What do you fear the most?


kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
8O.............Lots of stuff to be afraid of in this life...........Heights is mine, but really not, since I don't put myself in a position where it can affect me.........No sense obsessing bout stuff what ain't gonna happen. I'm never falling out of a tree, off a ladder, or a roof.

What might happen is that an accident or stroke leaves me unable to care for myself and unable to end my life. That's freakin scary. And don't tell me that keeping fit will save ya. Shyte, there's healthy people fallin like flies..............:evil4:


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.

The gigantic freak-out for your husband would be to open the fridge and find it empty - gloriously clean, smelling clean, shining like the sun lives there....but empty!

A few beer will solve that problem. :lol:

You might want to start practicing being poor. The shyte has hit the fan and there seems to be no end to the supply.

I think it's only a matter of time before the majority of the population will start experiencing poverty, according to what I heard lately re the average level of credit card debt in Canada. I can't recall the exact figure but it's several tens of thousands, which means at 28% they are probably forking out $6 or $7 thousand a year on interest payments alone. Maybe there is something to the old saying "A fool and his money are soon parted" (or is it "partying"?) :smile:


kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
The fridge itself doesn't smell. I couldn't handle that. I'd have a total break down.

I know, it all sounds ridiculous on the surface doesn't it. lol.

Wowzer, Karrie; you must have come upon some nasty shyte at some time.

Your fridge story reminds me of my not so dear but very departed step-father-in-law. He used to put stuff in the fridge till it grew mold, and even then refuse to chuck it. His childhood was not one of severe deprivation, so gawd knows why he did this.

We used to be afraid that we would one day ram a rotting roast of beef down his throat, thereby choking him and then having to do time.

fear fear fear;-)


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
8O.............Lots of stuff to be afraid of in this life...........Heights is mine, but really not, since I don't put myself in a position where it can affect me.........No sense obsessing bout stuff what ain't gonna happen. I'm never falling out of a tree, off a ladder, or a roof.

What might happen is that an accident or stroke leaves me unable to care for myself and unable to end my life. That's freakin scary. And don't tell me that keeping fit will save ya. Shyte, there's healthy people fallin like flies..............:evil4:

No but it will ensure you die in good shape so you look good in the coffin. :lol:


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
"Superbug", antibiotic resistant pork MRSA, salmonella and e coli are something to fear and they are in your local supermarket!


Jan 6, 2007
"Superbug", antibiotic resistant pork MRSA, salmonella and e coli are something to fear and they are in your local supermarket!

yeah I slipped and jabbed myself cutting the pork up today and thought briefly just how dangerous that probably is.

I have a really hard time with unclean stores, and I can usually smell really quick if their meat department is somewhere I don't want to shop. The slightest smell of decay can send me into a full blown panic attack.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
yeah I slipped and jabbed myself cutting the pork up today and thought briefly just how dangerous that probably is.

I have a really hard time with unclean stores, and I can usually smell really quick if their meat department is somewhere I don't want to shop. The slightest smell of decay can send me into a full blown panic attack.

Shades of my wife- she freaks out when she spots a little mold on the cheese- I've told her a thousand times if I've told her once that mold won't hurt you, actually if anything it makes the cheese taste even better. Now if it's on meat or fish, you should scrape it off.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
yeah I slipped and jabbed myself cutting the pork up today and thought briefly just how dangerous that probably is.

I have a really hard time with unclean stores, and I can usually smell really quick if their meat department is somewhere I don't want to shop. The slightest smell of decay can send me into a full blown panic attack.

Superbugs in the Supermarket - Marketplace


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
To make a long story short Petros, what it all boils down to is the supposedly intelligent people are screwing up the world. :smile:

If the global change warming climate people are adamant about you and me not eating meat, what is the best way to get us to stop without complaining?

You do not want to have vancomycin pumped through your veins twice daily for two weeks. Trust me.


Jan 6, 2007
Shades of my wife- she freaks out when she spots a little mold on the cheese- I've told her a thousand times if I've told her once that mold won't hurt you, actually if anything it makes the cheese taste even better. Now if it's on meat or fish, you should scrape it off.

For me it's a meat issue. I can deal with my veggies going bad, etc. It's when something smells like a corpse that I lose it, completely

We once came home from vacation, I took one step into the house, and I turned around crying. Hubby had to go in, find the mouse that had gotten snapped in a trap, clean up the resulting puddle, air the house out, and only then could I go back.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
If the global change warming climate people are adamant about you and me not eating meat, what is the best way to get us to stop without complaining?

You do not want to have vancomycin pumped through your veins twice daily for two weeks. Trust me.

They could be in for a tough time getting us to change- Just heard on the news the other day that the experts are deciding animal fat is good for you and vegetable fat isn't. (I think I'll just stick to what I've believed all along..................eat a balanced diet. :smile:

For me it's a meat issue. I can deal with my veggies going bad, etc. It's when something smells like a corpse that I lose it, completely

We once came home from vacation, I took one step into the house, and I turned around crying. Hubby had to go in, find the mouse that had gotten snapped in a trap, clean up the resulting puddle, air the house out, and only then could I go back.

I hear you-occasionally while taking my walk I'll encounter a smell that's enough to gag a maggot, and sure enough I'll find a dead deer in the ditch that's obviously been there a couple of weeks.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
What I fear the most is that normal people will remain quiet while the fringe dwellers polarize our society.


Jun 8, 2007
Third rock from the Sun
What I fear the most is that normal people will remain quiet while the fringe dwellers polarize our society.

Hmm you mean my friends who do nothing but play games, and vegetate and are oblivious to everything around them? And laugh when i say certain events that are happening are important to us?


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Hmm you mean my friends who do nothing but play games, and vegetate and are oblivious to everything around them? And laugh when i say certain events that are happening are important to us?

If your friends are normal and you are a fringe dweller then yes, that is what I mean.