Army: 12 dead in 31 wounded shooting attacks at Fort Hood base in Texas


May 24, 2006
Nope, just stating the fact he was human and cracked.. Being Muslim, the last time I looked, was not a prerequisite to being a suicide bomber..

How about taking a look at the last half decade of suicide bombers. I think you will see a pattern.


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
Nope, just stating the fact he was human and cracked.. Being Muslim, the last time I looked, was not a prerequisite to being a suicide bomber..

Other than McVeigh(Oklahoma City)and his cohort, I can't think of a suicide bomber who wasn't a Muslim.


May 24, 2006
Other than McVeigh(Oklahoma City)and his cohort, I can't think of a suicide bomber who wasn't a Muslim.

I thought it rather ironic that when McVeigh did his deed, the first people the yankees blamed were the muslims.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
I hate to point out the obvious, but McVeigh was not a suicide bomber.....

As an aside, my Irishman, a professor of history, and a curmudgeon..... was once asked by an Arab student what he thought of the Intifada,....his reply was classic "I think you morons outta make a little trip to Belfast and see if the Provos can't teach you how to set off an F'in bomb without blowing yourself to bleedin' bits..." (Rolled eyes)



Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
Actually suicide bombing was initiated in the 17th century in Taiwan by Dutch soldiers.


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
"So where did he get his training.. In the US Military ?"

NO, he got his training in his local mosque, run by the local representative of Al-Quada, known as Imam.

Just like any and all mosques, and any and all local imams.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
"So where did he get his training.. In the US Military ?"

NO, he got his training in his local mosque, run by the local representative of Al-Quada, known as Imam.

Just like any and all mosques, and any and all local imams.

I'm not sure a lot of training is necessary, from any run about screaming "god is Great" and shooting unarmed people...........


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
That doesn't surprise me. They initiated scalping in North America too.

True. The problem with ears was that they couldn't get people to take just the right or the left......and then they would come back with two ears and claim two bounties......screws up your book keeping. Everyone has only one scalp........


Subjective Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Lower Mainland, BC
"So where did he get his training.. In the US Military ?"

NO, he got his training in his local mosque, run by the local representative of Al-Quada, known as Imam.

Just like any and all mosques, and any and all local imams.

The irony of all this is that when all was said and done, he had acted like any other human being that had lost it and shot people like a mad man. There is not doubt it is very sad for those who lost their lives and he will need to account for what he did.

However people like you that believe he was trained by his local mosque are dangerous. Do you also believe Catholics like me are trained to attack kids by my church ?

Do you realize that as per the US News ( Yes Fox ), there are 9000 recruits of Muslim faith in the US military ? Most are there at the request of the US military recruitment looking for Arabic speaking interpreters. Until this happened all of them had been serving the US military with excellent service records.

Many Military ( Worldwide ) projects often depend on many people of different cultures to assist in decoding languages and cultural differences when in such places of war. Often these people who assist are treated as traitors to their own people and are harassed by their own military peers. I cannot start to imagine how stressful being bombarded daily from both sides could be and having the whole world see you as a traitor when in fact you are trying to work to bring Peace..

No one says this guy was a good guy but then who is 100% pure, just human.. But making everyone else that does a great job look bad on his account is not fair. And yes Muslims are a favorite target right now.. I would expect a lot of traction out of this story..


May 24, 2006
The irony of all this is that when all was said and done, he had acted like any other human being that had lost it and shot people like a mad man. There is not doubt it is very sad for those who lost their lives and he will need to account for what he did.

However people like you that believe he was trained by his local mosque are dangerous. Do you also believe Catholics like me are trained to attack kids by my church ?

Do you realize that as per the US News ( Yes Fox ), there are 9000 recruits of Muslim faith in the US military ? Most are there at the request of the US military recruitment looking for Arabic speaking interpreters. Until this happened all of them had been serving the US military with excellent service records.

Many Military ( Worldwide ) projects often depend on many people of different cultures to assist in decoding languages and cultural differences when in such places of war. Often these people who assist are treated as traitors to their own people and are harassed by their own military peers. I cannot start to imagine how stressful being bombarded daily from both sides could be and having the whole world see you as a traitor when in fact you are trying to work to bring Peace..

No one says this guy was a good guy but then who is 100% pure, just human.. But making everyone else that does a great job look bad on his account is not fair. And yes Muslims are a favorite target right now.. I would expect a lot of traction out of this story..

The thing is, his muslim faith was the issue. The yankees will have a real problem when the other 9000 do the same thing... They bring it on themselves.


Subjective Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Lower Mainland, BC
The thing is, his muslim faith was the issue. The yankees will have a real problem when the other 9000 do the same thing... They bring it on themselves.

So what's your solution Risus..

When all other Nations Military use interpretors to communicate with Islam, should the US remove all Muslims from the Military, because one went crazy and possibly others might ? What about all the valuable intelligence they get from these interpretors such as the location of the Taliban strongholds and bases are ?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
The thing is, his muslim faith was the issue. The yankees will have a real problem when the other 9000 do the same thing... They bring it on themselves.

In the 8 years since 9-11, I have heard of one other case like this, in iraq.

2 cases in 8 years. Meanwhile, 8998 out of the 9000 have carried out their duties faithfully.

'nuff said.


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
Actually, suicide bombing as a tactic was pioneered by the Tamil Tigers in Sri Lanka......

Lots of suicide bombings there.
Japanese Kamikaze would also count. The Viet Cong also resorted to this tactic and many others groups who face a better armed adversary and must resort to asymetrical warfare tactics.

The perception that only Muslims are willing to die for a cause is just that a perception. About as accurate as perceptions that Iraq had stockpiles of WMDs and was responsible for 9/11.

This event while shocking is hardly unique. Many American soldiers have gone on rampages and killed unarmed people. If this crazed gunman had killed unarmed Iraqi men, women and children, rather than American soldiers, he probably would have gotten away with it, just like these crazed gunman:

BBC NEWS | Middle East | What happened at Haditha?