CBC political compass got the idea that Liberals were in the libertarian left quadrant, and I have read Green economics, so I knew they were very moderate and long-range, so I couldn't figure out how the CBC test stuck them way out in left field.

Investors following a Green strategy most closely resemble that of Warren Buffet.

If the zero-point of the CBC graph were moved to where this graph says the zero-point should be, notice how far past Pluto that puts Conservatives since the Reformists merged in and took over.

Liberal is as right wing as anyone needs to get.
Last edited:


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
I'll tell you one damn thing, I know where I'd save 1.1 billion bucks a year....I'd close the Ministry of Truth. Otherwise known as the CBC, or the Ministry of Propaganda for the Liberal Party of Canada......

Fire Them All

Sell off the assets.

Be done with it.

Take the survey’s question about a carbon tax. According to the CBC formula, if you “strongly disagree” with a carbon tax, you are a fit with either the Tories or Liberals, since both parties “strongly disagree” with a carbon tax, too!
Huh? Ignatieff’s leadership campaign — the one Loewen worked on — called for a carbon tax. And the new Liberal platform includes a carbon tax called “cap and trade.”
To justify this formula, the CBC cites an old Ignatieff speech. But even that speech says “this cap-and-trade system will put a price on carbon. You pollute, you pay.”
How about Medicare? If you want less private health care, you’re told to vote Liberal, according to VoteCompass. Their justification is a slogan from the Liberals affirming their commitment to universal health care. Which is almost word for word what the Tory position is, too.
So Medicare-loving Canadians are steered to the Liberals despite their massive cuts in transfers to the provinces under the Liberals in the 1990s.
On moral issues, CBC’s VoteCompass acknowledges the Tories “will not initiate nor support any legislation to regulate abortion.” Likewise, the Liberals “believe in a woman’s right to choose.”
Harper is identical to the preceding Liberal PMs on the issue. Yet CBC VoteCompass tells pro-choice Canadians to vote Liberal.
Same on gay marriage, despite Harper presiding over that law without comment for five years. But the CBC’s VoteCompass “strongly” say gays should not vote Tory.

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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.


New Member
Apr 4, 2011
Your personal opinions have been in the minority for quite some time now "Colpy". Do you ever wonder why?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Your personal opinions have been in the minority for quite some time now "Colpy". Do you ever wonder why?

Personally, I only give a damn that my opinions are in the minority because the people do not wish to run the nation as I would see fit.

Okay, that is fine.

Otherwise, why would I care?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Personally, I only give a damn that my opinions are in the minority because the people do not wish to run the nation as I would see fit.

Okay, that is fine.

Otherwise, why would I care?

It is a democracy, but I guess you don"t like that.

Reading comprehension problems?

"I only give a damn that my opinions are in the minority because the people do not wish to run the nation as I would see fit.

Okay, that is fine."

That means democracy is fine with me........

I guess you are one of those people that believe you are supposed to think like everyone else...........or else there is something wrong with you.

If you want to turn your brain off, fine. Join the crowd.

I'll just keep thinking for myself, thank you.


Privy Council
Jul 28, 2010
I'll tell you one damn thing, I know where I'd save 1.1 billion bucks a year....I'd close the Ministry of Truth. Otherwise known as the CBC,

Gee, so you mean that all that great music and reporting and programming on the only Canadian station I listen to, such that when it's down I have to connect to BBC, costs the same for a whole year of listening as hosting a G8 conference for just one week?

Sounds like a bargain to me.

Anyway, my Yankee cousins would be unhappy with that, because they live in northern states and tune into CBC all the time and depend on it for news about the world they can't get in the states... although they're not as stressed about it as they used to be since they discovered BBC online, and Australian radio.