What's your opinion on United States Of America?


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
Re: anti-americans

There is a lot of resentment in the world against us, and it falls mostly into two categories:

1. Western european elites, who have never gotten over falling to second rank status since world war two, and

2. Dictatorships, who know we (and almost nobody else) have a record of smashing dictatorships.
....... and creating them depending on which ones were in the mood to associate with the US.

Want a list of dictators that have been friendly to the US at times? :)

Abacha, General Sani ----------------------------Nigeria
Amin, Idi ------------------------------------------Uganda
Banzer, Colonel Hugo ---------------------------Bolivia
Batista, Fulgencio --------------------------------Cuba
Bolkiah, Sir Hassanal ----------------------------Brunei
Botha, P.W. ---------------------------------------South Africa
Branco, General Humberto ---------------------Brazil
Cedras, Raoul -------------------------------------Haiti
Cerezo, Vinicio -----------------------------------Guatemala
Chiang Kai-Shek ---------------------------------Taiwan
Cordova, Roberto Suazo ------------------------Honduras
Christiani, Alfredo -------------------------------El Salvador
Diem, Ngo Dihn ---------------------------------Vietnam
Doe, General Samuel ----------------------------Liberia
Duvalier, Francois --------------------------------Haiti
Duvalier, Jean Claude-----------------------------Haiti
Fahd bin'Abdul-'Aziz, King ---------------------Saudi Arabia
Franco, General Francisco -----------------------Spain
Hitler, Adolf ---------------------------------------Germany
Hassan II-------------------------------------------Morocco
Marcos, Ferdinand -------------------------------Philippines
Martinez, General Maximiliano Hernandez ---El Salvador
Mobutu Sese Seko -------------------------------Zaire
Noriega, General Manuel ------------------------Panama
Ozal, Turgut --------------------------------------Turkey
Pahlevi, Shah Mohammed Reza ---------------Iran
Papadopoulos, George --------------------------Greece
Park Chung Hee ---------------------------------South Korea
Pinochet, General Augusto ---------------------Chile
Pol Pot---------------------------------------------Cambodia
Rabuka, General Sitiveni ------------------------Fiji
Montt, General Efrain Rios ---------------------Guatemala
Salassie, Halie ------------------------------------Ethiopia
Salazar, Antonio de Oliveira --------------------Portugal
Somoza, Anastasio Jr. --------------------------Nicaragua
Somoza, Anastasio, Sr. -------------------------Nicaragua
Smith, Ian ----------------------------------------Rhodesia
Stroessner, Alfredo -----------------------------Paraguay
Suharto, General ---------------------------------Indonesia
Trujillo, Rafael Leonidas -----------------------Dominican Republic
Videla, General Jorge Rafael ------------------Argentina
Zia Ul-Haq, Mohammed ----------------------Pakistan

friendly dictators


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Re: anti-americans

What do you mean our goverment sucks. You have the most scatter brained (no offense intended) goverment one can think of, what really have they accomplished in the past two years? I do understand that with all the political parties you allow to get involved is probably the reason for the log jam you have getting things passed. Geez a 'Pirate party" that is against copy write laws, Marijuana Party (says it all), Work Less party, be thankful that the Absolutely Absurd party dropped out. You seem to have a government that if it wasn't so free it would be a dictatorship. You are much closer to chaos than we are.
You don't get it. Your government is engaging in wars to protect the interests of industry, it is run by industry, financed by industry and controled by industry. You don't really have a say in how government is run or what it does on the world stage. Neither do we, but we are 1/10th the size and about 1/100th the influence. I like minority governments. The less they do the better off we are.

At least we are not running around starting wars to bolster an economy that is completely dependent on manufacturing weapons of mass destruction and consuming them. Both our countries are corporate dictatorships but ours can't go around acting like Team America. We can't afford it.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
Re: anti-americans

It seems to me the fringe groups hold the balance of power. However, it's hard not to like individual average Americans.
Pretty much, and I think it is the corporate elite that runs things and a lot of the US governments kiss their butts. It is largely unbridled capitalism.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
the u.s. is a great neighbour, we need to stop and realize how nice it really is to have a country
like them next door. Our lifestyles are the same, our interests are the same, we talk the same
language, and we can visit back and forth non stop, without worrying that some terrorist or other
military force is going to shoot at us.

The u.s. are our friends, and if we couldn't travel and roam around their country, freely, it would be
a shame, just as they can in ours.

There is a bad side to everything, one chats about, but i'm not including that, just now.

Politics and military aside, they don't belong in this conversation, at least for
me, they don't.


Electoral Member
May 20, 2010
America is better in some respects. I would love to have their degree of state autonomy in British Columbia. Never been an active participant in Federal Elections so I am not too particularly concerned with the thought of trading in the Fed. Liberals and Fed. Conservatives for the Democrats and Republicans.

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
The United States is the Greatest country there has ever been.
Well, that would depend on how you define "Greatest." The most powerful and influential in history, militarily and economically and culturally, I don't think there can be much doubt about that, founded on the noblest of Enlightenment principles, there's not much room for doubt about that either, and as a benign and generally friendly neighbour there's not much to seriously complain about, most countries throughout most of history have had much worse neighbours than Canada has. It's been almost 200 years since the U.S. tried to invade us. But surely there are other considerations. The U.S. has supported odious dictatorships around the world because it suited its interests to do so, it has destabilized democratically elected governments it didn't like, it has invaded other countries on the flimsiest of pretexts, it has in fact behaved like all imperial powers do, and that's not something to be proud of.

All things considered, I'd rather be a Canadian. And if the Bloc heads in Quebec get their way and destroy this country, I'll go to Australia or New Zealand.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Well, that would depend on how you define "Greatest." The most powerful and influential in history, militarily and economically and culturally, I don't think there can be much doubt about that, founded on the noblest of Enlightenment principles, there's not much room for doubt about that either, and as a benign and generally friendly neighbour there's not much to seriously complain about, most countries throughout most of history have had much worse neighbours than Canada has. It's been almost 200 years since the U.S. tried to invade us. But surely there are other considerations. The U.S. has supported odious dictatorships around the world because it suited its interests to do so, it has destabilized democratically elected governments it didn't like, it has invaded other countries on the flimsiest of pretexts, it has in fact behaved like all imperial powers do, and that's not something to be proud of.

All things considered, I'd rather be a Canadian. And if the Bloc heads in Quebec get their way and destroy this country, I'll go to Australia or New Zealand.

If your friend likes someone you don't like does that make him any less of a friend?


Electoral Member
May 20, 2010
All things considered, I'd rather be a Canadian. And if the Bloc heads in Quebec get their way and destroy this country, I'll go to Australia or New Zealand.

Not a bad idea. I might be willing to stick it out if British Columbia remains an independent state or enters the United States on favorable terms. But there is a certain appeal to Australia other than the fact that I can wear shorts and flip-flops in the winter. ;-)
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Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
All things considered, I'd rather be a Canadian. And if the Bloc heads in Quebec get their way and destroy this country, I'll go to Australia or New Zealand.

You are a man after my heart. I have said the same thing many times here in this forum. In my opinion, Canada is the greatest country in the world, with one of the best quality of life in the world.

If I am forced to leave Canada for some reason, I would go to Australia or New Zealand as well (even though standard of living is quite a bit lower in New Zealand). And I say this as somebody who has lived in USA and UK for 7-8 years each.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
Well, that would depend on how you define "Greatest." The most powerful and influential in history, militarily and economically and culturally, I don't think there can be much doubt about that, founded on the noblest of Enlightenment principles, there's not much room for doubt about that either, and as a benign and generally friendly neighbour there's not much to seriously complain about, most countries throughout most of history have had much worse neighbours than Canada has. It's been almost 200 years since the U.S. tried to invade us. But surely there are other considerations. The U.S. has supported odious dictatorships around the world because it suited its interests to do so, it has destabilized democratically elected governments it didn't like, it has invaded other countries on the flimsiest of pretexts, it has in fact behaved like all imperial powers do, and that's not something to be proud of.
Pretty much.

All things considered, I'd rather be a Canadian. And if the Bloc heads in Quebec get their way and destroy this country, I'll go to Australia or New Zealand.
Not us, I don't think. We'll hang around the Democratic Republic of British Columbia. :D NZ doesn't sound too bad, though.


Dark Overlord
May 29, 2007
don't very be happy.

I also want ask that my signature is not showing

The reason your signature did not show up was due to the length of your post.

That being said, your signature was spammish in nature so it has been removed entirely.


Electoral Member
Dec 2, 2008
They are neither worse nor better than any other great power throughout history. They've done good things and they've done bad - again, not unlike any other superpower throughout history, the difference being that now, the stakes are higher - the chances of total destruction are greater. But having said that, any other country that may have grabbed those power reigns would be doing the exact same thing - never delude yourself on that fact.
For the most part, I like the States. No, they aren't perfect and yes, most Americans know almost nothing about Canada. But then as far as that goes, how many Canadians know what they should about their own country - let alone the country beside theirs? Canadians are horrendously ignorant about their own country - why should we be so full of righteous indignation when it comes to our neighbour's ignorance. and quite frankly, what do we REALLY know about the States - except for what we skim from the papers? I'm really sick of the generalizations that come from both sides.