Quit picking on Obama……


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Witness the modern day Benedict Arnold, "Arnold" Specter. Gratefully, he is getting his just desserts by Democrats not supporting his Senatorial bid.

YJ, I would be very surprised if Specter does not end up as the Democratic candidate in 2010. It is possible that he may face a challenge in the primary. However, with the establishment supporting him, Obama supporting him, I don’t think his opponents would stand a chance.


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
"YJ, I would be very surprised if Specter does not end up as the Democratic candidate in 2010. It is possible that he may face a challenge in the primary. However, with the establishment supporting him, Obama supporting him, I don’t think his opponents would stand a chance."

And IF he gets the Democratic nomination (which is already in great doubt) the good people of Pennsylvania will not elect him. A traitor is a traitor is a traitor.

Also, by 2010 or especially by 2012, Obama's support will be a lead blanket. The Question that killed Carter will pop up: Are you better off than you were four years ago? The answer is already obvious and it's getting worse.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
And IF he gets the Democratic nomination (which is already in great doubt) the good people of Pennsylvania will not elect him. A traitor is a traitor is a traitor.

Well now that is matter of opinion, isn’t it? We will see what happens in 2010.

Also, by 2010 or especially by 2012, Obama's support will be a lead blanket. The Question that killed Carter will pop up: Are you better off than you were four years ago? The answer is already obvious and it's getting worse.

Answer is obvious? I don’t’ think it is obvious to most people. Situations has improved considerably since Obama came to power. He has managed to stabilize the economy, it was about to fall off a cliff thanks to Bush and Republicans. Anyway, it depends upon what the situation is a year from now. That will decide if democrats suffer only a minor losses (which would be very good result) or substantial losses.

And in this respect, stock market is pointing to improving situation. Stock market is a leading indicator, which tells what the economy would be doing six months from now. Stock market tanked at the beginning of the year and extreme right made a big thing about it. To them stock market was the only indicator of the economy. Now of course, the far right never mentions the stock market.

If stock market is the correct indicator (and it usually is), we can expect improvement in economic situation six months or a year from now. That is probably when we can expect the unemployment situation to improve. Just as stock market is the leading indicator of economy, unemployment is the trailing indicator.

So it is not as clear cut as you hope it is. No doubt you hope for 25% unemployment and 20% inflation a year from now, but it ain’t gonna happen. If I had to predict, I think chances are very good that economic situation will look a lot better a year from now.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
There's one for Canuckville, too. :D
It's only a half trillion bux.

Concerning the Big O, I am still waiting. So far I like him better than our guy even if Harpy has done some good.

That is just it, Anna, he has been in power only for six months, it is too soon to pass judgment on him (Except for Republicans of course, they passed judgment on him even before he took office).

I am a regular investor in stock market, I have been investing since 1994, and stock market makes me hopeful that recovery is coming. Stock market is the leading indicator (unemployment is the trailing one, in any recovery, unemployment is the last to come down).

So I am hopeful that things will turn around, but we will see.

Also seeing that our population is 1/10th that of USA, us having half a trillion debt is equivalent to USA having 5 trillion debt.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Obama comes under attack


Many police officers across the United States have a message for President Barack Obama: Get all the facts before criticizing one of our own.

Obama's public criticism that Cambridge officers "acted stupidly" when they arrested black Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. could make it harder for police to work with people of colour, some officers said yesterday. It could even set back the progress in race relations that helped Obama become the first African-American president, they said.
"What we don't need is public safety officials across the country second-guessing themselves," said David Holway, president of the International Brotherhood of Police Officers, which represents 15,000 public safety officials around the country. "The president's alienated public safety officers across the country with his comments."


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Obama’s Disdain for Authority
By John LeBoutillier

President Obama’s diatribe against the Cambridge cops about the arrest of his “friend”, Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates contains perhaps more than the so-called Mainstream Media is reporting.

In fact, Barack Obama had his own ongoing ‘problem’ with the Cambridge police while he attended Harvard Law School.

As first reported in March 2007 by the Somerville Times, Harvard law student Barack Obama accumulated 17 unpaid parking tickets between 1989-1991—and never paid the fines ad associated penalties totaling $375 until a few weeks before announcing his presidential campaign.

In other words, as a practicing lawyer in Chicago, he allowed these tickets and penalties to remain unpaid; as an Illinois State Senator he allowed these tickets and fines to remain unpaid; and as a United States Senator he allowed these almost-two-decade-old signs of his disdain for the law to remain unpaid.

As the Washington Post reported in 2007, “Obama received 17 parking tickets in Cambridge between 1988 and 1991, mostly for parking in a bus stop, parking without a resident permit and failing to pay the meter, records from the Cambridge Traffic, Parking and Transportation office show.”

Only when he was afraid that the media would dig this up as he launched his presidential campaign did he swallow his scofflaw attitude and pay what he owed to Cambridge.

Indeed, the MSM all but ignored this incident; they have been “in the tank” for Obama since he spoke at the 2004 Democratic Convention. Of course they were never going to reveal anything unflattering about their new ‘Post-Racial Hero.’

But the unexpected diatribe at Wednesday evening’s press conference reveals a long-standing and perhaps deep-seeded attitude toward the Cambridge police department—and maybe toward authority in general.

(Having lived there for six years, I can attest that the Cambridge Police are professional, courteous and respectful of the tens of thousands of students and foreigners and people of color who inhabit their city.)

Here is what we now have learned:

At the mention of Professor Gates, Obama could not contain himself; his self-discipline eroded and he slurred the Cambridge police as “stupid.”

He stepped all over his health care press conference—to the point that the network news has—for over 24 hours—focused more on the Gates-Obama story than the progress of the health care bills in Congress;

At a time when his poll rating are declining steadily, the last thing President Obama wants are stories exploring the whys of his decades as a scofflaw;

Perhaps all of this reveals much about our new President: not only his attitude toward the police, but why he developed a cool exterior to hide much underneath.

Clearly we do not know Barack Obama as well as we should. Criticizing the first black President is a risky endeavor. But he has now opened the door—just a smidgen—but it is open at last.

We have a right to know this fellow’s true opinions—not just about the “stupid” police—but about many other things he so far has cleverly and cynically kept from us.

Let us hope we learn these things—soon—before he leads us to places we cannot come back from.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
''Cambridge officers "acted stupidly"''

they did - entered into a private home without a warrant or probable cause in violation of the Constitution - that's why they were forced to drop all charges

soon Gates will file a lawsuit and collect lots of money - isn't that good?


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
they did - entered into a private home without a warrant or probable cause in violation of the Constitution

They did have probable cause. They were called to a possible B&E. That's why Obama is back pedaling so quickly. He's really starting to remind me of Bush....putting his mouth in motion before his brains in gear.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
July 26, 2009
MSNBC Chief: You're might be a racist if...

By William Tate

Police officers weren't the only folks being called racist by Obama supporters last week. If you have ever harbored doubt about why the Obama machine has been unable to provide incontrovertible proof of his U.S. citizenship, then you ... are ... a ... racist.
Sure, it sounds funny enough to be a Jeff Foxworthy punch line, but it was said in utter, condescending sincerity.
In what could be a new low in hypocrisy -- even for the home of Chris "I Felt a Thrill Going Up My Leg" Matthews and that former sportscaster in the evening -- the president of MSNBC, Phil Griffin, called anyone who has concerns about Barack Obama's citizenship, "racist."
This after MSNBC's sister Obama sycophants at NBC treated as legitimate liberal bloggers' more specious questions about John McCain's citizenship status during last year's campaign.
Griffin's comments came after the national media finally paid a little attention -- albeit belatedly, and mostly mockingly -- last week to the ongoing controversy over Barack Obama's eligibility to be President. Once again, new media dragged the dinosaurs into a story they wouldn't otherwise have covered.
After a YouTube video of Delaware Congressman Mike Castle being heckled at a town hall about Obama's citizenship went viral, the AP reported that the question became one of the most popular topics at its Ask AP column.
Lou Dobbs, on both his radio show and on CNN, and MSNBC and its partner in slime, NBC, also spent time on the questions about Obama's citizenship status.
The tone of the two entities affiliated with GE -- which plans to make out like a robber baron from Obama's policies -- was predictable.
"It's racist," said MSNBC president Griffin. "It's racist. Just call it for what it is."
But the response from NBC was far different when leftists leveled similar charges against McCain during last year's campaign.
"McCain and his advisers are doing their best to brush aside questions -- raised in the liberal blogosphere -- about whether he is qualified under the Constitution to be president. But many legal scholars and government lawyers say it's a serious question with no clear answer,"
according to an NBC Nightly News report, as posted on the MSNBC website. The report noted that McCain was born at a U.S. military base in the Panama Canal Zone.
"(M)any legal scholars say the Canal Zone never was sovereign U.S. territory ... is John McCain a natural born citizen? The Constitution does not define the term further, and legal scholars say the notes of the Constitution's drafters shed little light on what they meant. It seems clear only that the founders wanted to make certain that whoever was president would be loyal to the U.S. alone and not to some other country."
One can question many things about McCain or his political views, but it would be stupefying to suggest that McCain, who endured months of torture -- even after being offered his freedom -- for his country, would ever be disloyal to his country. That didn't stop NBC from pursuing the left's agenda, though.
The report left the question of McCain's eligibility to be President unanswered, but the tone of the story treated the matter as a grave legal issue, worthy of consideration and public discussion.
Compare that to Brian Williams' undisguised contempt as he teased a report last Wednesday about 'birthers' who question Obama's citizenship. "Spreading lies about President Obama's birthplace and about his U.S. citizenship. Who's doing it and why?" Williams summarized the report by concluding, "So many conspiracy theories, so little time.'
So, when the citizenship of a genuine American hero, who has been in the public eye for over three decades, is questioned by liberal bloggers, the Obamatons at NBC treat the matter seriously.
Whereas, when similar charges are raised against a relatively unknown product of Chicago's dirty political swamp, who has close ties to convicted felons, domestic terrorists, and an organization repeatedly accused of using taxpayer money to perpetrate widespread voter fraud, who is connected to shady land dealings, and whose long-time 'spiritual advisor' blames America for 9/11 and has called on God to "damn America", those who would even consider questions about the rather unsettled proof of Obama's citizenship are called racists and belittled as conspiracy theorists.
"The Place for Politics"?
More like, The Place for Propaganda.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll

Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Sunday shows that 29% of the nation's voters now Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty percent (40%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -11. That’s the first time his ratings have reached double digits in negative territory (see trends).
These updates are based upon nightly telephone interviews and reported on a three-day rolling average basis. Today is the first update based entirely upon interviews conducted afterthe President’s prime time televised press conference. The number who Strongly Approve of the President has remained unchanged since the press conference but the number who Strongly Disapprove has gone up by five percentage points (from 35% on Wednesday morning to 40% today).


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
''They did have probable cause.''

No they didn't and that is why the charges were dropped. When Gates sues and collects his millions the cops will be very sorry.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
No they didn't and that is why the charges were dropped. When Gates sues and collects his millions the cops will be very sorry.

Don't be silly. Gates won't sue. It wouldn't look good on his buddy Obama since he shot his mouth off. Besides, there is no case. While throwing out the race card might impress those of lesser intelligence, people in the know understand that it had nothing to do with it. In fact, this might come back and bite Obama big time.

"I feel that he was probably tired and he was surprised to see Officer Crowley in his house, and his reaction was a little stranger than it normally would have been," said Cambridge police Sgt. Leon Lashley, who is black and was at the home with Crowley during the incident.

You, Obama, and Gates need to cut the racist bull****.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
"Local law enforcement officials said Friday that they deeply resent the suggestion that race played a role in the arrest, and asked Obama and Gov. Deval Patrick to apologize for comments union leaders called insulting.Patrick called the arrest "every black man's nightmare.""It is noteworthy that both qualified their statements by saying that they did not have all the facts. Usually when one hears those words, one would expect the next words will be, 'So I cannot comment.' Instead, both officials, both admitted friends of professor Gates, proceeded to insult the handling of this case by the Cambridge Police Department," said Sgt. Dennis O'Connor, the president of the Cambridge Superior Officers Association."

I wouldn't be too surprised if a lawsuit isn't filed with regards to this story. Crowley (with the support of the police union) may have a defamation claim against Gates, Obama and Patrick. If I were them I would apologize and then shut the hell up.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Hey Walter -- What is the tracking poll for Congressional Republicans?
Higher than congressional Dems.

Generic Congressional Ballot
Republicans Take Four-Point Lead on Generic Ballot

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Support for Republican congressional candidates has reached its highest level in over two years as the GOP lengthens its lead over Democrats in the latest edition of the Generic Ballot.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that 42% would vote for their district’s Republican congressional candidate while 38% would opt for the Democratic candidate.