Quit picking on Obama……


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Ben Stein is a right wing ideologue, a staunch Republican. HE firmly believes that the universe was created 5000 years ago in six days.

He recently produced a documentary ‘Expelled’, extolling the virtues of Creationism, of Intelligent Design and trashing Evolution (Which according to him is Satan’s tool to corrupt America).

He is a confirmed Obama hater. If he criticizes Obama, then I know that Obama is on the right track. I would be worried if Stein says anything complimentary about Obama.

Ben Stein - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Political views

Stein is a pro-life activist and was given a Pro-Life Award in 2003 by the National Right to Life Educational Trust Fund.[22] In 2007, Stein chastised the police and the GOP leadership for their response to the Larry Craig scandal. Stein said that Craig's sexuality should not be an issue: "A party that believes in individual rights should be rallying to his defense, not making him walk the plank."[23]
Though often labeled as a political and economic conservative, Stein has criticized the U.S. tax code for being too lenient on the wealthy. He has repeated the observation made by Warren Buffett, one of the richest individuals in the world (who pays mostly capital gains tax), that Buffett pays a lower overall tax rate than his secretaries (who pay income taxes). Stein has advocated increasing taxation on the wealthy.[24]
Stein drew fire for a 2008 interview with Glenn Beck in which Stein compared US President Barack Obama's campaign rally at Invesco Field to Adolf Hitler's Nazi rallies at Nuremberg.[25] The Economist called Stein's invocation of Nazism an intentional use of logical fallacy to distract from the campaign. [26] Quite notably Ben Stein endorsed Democrat Al Franken in the 2008 Minnesota Senate race, calling him an "impressive guy". [27]

[edit] Views on evolution and science

Stein has publicly denounced the theory of evolution, which he and other intelligent design advocates term "Darwinism," declaring it to be "a painful, bloody chapter in the history of ideologies," "the most compelling argument yet for Imperialism," and the inspiration for the Holocaust.[28][29] Stein does not say belief in the theory of evolution alone leads to genocide, but that scientific materialism is a necessary component.[30] He co-wrote and stars in Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed, a film that aims to persuade viewers that the theory of evolution was instrumental to the rise of the eugenics movement, Nazi Germany, and the Holocaust, and portrays advocates of intelligent design as victims of intellectual discrimination by the scientific community, which has rejected intelligent design as creationistpseudoscience.[31][32][33]


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
''It is only the left loonies that keep up the racist crap and of course, most hide behind anonymity. ''

Horsebleep, buddy. The mayor knows that if Gates sues, it will be the taxpayers who will fork over the money thanks to Crowley's racism. You of the far right may dream all you want but it is Gates who is has spoken the truth.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
Prof. Gates' Unconstitutional Arrest - Forbes.com

Prof. Gates' Unconstitutional Arrest

By longstanding but unfortunate (and, in my view, clearly unconstitutional) practice in Cambridge and across the country, the charge of disorderly conduct is frequently lodged when the citizen restricts his response to the officer to mere verbal unpleasantness. (When the citizen gets physically unruly, the charge is upgraded to resisting arrest or assault and battery on an officer.) It would appear, from the available evidence--regardless of whether Gates' version or that of Officer Crowley is accepted--that Gates was arrested for saying, or perhaps yelling, things to Crowley that the sergeant did not want to hear.
As one of Crowley's friends told The New York Times: "When he has the uniform on, Jim [Crowley] has an expectation of deference." Deference and respect, of course, are much to be desired both in and out of government service--police want it, as do citizens in their own homes or on their porches or on the street. However, respect is earned and voluntarily extended; it is not required, regardless of rank.''

As the writer says, there is nothing in the Constitution to support the loony ideas of the far right in this case.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
...but it is Gates who is has spoken the truth.

Really. Did he actually speak to Crowley's mama outside? Simmons better shut her trap or the taxpayers may be handing their cash over to Crowley. Gates is a non-issue. He too busy back pedaling to focus on Crowley.

We did learn how articulate prestigious Harvard professor and Obama friend, Henry Louis Gates can be when invited to speak on his front porch with police officers doing their jobs..."Ya, I'll speak with your mama outside".


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Michelle Malkin » ‘Racial Harmony Through Beer’ initiative kicks off Thursday

‘Racial Harmony Through Beer’ initiative kicks off Thursday

By Doug Powers • July 28, 2009 11:42 AM
A date and time has been set for the re-education of Officer Crowley — I mean, some meaningful dialog on race:
A White House official tells ABC News that Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. and Cambridge Police Sgt. James Crowley will have beers with President Obama Thursday at 6 pm ET.
“The president sees this as an opportunity to get dialogue going on an issue that’s been historically troubling,” senior adviser David Axelrod told CBS Sunday.
In this case, the dialog was the problem. Traditionally, adding alcohol to any already tense situation doesn’t work out very well, but I’m sure things will be different just as soon as Crowley settles in for a mandatory viewing of the Rodney King video.
As I wrote in my column yesterday, The Gates of Babble-On, I was disappointed that Officer Crowley accepted the invitation, because to do so is a tantamount to an admission of guilt to a charge of racism. This much is certain: Crowley isn’t being invited over to be the recipient of an apology or even to engage in “meaningful dialog” – but for an intervention, community organizer-style.
I was hoping that Crowley would only accept Obama’s offer if the president and Gates also agreed to meet with him and some of his fellow officers at the Cambridge Police Station.
In any case, maybe this meeting might at least inspire a commercial:
Bud Light presents: Real men of racial genius (♫ “Reeaaal men of racial geniuuussss …” ♫)
Today, we salute you, Mr. anti-racial profiling racial profiler guy. (♫ “Mr. Anti-Racial Profiling Racial Profiler Guy!” ♫)
Armed with knowledge of a long history of past injustice and a laundry list of “yo momma” jokes, you proudly defend yourself against the racist cop who showed up assuming you were a crook. And why? Because somehow that racist made one of your own neighbors call the cops on you. (♫ “Put that night-stick away!” ♫)
Undaunted in your quest to prove that the best way to win the long struggle to end profiling is by assuming that all white cops are racists, you demonstrate that oppression has to have been experienced to be understood. And who better understands the nightmare of minority oppression in America than a university professor who earns a high six-figure salary and has summers off?
So crack open an ice cold Bud Light, oh beacon of blind assumptions. Because ironically, even though the honkies are out to get you, you’ll always be welcome in the White House.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State




Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
From Obama's books.

From Dreams of My Father:'I ceased to advertise my mother's race at the age of 12 or 13, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites.'

From Dreams of My Father :'I found a solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and animosity against my mother's race.'

From Dreams of My Father:'There was something about him that made me wary, a little too sure of himself, maybe. And white.'

From Dreams of My Father:'It remained necessary to prove which side you were on, to show your loyalty to the black masses, to strike out and name names.'

From Dreams of My Father:'I never emulate white men and brown men whose fates didn't speak to my own. It was into my father's image, the black man, son of Africa, that I'd packed all the attributes I sought in myself: the attributes of Martin and Malcolm, DuBois and Mandela.'


From Audacity of Hope:'I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.'

No, he is not a Muslim.


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
Ben Stein is a right wing ideologue, a staunch Republican. HE firmly believes that the universe was created 5000 years ago in six days.

He recently produced a documentary ‘Expelled’, extolling the virtues of Creationism, of Intelligent Design and trashing Evolution (Which according to him is Satan’s tool to corrupt America).

He is a confirmed Obama hater. If he criticizes Obama, then I know that Obama is on the right track. I would be worried if Stein says anything complimentary about Obama.

Bill O'Reilly and Ben Stein on Creationism, oh dear

YouTube - Bill O'Reilly and Ben Stein on Creationism, oh dear

Ben Stein is personally a Jew, and is not a creationist. Does not believe in creationism, he can and does debate it though. As for disliking Obama, is that wrong, no, it is his right. I would expect only praise from you about Obama's policies, see just as predictable. Seems the Left Wing Nuts say one thing when it comes to rights and mean another. (my way or the highway) Where do you come up with these thoughts "Stein is a right wing ideologue, a staunch Republican. HE firmly believes that the universe was created 5000 years ago in six days." Nothing wrong with your first sentence, it is his right to believe in the Republican party, as for the second sentence, total fabrication on your part. He debated for creationism, which is his job (debating) and did it pretty well. I is the right of the creationist to believe as they do, just as it is your right to be an atheist when it comes to religion. By the way, all atheist's are not Left Wingers. "Christopher Hitchens, leading atheist spokesperson, happens to have hawkish views on foreign policy. After all, with atheists an overwhelmingly left-wing group, what were the chances that the loudest infidel in the western world would happen to be on the right?"




Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005



This is funny. Muslims don't drink. Of course they drink.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Really. Did he actually speak to Crowley's mama outside? Simmons better shut her trap or the taxpayers may be handing their cash over to Crowley. Gates is a non-issue. He too busy back pedaling to focus on Crowley.

We did learn how articulate prestigious Harvard professor and Obama friend, Henry Louis Gates can be when invited to speak on his front porch with police officers doing their jobs..."Ya, I'll speak with your mama outside".


The ONLY reason that Crowley is going to the White House is because Obama KNOWS he committed a grievious error. He wants to sit them both down and put it behind before it gets worse for him.

The Mayor is scared and wants this buried quickly. I assure you...in Cambridge they find absolute joy and will go after a cop with great vigor on issues of race. Now she is basically imploring the police to please put an end to this. She is not used to "asking" the police to do anything.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
The drink the blood of Christian babies, mixed with Vodka.

True True!

"The streets will flow with the blood of the non-believers!"

Vodka makes it a little easier to go down I would bet. Bloody Marys anyone?

AH! Don't forget they bathe in the stuff too!


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
So what is your point, ironsides? In the video you mentioned, Ben stein is doing exactly what I said he does, he is trashing evolution and singing the praises of Creationism (his claim of how Creationists are persecuted is nonsense, Creationism is not a scientific theory, it is superstition, so there is no reason why science should give Creationism a hearing).

Ben Stein is personally a Jew, and is not a creationist.

He is a Jew, and a creationist. If he thinks that Creationists are not getting a fair hearing from scientists, that means that he thinks that Creationism and Intelligent Design are scientific theories, which is nonsense. Anybody who says that Creationism (a superstition) must be given a hearing by science is probably a Creationist. Same as anybody who says that science should give a fair hearing to flat earth hypothesis or to witchcraft, would probably be a flat earther or a witch or a warlock, in my opinion.

If Creationists come up with an alternate SCIENTIFIC theory to evolution (without any God or supernatural involved), they will get a fair hearing. But no way religion, superstition is going to get a fair hearing by science. Same as science does not expect to get a fair hearing in a Southern Baptist Church.

As for disliking Obama, is that wrong, no, it is his right.

Certainly that is his right but it is also the right of others to point out that he is a right wing ideologue, a staunch, loyal Republican, a Creationist.

He debated for creationism, which is his job (debating) and did it pretty well.

I agree, but then why are you contesting the fact that he is a Creationist? He is a right wing ideologue, a Republican, a Creationist. When you take all these things into account, it follows logically that he wouldn’t have a kind word to say about Obama.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Why is it when somebody questions evolutionary theory they are "trashing" it? Why is it when somebody theorizes on something different, they are "singing it's praises"? It would appear to me that Ben is approaching this from a scientific perspective while Joey has the religious blinders on.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
July 30, 2009
Obama Fails

By J.R. Dunn

Over the past couple of weeks, it has become apparent even to politicians and the media that the Demented Spree Act of 2009, better known perhaps as the "Obama Stimulus", has not worked, and shows no sign of ever working.

Unemployment -- the professed reason for the stimulus in the first place -- is now at 9.5% and will break 10% within the next few months. Credit remains tight and industry is still fumbling. It is clear that there are no shortcuts back to a steady prosperity, that this recession will be overcome in the exact way such disasters always have been -- by working our way out of it. The $787 billion ("real money", as Everett Dirksen would have put it), already spent, being spent, and to be spent, can be considered as so much waste paper.

The interesting thing about this is the reaction of our media and political elites -- or rather, the lack of reaction. They're behaving as if flushing away three-quarters of a trillion dollars is trivial. The failure of the greatest act of financial pump-priming in history has elicited no more than a collective shrug. Cognitive dissonance doesn't come more obtuse than this. Our great opinion leaders have stumbled over a huge pile of facts having serious bearing on O's future prospects and rather than pausing to take a look have instead gotten to their feet, brushed themselves off, and hurried away exactly as if nothing happened. The pretense appears to be that the fate of the stimulus has nothing at all to do with the rest of Obamus Maximus's policies.

Of course it does. The collapse of the stimulus can be taken as representative of Obama's policies, past, present, and future. The stimulus shares one major element with every other program this administration has come up with: they have all been tried before, and they have all failed.

Whole article: American Thinker: Obama Fails


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
Yes, he is a right Wing Republican, No he is not a Creationist, he is Jewish and an actor. " Coming to theaters everywhere 2008 -creationist propaganda by Ben Stein. The movie is called &quote;Expelled: no intelligence allowed&quote"
It is a movie he was promoting.

Creationism was considered a fact for hundreds of years, and like the 'Flat Earth Society" still has it's diehard believers. So what? They don't hurt anyone but themselves.