What do you fear the most?


Electoral Member
Nov 22, 2010
Petros and Petra

Thank you both - for the video and encouragement.

When I was at my worst whenever I was feeling "better" I would buy a new pair of shoes believing they would be well worn before long as I would be getting around more ....there are eight boxes of unworn shoes still in my closet .... and I should donate them but somehow
they represent something (either failure or hope) not sure.

I think it is the lack of "reason" which makes it so difficult to fight off the free floating anxiety which changes like the wind and arrives at the most inappropriate times. But my "enemy" is now my "challenger" and I feel a stronger person for overcoming its power.

There is always a reason - and your video has offered more proof.

Johnny Utah

Council Member
Mar 11, 2006

What do you fear the most?
Belinda might be late.. 8O


Jan 6, 2007
Today I keep circling around my fridge. Some leftovers got fogotten at the back of the fridge. I'm terrified to try to throw them away, because I know what the smell is going to do to me. I've pulled the garbage can out, and set it in front of the fridge. I've gotten the sink filled with soapy water to clean the container as quick as possible. I've got everything ready to go, but I can't face it. I can't do it. I have too much to do today to risk a panic attack. But I can't NOT do it, it's got to be cleaned up. And I can't just chuck the containers, because hubby would notice they're gone (they're good containers), and to explain why they got tossed would mean explaining to him just how bad my flashbacks have gotten.

Fear is a funny thing isn't it? What would be nothing to someone else, I'm sitting here terrified about, knowing how easily it can set me off, give me flashbacks, bring the horror all right back to the front of my mind.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Petros and Petra

Thank you both - for the video and encouragement.

When I was at my worst whenever I was feeling "better" I would buy a new pair of shoes believing they would be well worn before long as I would be getting around more ....there are eight boxes of unworn shoes still in my closet .... and I should donate them but somehow
they represent something (either failure or hope) not sure.

I think it is the lack of "reason" which makes it so difficult to fight off the free floating anxiety which changes like the wind and arrives at the most inappropriate times. But my "enemy" is now my "challenger" and I feel a stronger person for overcoming its power.

There is always a reason - and your video has offered more proof.
Are the shoes still in style?

They may change their minds at Hochelaga. :lol:
I bet they can pronounce that better than any Canadian.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Today I keep circling around my fridge. Some leftovers got fogotten at the back of the fridge. I'm terrified to try to throw them away, because I know what the smell is going to do to me. I've pulled the garbage can out, and set it in front of the fridge. I've gotten the sink filled with soapy water to clean the container as quick as possible. I've got everything ready to go, but I can't face it. I can't do it. I have too much to do today to risk a panic attack. But I can't NOT do it, it's got to be cleaned up. And I can't just chuck the containers, because hubby would notice they're gone (they're good containers), and to explain why they got tossed would mean explaining to him just how bad my flashbacks have gotten.

Fear is a funny thing isn't it? What would be nothing to someone else, I'm sitting here terrified about, knowing how easily it can set me off, give me flashbacks, bring the horror all right back to the front of my mind.

Not a biggie, Karrie, leave it a few more days and your fridge will have some culture. :lol:


Jan 6, 2007
Not a biggie, Karrie, leave it a few more days and your fridge will have some culture. :lol:

I don't think I could leave them now either, or I won't be able to eat anything else out of the damn fridge.... rock and a hard place. lol.


Electoral Member
Nov 22, 2010
Haha Petros

In California styles are all over the decade past and present - and trying to "fit" into current things would take a lot of money because the fabulously wealthy make new style every day...some of it pretty weird as well.

I pretty much outfit the same other than the length of skirts keeps changing but I'm usually in jeans....and as long as the shoes work with jeans I'm safe! lol

Dear Karrie

I am reliving what you have written - now that I live alone I feed the garbage more than I do myself as I still purchase with common sense for each day rather than what I consume in what passes for "meals".

Be happy you have a companion to worry over - that's the best kind of "worry" there is....to heck with the fridge.


Jan 6, 2007
*deep breath*

Okay, I made it through that with minimal breakdown.

Now I have to do groceries today with all this on my mind. Which is a real challenge if the meat or dairy department is less than clean. I really need to plan these things out better.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
*deep breath*

Okay, I made it through that with minimal breakdown.

Now I have to do groceries today with all this on my mind. Which is a real challenge if the meat or dairy department is less than clean. I really need to plan these things out better.
Apparently you've watched Marketplace recently?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
*deep breath*

Okay, I made it through that with minimal breakdown.

Now I have to do groceries today with all this on my mind. Which is a real challenge if the meat or dairy department is less than clean. I really need to plan these things out better.

Before you put any more grub in the fridge - maybe just spray a little RAID in there. :lol:


Jan 6, 2007
Before you put any more grub in the fridge - maybe just spray a little RAID in there. :lol:

The fridge itself doesn't smell. I couldn't handle that. I'd have a total break down.

I know, it all sounds ridiculous on the surface doesn't it. lol.


Electoral Member
Nov 22, 2010

The gigantic freak-out for your husband would be to open the fridge and find it empty - gloriously clean, smelling clean, shining like the sun lives there....but empty!


Jan 6, 2007

The gigantic freak-out for your husband would be to open the fridge and find it empty - gloriously clean, smelling clean, shining like the sun lives there....but empty!

lol.. yeah he'd be stressed out by that. He loves my cooking. Or at least, he says he does so that I don't make him take over. lol.