Latest developments:
Egypt's military leaders met and came out with a very weak statement of support for Mubarak and hinted that he would be gone by Friday morning.
Mubarak delivered a speech on national TV, basically telling the protesters he intends to soldier on.
The crowd was in a party mood expecting a resignation. When that didn't happen, the mood suddenly turned angry and anxious... I don't think its possible to underestimate the level of angry and frustration felt by Egyptians.
Tomorrow is prayer day and I expect a show down. Instigators have called for a 20 million person march!
The Egyptian military has only a slim chance of preventing complete chaos, only if they remove Mubarak from power themselves tonight. If that doesn't happen I expect the country will melt down completely tomorrow right after Friday prayers.
I've been reading the news reports and appears that something big is going to happen within 12 hours. If the military doesn't seize power tonight, then I doubt they will be able to stop what's coming tomorrow after Friday prayers.
I can't believe Mubarak was so stupid! Talk about dashing expectations......why did he go on a national broadcast simply to say "fcuk you" to the nation at large? Is he so foolish he didn't see how much that would inflame the opposition?
I think they are at a crossroads myself, but I am not holding my breath that Mubarak will go, or be thrown out by the Army, which has been the tool that has kept him in power for 30 years........
I heard on CBC a financial expert asked about the corruption of Mubarak and his henchmen and their families: the amount of money stolen from poor LEAST 70 Billion dollars. Yep, that's BILLION, with a "b".
I hope he goes, in fact I hope he is tossed out by some democrat who sets up open and free elections, including all opposition factions.
And I hope the Egyptian people reject any coalition with the Muslim Brotherhood included.
Because if they don't, there will be no democracy in Egypt..........and there will be war.
Everything is in flux......a very dangerous time.