CBC 2011 federal election political compass


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
The CBC Political Compass Test...:)

Kelly McParland: The “big red tent” for people with no clue

I responded to all 30 policy questions by indicating no opinion whatsoever, choosing either “neither agree or disagree” or “about the same as now” on each of 30 questions. On questions about the parties and leaders, I picked the lowest score available when asked about trustworthiness, competence or suitability for the job. In other words, I indicated I have no opinions at all, and think the parties and their leaders all stink. In conclusion, the “educational tool” reported I was closest to the Liberal Party, and furthest from the NDP.
The funny thing is, it could be right. A key part of Michael Ignatieff’s campaign stump speech is to invite voters into “the big red tent”, the party that agrees with everyone, the party of “the centre”, where — no matter what your views — the party will claim to agree with you. If you’re just a big wishy-washy teddy bear with no particular opinions, who just wants to do the right thing and trusts the government to do it on your behalf, then the Liberals probably are the party for you.

Kelly McParland: The “big red tent” for people with no clue | Full Comment | National Post


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
The funny thing is, it could be right. A key part of Michael Ignatieff’s campaign stump speech is to invite voters into “the big red tent”, the party that agrees with everyone, the party of “the centre”, where — no matter what your views — the party will claim to agree with you. If you’re just a big wishy-washy teddy bear with no particular opinions, who just wants to do the right thing and trusts the government to do it on your behalf, then the Liberals probably are the party for you.

Well, they definitely are clear where they are 'right' and where they are 'left', but I highly doubt voters are even educating themselves as to whether or not they agree with con-liberals. A lot of people in Ontario might be voting McGuinty not knowing his corporate tax policy is the same as Harper's, for instance.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.

This is getting ridiculous. I'm sure everyone has heard my rant about the CBC's bias, especially back in my Reform days, when CBC ran an item on a 5 minute radio NEWS program that repeated "Reform is the party of racists and bigots" at least 5 times, once an hour....the day before an election.

The relevant (???) news item was 6 months old.

So, to today.

I thought the election compass thingy was quite amusing.

Even when the article I posted earlier pointed out that if you gave NO opinion, were completely neutral in all answers.....it told you you loved the Count, and should vote Liberal......I did twig to the Liberal advantage of same, but shrugged it off as simply the result of the brain-dead being closest to the Liberal Party....no biggie. I read in no malicious intent.

Then.....saved by Ezra Levant......

Try it out yourself. If you answer neutrally or "no opinion" to every question, it tells you you're for Michael Ignatieff.
Not surprisingly, the CBC has stonewalled requests to release their formula.
Why the secrecy? CBC spokesman Jeff Keay said there is no bias, "as far as we know." What does that mean? Has Keay even seen the formula? Whose word is he taking that it's fair?
Perhaps he's taking the word of Peter Loewen, the "director of analytics" for the Vote Compass. Loewen just happens to have been a policy adviser for Michael Ignatieff's 2006 Liberal leadership campaign.
No bias?
Or maybe Keay is taking the word of Richard Johnston, on Vote Compass's advisory board. Last month Johnston savaged Stephen Harper in the press, claiming he was destroying the "integrity" of government.
No bias?

The CBC isn't a news company anymore. It's a campaign team - Ezra Levant

The Director of Analytics for the Compass was Count Iggy's ****ing policy advisor?????? (Peter Loewen)

Outrageous! Out with the pitchforks! Storm the corporate offices! Down with the Ministry of Truth!

Save us a billion bucks a year! Fire them all!


Privy Council
Jul 28, 2010

This is getting ridiculous. I'm sure everyone has heard my rant about the CBC's bias, especially back in my Reform days, when CBC ran an item on a 5 minute radio NEWS program that repeated "Reform is the party of racists and bigots" at least 5 times, once an hour....the day before an election.

The relevant (???) news item was 6 months old.

So, to today.

I thought the election compass thingy was quite amusing.

Even when the article I posted earlier pointed out that if you gave NO opinion, were completely neutral in all answers.....it told you you loved the Count, and should vote Liberal......I did twig to the Liberal advantage of same, but shrugged it off as simply the result of the brain-dead being closest to the Liberal Party....no biggie. I read in no malicious intent.

Then.....saved by Ezra Levant......

The CBC isn't a news company anymore. It's a campaign team - Ezra Levant

The Director of Analytics for the Compass was Count Iggy's ****ing policy advisor?????? (Peter Loewen)

Outrageous! Out with the pitchforks! Storm the corporate offices! Down with the Ministry of Truth!

Save us a billion bucks a year! Fire them all!

Didn't that "compass" come out as a social study from a university, and the CBC was just doing them a favor to tell people about it?

Personally I give it low value, because I know where I stand on the real-world political spectrum, yet it stuck me in a position way out in left field.

Hmm... this is giving me an idea...

I had a statistics prof who had more than 200 publications to his name, yet he never did any research or gather any of his own data.

He'd read other papers, and notice situations where researchers had chosen the wrong kind of statistical test for their data, i.e. they should have done a Chi-square but they did a linear regression, etc.

He would just take their data and run it through the proper statistical test, and report what the results of the experiment were *really* saying.

It might be interesting to get ahold of the data they're collecting and push it through a statistical test based upon an attitudinal distribution closer to normal reality.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
If you had some time, and the slightest bit of technical knowledge, you'd be able to figure out the formula.

I guess that's why it confuses conservatives.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
If you had some time, and the slightest bit of technical knowledge, you'd be able to figure out the formula.

I guess that's why it confuses conservatives.

No confusion at all....if you are completely ****ing brain-dead, unable to form a coherent opinion, without any sense at all....you are a Liberal.

Try it out.


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
I certainly think this has been rigged in some way. I took the test 3 times.

1st time I answered truthfully with my views on social resposibiity while maintaining fiscal responsibiility and I was told I was conservative....couldn't be further from the truth.

2nd time I answered social questions the same but changed my finacial stance to reflect more of the NDP platform and I was told I was a liberal....wrong again.

3rd time I had made notes on where the NDP was supposed to stand and answered every question in that manner and I was told I was green....wrong 3 times in a row.

All 3 times I rated the leaders at 0 with the exception of Jacko who got a 9.

Obviously there is some effort to push people to the 2 parties and if you answer 100% pro NDP you are a nutter for the greens and should change your ways.


Privy Council
Jul 28, 2010
I certainly think this has been rigged in some way. I took the test 3 times.

1st time I answered truthfully with my views on social resposibiity while maintaining fiscal responsibiility and I was told I was conservative....couldn't be further from the truth.

Weird... that's the combination that should have pegged you as Green.

2nd time I answered social questions the same but changed my finacial stance to reflect more of the NDP platform and I was told I was a liberal....wrong again.

3rd time I had made notes on where the NDP was supposed to stand and answered every question in that manner and I was told I was green....wrong 3 times in a row.

All 3 times I rated the leaders at 0 with the exception of Jacko who got a 9.

Obviously there is some effort to push people to the 2 parties and if you answer 100% pro NDP you are a nutter for the greens and should change your ways.
I haven't found the combination to say one should vote NDP, and like you, several of the combinations make no sense at all.

So... hmm...

Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the target audience for this quiz those who have a set of opinions, but are frustrated by the confusion of the hate ads, and are too lazy and/or illiterate to read the party policy papers, and just want someone to tell them who they should vote for?

I mean, everybody on this forum already has a pretty good idea who they'll probably vote for. If they change their mind, it's because they'll have thought about it.

Nobody here is going to say, "Oh gosh you guys, I'm so glad I discovered this forum. I had no idea which party best represents my perspectives". Nobody yet has stumbled in saying, "Hi guys, if I tell you I like cats and ice-cream, can you tell me who I should vote for?"

But that would be the kind of person utterly at the mercy of a tool like that quiz.

That tool has not passed muster with *anyone* in this crowd. None. Nada. Zilch. From extreme left to extreme right and all points in-between it's been given a big fat thumbs down. It hasn't pegged *anyone* correctly, or exactly enough.

So... if there's an agenda behind the algorythm, where's it trying to lead the sheeple who just want to be told who to vote for?

It seems if you've got any inclination towards liberal values, it pegs you green, otherwise your conservative, or at least that's how it's wracked out with my tests.

I'm stumped.

What's the pattern here? Someone said it came from someone associated to Iggy, but Lib is the hardest party for me to find the answer-set to get.



The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
First I would say there is a great portion of the population who DO want to be told how to vote but you will not find them on here as all of us, whether we agree or not, have strong opinions and a desire to express them and canot be easily swayed.

I would say that if there is any ulterior motives behind the results the quiz gives it is to have people vote anything but NDP.


Privy Council
Jul 28, 2010
First I would say there is a great portion of the population who DO want to be told how to vote but you will not find them on here as all of us, whether we agree or not, have strong opinions and a desire to express them and canot be easily swayed.

I would say that if there is any ulterior motives behind the results the quiz gives it is to have people vote anything but NDP.


Okee dokee... It's past 7PM Friday.... cheerio guys... I'll see you Monday...

Ces ****holes de Lucifer veulent que nous se cassent vers le haut quand l'affaire est il y a une planche sur la plate-forme Canadienne pour n'importe qui non mauvais


New Member
Apr 3, 2011
Is sad that in a country with so much to offer we are lead by so many with such narrow vision and little to offer. Maybe they should have to do blue collar work and see how the real world operates.....

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
Whatever this means...;-)

Hey, you stole my picture!!


New Member
Apr 4, 2011
It has been very obvious for a long time that many people in a society do not know which parties stand for what when it comes to all the different issues that a Federal government is required to address for 'all' of the people in that society. Since we lost the Progressive Conservative Party in Canada there has been a lot more confusion. How do you move forward to vote when even a remnant of the party that you Grandmother or Grandfather voted for does not exist any more. What they tried to teach you suddenly seems not relevant. Well it is relevant but the grandparents didn't tell you that it was going to take so much research to get there. Things change, the political landscape changes, how the issues are weighted change and so the Canadian voter has to change to keep abreast of what he wants and who is most likely to provide it
This is where the CBC 2011 federal election compass comes in as a partial tool to helping voters get up to speed with there inner beliefs. They can answer a series of questions that will ultimately point them most closely to the party that represents their scope of core values as a person. No doubt the compass will direct them toward the party that most closely mimics their own views. Unfortunately however it can not tell you what you want to hear. If you are open minded, this can be a point of great epiphany. With a little bit of research you will start to understand what your grandparents were talking about and what they were willing to fight for before it was too late. If you don't have an open mind, you may get upset and resort to school ground type name calling, or denounce the results, curse at your fellow citizen or throw something across the room. It is always best to resist this kind of activity and refocus if you are going to be a constructive part of the debate for the greater good (which is always the goal in government) but also for yourself so you can be part of the whole rather than just one opinion.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
It has been very obvious for a long time that many people in a society do not know which parties stand for what when it comes to all the different issues that a Federal government is required to address for 'all' of the people in that society. Since we lost the Progressive Conservative Party in Canada there has been a lot more confusion. How do you move forward to vote when even a remnant of the party that you Grandmother or Grandfather voted for does not exist any more. What they tried to teach you suddenly seems not relevant. Well it is relevant but the grandparents didn't tell you that it was going to take so much research to get there. Things change, the political landscape changes, how the issues are weighted change and so the Canadian voter has to change to keep abreast of what he wants and who is most likely to provide it
This is where the CBC 2011 federal election compass comes in as a partial tool to helping voters get up to speed with there inner beliefs. They can answer a series of questions that will ultimately point them most closely to the party that represents their scope of core values as a person. No doubt the compass will direct them toward the party that most closely mimics their own views. Unfortunately however it can not tell you what you want to hear. If you are open minded, this can be a point of great epiphany. With a little bit of research you will start to understand what your grandparents were talking about and what they were willing to fight for before it was too late. If you don't have an open mind, you may get upset and resort to school ground type name calling, or denounce the results, curse at your fellow citizen or throw something across the room. It is always best to resist this kind of activity and refocus if you are going to be a constructive part of the debate for the greater good (which is always the goal in government) but also for yourself so you can be part of the whole rather than just one opinion.

Perhaps you missed this.....and the other posted articles....

The CBC isn't a news company anymore. It's a campaign team - Ezra Levant

The Director of Analytics for the Compass was Count Iggy's ****ing policy advisor?????? (Peter Loewen)


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
A column from the Sun criticizing CBC.


Regardless of who does what and where the poll was tinted, the truth is, that if you are wishy-washy on everything - guess what.. you are a liberal.
Last edited:


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
A column from the Sun criticizing CBC.


Regardless of who does what and where the poll was tinted, the truth is, that if you are wishy-washy on everything - guess what.. you are a liberal.

That might be a good reason not to vote for them. :lol:


New Member
Apr 4, 2011
The article in the Sun recently is not a well a thought out piece. Certainly it would be a little embarrassing to use it to back a case for the CBC 2011 federal election compass not being an excellent tool to help voters articulately run the gauntlet of considering their choices during an election campaign. How your options match your personal beliefs is really what it is all about now. Finding the majority of these common beliefs is what election day does. Holding 308 MP's feet to the fire molds our Parliament during the 4 or 5 year term, dependent on if you get open minded MP"s in there. Open minded is the key to a good, well functioning democracy, as you, an MP are there to represent the peoples will, serve their needs and protect them always and especially in crisis.
Getting back to the Sun article of April 1st,2011, it is very poorly researched and written. Glaring errors in the way it was presented, are apparent and that would make informed people question the validity and intent of the document. The CBC by most accounts provides Canadian's with tremendously balanced programming (unquestionably more balanced than that piece) at a very low cost. For less than 8 cents per person per day Canadians have programming that is second to none in the world and much of it uniquely Canadian. That something the majority of Canadians want as an option and you can't get anywhere else to much degree. One of the tools offered on it's website lately is the 2011 election compass and is no doubt very well researched and well thought out. If you are aware of what the parties stand for and you run numerous scenarios it will peg your intended outcome every time. If it doesn't you need to brush up on your politics. No worries, we all need to do more of that.
Ezra Levant's comments on who did some of the work on developing the compass are not at all valid and somewhat childish perhaps. They are akin to making a statement like, 'We all know that Sidnee Crosby scored the winning goal in the 2010 Olympic Games in Vancouver BC but that wasn't fair because we all know he plays for the Pittsburgh Penguins'. Now any Canadian would know, that is not a fair statement. Further to this demanding that the CBC must disclose the details of the behind the scenes development of this compass would most certainly lend unfair advantage to those with the most money and devotion to dissect the inner workings of it to change the results in their favor or discredit it to turn the tides in their favor.This would render it a ineffective and undemocratic tool. As far as a misuse of tax payers dollars it will mimic the polls in spending tax payers money (as minute as it is) in direct proportion to how they will likely be voting. For your small fraction of a penny per voter, you can't get any fairer than that. Obviously to remain bias in regards to this Vote Compass we best leave well enough alone.