Freedom, Justice and Democracy RE:Egypt

Which person or group supports freedom, justice and democracy in Egypt

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the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Egypt’s Revolution: Creative Destruction for a ’Greater Middle East’?
by F. William Engdahl*
Controverting majority opinion, F. William Engdahl maintains there is nothing spontaneous about the mass protest movements in Arab countries and sees them as a replay of the US-orchestrated colour revolutions that triggered regime change in post-Soviet countries. The same script and cast of characters are at hand: local opposition leaders coached by the NED and other US-funded organizations in the art of staging "spontaneous" uprisings. The contours of a US covert strategy for the region have been clear for some time. The question is: will it work?


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
Back on the subject of Freedom, Justice and Democracy in Egypt.

Protests continue today as 6000 canal workers go on strike. Mubarak has been sidelined as the country is now run by Egypt's chief torturer and executioner.
Suleiman: The CIA's man in Cairo - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

Meanwhile human rights activists, protesters and journalists continue to disappear:
Human rights activists detained in Egypt must be freed | Amnesty International

Its starting to look like their isn't going to be a peaceful transition. The protesters are going to have to up the ante or their cause will be lost as they are taken out one at a time.

Just in case you don't know what the Egyptian people face:

YouTube - Brave man got shot #Egypt

YouTube - Police Torture (Egypt, February, 2011)


We are all Khaled Said facebook page:


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Should the Brotherhood come to power, many thousands of Egyptians will die in repression and war.

The Muslim Brotherhood is backing the presidential aspirations of former International Atomic Energy Agency head Muhammad ElBaradei, a harsh critic the US under successive administrations. Unsurprisingly, ElBaradei sanitizes the Brotherhood as an egalitarian movement that eschews violence.
In fact, the Brotherhood, created in 1928 by Hassan El-Banna, allied itself with Hitler and incubated Islamism in the Middle East. Its leaders and thinkers, like Sayyid Qutb, were the precursors of Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda.

Last year, its new leader, Muhammad Badi’, spoke of the virtues of jihad and a state based on Islamic law, while euphorically declaring that the U.S. is heading towards its demise. He has called for Palestinians to end negotiations with Israel and for Egypt to shred its peace treaty with Jerusalem – something his second-in-command, Rashad Al-Bayoumi, emphasized again in recent days as being a priority for the Brotherhood in joining a future government.



Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
I don't know....1928?

Must been them damn Joos refusing to stay in Europe to be murdered in an orderly fashion.

I thought you maintained a higher standard of debate. Apparently not :(

Should the Brotherhood come to power, many thousands of Egyptians will die in repression and war.

I'm sure Daniel Mandel knows this subject well.

Daniel Mandel is a fellow in history at Melbourne University, director of the Zionist Organization of America’s Center for Middle East Policy and author of H. V. Evatt and the Establishment of Israel (Routledge, 2004).

Somehow, I doubt his opinion is completely altruistic regarding Egyptians or Arabs in general.

According to Jimmy Carter, the people have spoken:
AFP: Carter says 'people have decided' in Egypt: report

Their voices can't get any louder or clearer. If you can't hear their demand for freedom now, then I doubt you hear their cries for mercy in Egypt's overloaded dungeons. Egypt's secret police are in full over drive. I wonder how many people have been tortured to death so far?

I'm not suggesting the MB is the solution. I'm observing that Egypt is about to explode even if Zionists like Mandel succeed putting a cork in it.

Today's News

CAIRO - At least five people were killed and around 100 wounded in two days of clashes between police and demonstrators in a town in southern Egypt's New Valley region, medics told AFP on Wednesday.
Earlier, a security official had confirmed three dead.
Police fired live rounds Tuesday when local people rioted in the oasis town of Kharga, more than 400 kilometres (240 miles) south of Cairo, the security official said, speaking on condition of anonymity.
Scores were wounded and three people died of their injuries on Wednesday.
The furious mob responded by burning seven official buildings, including two police stations, a police barracks, a court house and the local headquarters of President Hosni Mubarak's ruling National Democratic Party.

Wait until Friday...

Unless the government steps aside this revolt will escalate. The dissidents know the police will arrest them sooner or later. For them, later isn't as good an option. Today they demonstrated again they can overwhelm police stations with their bare hands and whatever they can grab. Wait until they start arming themselves with real weapons...

The only way this spiral can end peacefully is if Mubarak and his henchmen, including the chief torturer and executioner currently in charge take a vacation. I hear Saudi Arabia is nice this time of year...
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the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Egypt on the brink of a bloodbath

by Thierry Meyssan | Beirut (Lebanon) | The mainstream media are enthralled by the demonstrations in Egypt and are heralding the advent of a Western-style democracy throughout the Middle East. Thierry Meyssan refutes this interpretation. According to him, antagonistic forces have been set in motion, the outcome of which will turn against the order imposed by the United States in the region.
After George W. Bush declared a War on Terror in 2001 it was called the Greater Middle East Project. Today it is known as the less threatening-sounding “New Middle East” project.

They are being organized in a Ukrainian-style high-tech electronic fashion with large internet-linked networks of youth tied to Mohammed ElBaradei and the banned and murky secret Muslim Brotherhood, whose links to British and American intelligence and freemasonry are widely reported [3].

Egypt’s Revolution: Creative Destruction for a ’Greater Middle East’?

Self determination is the purported goal, only that can insure peace. I'm certain that one can't be had without the other. The people are being led to the slaughter by the same agents who have kept them in chains for the last three decades.
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kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
What's the odds on Mubarak just hangin in, till the crowd goes home, arrests the leaders, tortures them to death, reports to Obama that all is well, and US aid resumes/continues.

Never used to be so cynical................years of Mulroo, Cretin, Hapless, will do that to ya.


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
That seems to be the game plan. Except Egyptians heard that one before and they don't seem to be buying it this time.


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
Mubarak has got to go and go now. Egypt will not slide into chaos, in fact order will be restored much quicker with him out of the picture.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
B/Game Theory.... Mubarak will be thrown to the dogs, the crowd will rejoice, the new boss is crowned, democracy is bought and Eygpt becomes a de facto province of the internationalists for a transition period of several more decades maybe even a century or two, Israel bleeds nation into the stone age same as Palestine.

A/ The new transition team takes over soon as Mubarak does the right thing, gets a phone call, people realize business as usual, Muslim Brotherhood steps in on cue, Army crushes Islamic Horde, peace at last, Israel parties on the dead.

G/ Divide and Conquer 101, split armed forces split civilian support, arm both sides in civil war, crush like Iraq. Israel swims in the blood.
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Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
What's the odds on Mubarak just hangin in, till the crowd goes home, arrests the leaders, tortures them to death, reports to Obama that all is well, and US aid resumes/continues.

Never used to be so cynical................years of Mulroo, Cretin, Hapless, will do that to ya.
That would be history repeating itself, successfully. Manipulation can also come in the form of a helping hand approach. It would be nice to see the country retain the $40-$70B that is said to have been 'gotten' in those 3 decades. All his deals would have to come up for 'review' and any Politician who was attached to it is now unemployable as far as politics is concerned. It is true the military does have the final authority but I would hope they would naturally support a Gov that tries to stay out of wars but also protects it's citizens from attack from hidden quarters. (like a dictator for 30 years over what Iran had going before the US intervened by installing their own dictator). The little bit support thye US is giving democracy would evaporate if natural gas exports (to Israel) suddenly included a 60% tax with the revenue going to the poorest of the poor run by ... wait for it.... the poor. Personally I think they should hire/elect the lawyer that refused to defend a man accused of being a Mossad spy because he was a traitor. With him (and others like him obviously) being on the watchdog organization that has blanket ability to view all government produced documents the next Gov will be leary of getting caught for a crime that affects their life in that treason is never a slap on the wrist.

Even the ploy to up the wages of the Gov employees only helps the top 10% that already consume almost 30% of the 'goods'.

poorrichard's blog: Everything You Need To Know About The $2 Billion That America Gives To Egypt Each Year


Time Out
Jun 1, 2007
You Americans are being exposed, again, for the hypocrites you are.

Guess Mubarak has problems with us to bad, we wanted him out yesterday.

Reuters - The government of embattled Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak hit back on Wednesday at what it called U.S. attempts to "impose" American will on a loyal Middle East ally, saying rapid reforms would be too risky.



Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
Latest developments:

Egypt's military leaders met and came out with a very weak statement of support for Mubarak and hinted that he would be gone by Friday morning.

Mubarak delivered a speech on national TV, basically telling the protesters he intends to soldier on.

The crowd was in a party mood expecting a resignation. When that didn't happen, the mood suddenly turned angry and anxious... I don't think its possible to underestimate the level of angry and frustration felt by Egyptians.

Tomorrow is prayer day and I expect a show down. Instigators have called for a 20 million person march!

The Egyptian military has only a slim chance of preventing complete chaos, only if they remove Mubarak from power themselves tonight. If that doesn't happen I expect the country will melt down completely tomorrow right after Friday prayers.

I've been reading the news reports and appears that something big is going to happen within 12 hours. If the military doesn't seize power tonight, then I doubt they will be able to stop what's coming tomorrow after Friday prayers.
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