Quit picking on Obama……


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Actually, if you are as capable of reading as you claim to be, you'll see that I wasn't disputing the conclusion.

But I know that's a stretch for Personality No 634 in your brain.

I don’t see anything of the sort. But again (as I said on another thread), let us just agree to disagree and drop it.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
''None. Zero. Zip. Nada. Zilch.

Yup, things are coming along fine. ''

That's very convenient of you to quote unnamed sources. How about some proof from, say, Bloomberg, WSJ, or some other commercial source.


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
This is your chance to vote on Obama's performance on this

Economy-AT&T/Yahoo Poll.... NOTE: this is a totally unbiased

poll. The question is stated very simply... and, to the point.

No tricks. No hidden messages. No nothing. JUST A SINGLE,

SIMPLE QUESTION. There is no way that anyone can say that

it was not a fair poll... or, that it was "phrased" in a way that

it can be interpreted later... to fit someone else's desired
answer. In other words... it is a spin-doctor's "nightmare."


NOTE: After you vote, you will see a second page that shows

the running total and what the opinions are.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
ironsides, the question may be fair, without any bias. That does not mean that the poll is fair, no on line poll can be fair. The sample is self selecting. The only fair poll is where the sample is chosen randomly.

And those who don’t like what Obama is doing probably feel much more strongly about it than those who do, so those who don’t like what Obama is doing are much more likely to vote than those who think that Obama is on the right track (as I do).

The polls conducted by polling organizations, with scientifically selected random sample are more realistic, represent a realistic snapshot in time. On line polls, they are just curiosities, nothing more.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
ironsides, the question may be fair, without any bias. That does not mean that the poll is fair, no on line poll can be fair. The sample is self selecting. The only fair poll is where the sample is chosen randomly.

And those who don’t like what Obama is doing probably feel much more strongly about it than those who do, so those who don’t like what Obama is doing are much more likely to vote than those who think that Obama is on the right track (as I do).

The polls conducted by polling organizations, with scientifically selected random sample are more realistic, represent a realistic snapshot in time. On line polls, they are just curiosities, nothing more.

I think you make a good point there, I think in a lot of cases, involving protests, polls etc. there are more problems with the criticizer than the criticizee.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Liberals' birther obsession: It's the left-wing, not the GOP, that's pumping up the story

By James Kirchick
Wednesday, August 5th 2009, 4:00 AM
You could be forgiven for thinking that a serious campaign is afoot - aided and abetted by the national Republican Party - to question Barack Obama's citizenship. Over the past two weeks, an inordinate amount of news coverage has been afforded to "birthers," conspiracy theorists who claim that the President was not born in Hawaii, as his birth records indicate, but in Kenya.
It is not Obama's right-wing opponents, however, who are devoting the most attention to this obscure, Internet-driven "movement," if one can even use that label to describe such a paranoid groupuscule. Rather, it's liberals, bent on portraying their conservative opponents as extremists - and changing the subject to help a President under increasing scrutiny for the substance of his policies - who are driving this story.
Making the rounds in the propagation of this meme is a deceptively edited video produced by far-left Web site FireDogLake, in which an interviewer chases Republican congressmen around the Capitol asking if they believe Obama is a natural-born citizen. Some respond in the affirmative while others ignore the questioner, and it is this latter handful that liberals have proffered as evidence that the GOP is "fearful" of disparaging its "birther base."
But the refusal of Republican congressmen to answer questions from a Michael Moore wanna-be is understandable; public figures are frequently accosted on the street by crazy people and amateur propagandists wielding cameras. In fact, it was later revealed that one of the supposedly fearful Republicans running from the camera's glare was a Democrat late for a vote.
Don't tell that to the birther-obsessed left. "The video makes clear that the Republican Party is captive to their conspiracy theory-mongering base all the way up to the top," wrote left-wing blogger Jane Hamsher. It shows no such thing of course, and Hamsher's wildly irresponsible claim about "conspiracy theory-mongering" rising to the pinnacles of GOP power was flatly contradicted by House Minority Leader John Boehner of Ohio, who said "No" when asked by a reporter if he had any questions about the circumstances of Obama's birth.
Nor does the fact that 10 Republican congressmen are sponsoring a bill requiring candidates for President to supply their birth certificates to the Federal Election Commission prove anything about the depths of "birtherism." The test wouldn't apply until 2012, and even then, Obama would pass with flying colors.
Hysteria over the concocted magnitude of birtherism reached an almost comical fever pitch last week when Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) requested that a vote on a resolution honoring the 50th anniversary of Hawaiian statehood be delayed. The decree cited Hawaii as Obama's birthplace, causing liberals to jump on the episode as evidence of the GOP's embrace of birthers. Yet the reason for Bachmann's motion, as anyone remotely familiar with congressional procedure would know, was nothing more scandalous than the absence of a quorum. The resolution passed unanimously several days later.
Far from seeing these charges as any sort of real threat to Obama's legitimacy, liberals report every outburst of the birther brigades with glee - because they derive maximum political benefit from stirring up the story as long as possible. Why debate the intricacies of a massive overhaul of the nation's health care system when you can conflate principled conservative critics of the program with a bunch of nutty conspiracy theorists?
"An artificial controversy is getting far too much attention lately," Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) intoned on Monday - on the Senate floor, no less - before giving "attention" to said "artificial controversy."
Yes, it's true. A new poll shows high numbers of Republicans doubting whether Obama was, in fact, born in the U.S. But a 2007 poll found a third of Democrats convinced that the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, occurred with the foreknowledge of the Bush administration. The pervasiveness of such conspiracies about the government's complicity in the deadliest assault on American soil is far more worrying than groundless doubts about the legitimacy of the President's birth certificate.


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
The birth certificate story would be important if there was a shred of truth to it, but they check all that out when you say your going to run for president. He was certified and that makes it all legal.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
It makes for interesting reading though. I read the far right website, WorldNetDaily from time to time. Its editor, Farah is after the birthing story with full force. He is convinced that he is just a step away from having Obama put in handcuffs and ship him off to Kenya or Indonesia as an illegal alien.

But if Democrats try to exploit the story for their advantage, that is just politics as usual. Birthers are an embarrassment for republicans.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
August 08, 2009
Thank Obama (a poem)

David Hass

If you can't find a job
Thank Obama
If you can't pay the rent
Thank Obama

If you have to ‘poligize for the good ole USA
Don't thank Bush, or Dick Cheney,
Thank Obama

If you're fraid of getting nuked
Thank Obama
If you can't afford to drive
Thank Obama

If they take away your guns
And make you watch Karl Marx re-runs
Don't thank Bush, or Dick Cheney
Thank Obama

Obama wants to dictate what you put in your belly
Obama wants to tell you what to see on your telly

He wants to be your doctor, your lawyer and your god
Don't thank Bush, or Dick Cheney
Hail Obama!

If you love all this debt
Thank Obama
If your job was sent to China
Thank Obama

If you like to pay the bills for your next door neighbor's house
don't thank Bush, or Dick Cheney
Thank Obama!

All Hail Obama
All Hail Obama
All Hail the Future King of the World

All Hail Obama
All Hail Obama
All Hail the Future King of the World


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
August 10, 2009
Obama as the Wizard of Oz

By James Lewis

Even as Science magazine is hastily backing off on the media fraud of "global warming," Obama's Medi-Scare Campaign is using precisely the same fear tactics perfected by climate fraud peddlers to take over American medical care. The similarities are astonishing -- and for a very good reason: Both global frauding and Medi-Scare are pure stage-craft, made up by Hollywood mediots who are desperate to empower the Left, because that is the only thing that gives meaning to their empty lives. But neither climate fraud nor Medi-Scare do anything to fix the dire "emergency" they are trying to scare us about.

There is no emergency: There is no global warming doom coming up, and there no crisis in American medicine. Remember that: There is no emergency. It's all completely made up, just like the Attack of the Killer Tomatoes.

Charles Krauthamer nails the ObamaScare simply on the facts:

"... today's ruling Democrats propose to fix our extremely high-quality (but inefficient and therefore expensive) health-care system with 1,000 pages of additional curlicued complexity -- employer mandates, individual mandates, insurance company mandates, allocation formulas, political payoffs and myriad other conjured regulations and interventions -- with the promise that this massive concoction will lower costs.

"This is all quite mad. It creates a Rube Goldberg system that simply multiplies the current inefficiencies and arbitrariness, thus producing staggering deficits with less choice and lower-quality care. That's why the administration can't sell Obamacare."
That's it. That's all you need to know. Take some facts, and face them. That's the solution to all the harum-scarum pizzazz of the Medi-Scare campaign.

Some thing with global warming. Here is the conclusion of an article just published in AGU: The Journal of Geophysical Research, Atmospheres.

"(The) global tropospheric temperature has for the last 50 years fallen and risen in close accord with the (El Nino - Southern Oscillation) of 5-7 months earlier shows the potential of natural forcing mechanisms to account for most of the temperature variation."

That's a little more technical, but basically, the warming of the Southern Oscillation (El Nino and related temperature changes) has always come 5-7 months before global temperature changes in the last 50 years. The authors calculate that El Nino and similar ocean temp changes account for about 70 percent of the global temperature changes. Bang. That's it. That's the facts, and that's all we need.

Everything else is "maya," as the Hindus say. It's pure illusion, tomfoolery by politicians and mediots who stand to profit from suckering us. If you believe used car commercials, you'll fall for that, too. But if you have any capacity for not getting suckered, you won't.

The American people may finally be catching on to the fact that Obama is nothing but the Wizard of Oz. Remember how Dorothy's Wizard turned out to be just a little old stage magician? His real name was Oscar Zoroaster Phadrig Isaac Norman Henkel Emmannuel Ambroise Diggs. Our Wizard calls himself Barry Soetoro Barack Hussein Obama. Like the Wizard of Oz, Obama couldn't make up his mind about his real identity either. So he became an expert faker, a grand illusionist. But behind Obama the actor, the ham who loves to strut in the limelight, there is nobody. Absolutely nobody -- just a starving ego and a bottomless hunger for self-glorification.

Which is not to say that Obama isn't dangerous. He is. But only if we fall for his Wizard of Oz act. Once Dorothy figured out there was a little old stage magician behind the screen, the power of the illusion collapsed.

Global warming and Medi-Scare are both revolutionary coups d'etat. We are constantly being screamed at about an imaginary doom. For the liberals, appearance is reality. Medi-Scare and Global Frauding therefore show nothing but Obama Wizz-Bang conjuring up completely imaginary dangers and imaginary solutions -- on the way to becoming The Glorious Messiah of the New World Order.

Obama is a ferocious ham. You just have to look at his million-dollar smile when he thinks he's on the TV cameras. He just lives for those moments. They make his day -- which is why he needs to hog the limelight over and over again, until even the Obamanoid networks are getting sick of it. This is not a White House we're seeing; it's a Hollywood extravaganza. That's why he needs that Teleprompter. That's why he needed 200,000 Germans cheering his Citizens of the World! speech in Berlin. That's why he had to give his Epistle to the Muslims from Cairo's Al Azhar Univeristy. That's why he needed the styrofoam Greek columns in Denver. At some level Obama doesn't care about the words; it's the act that gives him that thrill. He's an addict, the biggest ham in American history.

Like Dorothy in the Wonderful Wizard of Oz, the solution for us ordinary folks is to understand that the Wizard is nothing but a stage act, completely cobbled up to fool the audience.

Oh, and this is one of the big Saul Alinsky Rules: It doesn't matter how much power you have, but how much the enemy thinks you have.

The purpose of media propaganda is to convince us that Barack Obama is all-powerful, all-wise, all-benevolent. To stop that, all we need to do is not fall for the scam. Obama is just the little special-effects man behind the screen.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Science Mag is backing off? From a March issue this year,
After paring 23 climate models down to the best half-dozen, two researchers now say with new confidence that arctic summer ice will most likely disappear around 2037. But none of the select models predicts a tipping point--a sudden jump to an ice-free summer Arctic.
Perhaps the news media has backed off but research hasn't. I would bet the the studies on climate change from 2 years ago are still continuing. They don't start a new study every couple weeks. New data rolls in and researchers make an announcement. If the data continues in a pattern they've already explained, why report more? People like Lewis seem to like omitting things like that when they write their opinion pieces.
Anyway, as far as The Big O is concerned, he's a politician. People expect perfection from a politician? lmao

August 10, 2009
Obama as the Wizard of Oz

By James Lewis

Even as Science magazine is hastily backing off on the media fraud of "global warming," Obama's Medi-Scare Campaign is using precisely the same fear tactics perfected by climate fraud peddlers to take over American medical care. The similarities are astonishing -- and for a very good reason: Both global frauding and Medi-Scare are pure stage-craft, made up by Hollywood mediots who are desperate to empower the Left, because that is the only thing that gives meaning to their empty lives. But neither climate fraud nor Medi-Scare do anything to fix the dire "emergency" they are trying to scare us about.

There is no emergency: There is no global warming doom coming up, and there no crisis in American medicine. Remember that: There is no emergency. It's all completely made up, just like the Attack of the Killer Tomatoes.

Charles Krauthamer nails the ObamaScare simply on the facts:
"... today's ruling Democrats propose to fix our extremely high-quality (but inefficient and therefore expensive) health-care system with 1,000 pages of additional curlicued complexity -- employer mandates, individual mandates, insurance company mandates, allocation formulas, political payoffs and myriad other conjured regulations and interventions -- with the promise that this massive concoction will lower costs.

"This is all quite mad. It creates a Rube Goldberg system that simply multiplies the current inefficiencies and arbitrariness, thus producing staggering deficits with less choice and lower-quality care. That's why the administration can't sell Obamacare."
That's it. That's all you need to know. Take some facts, and face them. That's the solution to all the harum-scarum pizzazz of the Medi-Scare campaign.

Some thing with global warming. Here is the conclusion of an article just published in AGU: The Journal of Geophysical Research, Atmospheres.

"(The) global tropospheric temperature has for the last 50 years fallen and risen in close accord with the (El Nino - Southern Oscillation) of 5-7 months earlier shows the potential of natural forcing mechanisms to account for most of the temperature variation."

That's a little more technical, but basically, the warming of the Southern Oscillation (El Nino and related temperature changes) has always come 5-7 months before global temperature changes in the last 50 years. The authors calculate that El Nino and similar ocean temp changes account for about 70 percent of the global temperature changes. Bang. That's it. That's the facts, and that's all we need.

Everything else is "maya," as the Hindus say. It's pure illusion, tomfoolery by politicians and mediots who stand to profit from suckering us. If you believe used car commercials, you'll fall for that, too. But if you have any capacity for not getting suckered, you won't.

The American people may finally be catching on to the fact that Obama is nothing but the Wizard of Oz. Remember how Dorothy's Wizard turned out to be just a little old stage magician? His real name was Oscar Zoroaster Phadrig Isaac Norman Henkel Emmannuel Ambroise Diggs. Our Wizard calls himself Barry Soetoro Barack Hussein Obama. Like the Wizard of Oz, Obama couldn't make up his mind about his real identity either. So he became an expert faker, a grand illusionist. But behind Obama the actor, the ham who loves to strut in the limelight, there is nobody. Absolutely nobody -- just a starving ego and a bottomless hunger for self-glorification.

Which is not to say that Obama isn't dangerous. He is. But only if we fall for his Wizard of Oz act. Once Dorothy figured out there was a little old stage magician behind the screen, the power of the illusion collapsed.

Global warming and Medi-Scare are both revolutionary coups d'etat. We are constantly being screamed at about an imaginary doom. For the liberals, appearance is reality. Medi-Scare and Global Frauding therefore show nothing but Obama Wizz-Bang conjuring up completely imaginary dangers and imaginary solutions -- on the way to becoming The Glorious Messiah of the New World Order.

Obama is a ferocious ham. You just have to look at his million-dollar smile when he thinks he's on the TV cameras. He just lives for those moments. They make his day -- which is why he needs to hog the limelight over and over again, until even the Obamanoid networks are getting sick of it. This is not a White House we're seeing; it's a Hollywood extravaganza. That's why he needs that Teleprompter. That's why he needed 200,000 Germans cheering his Citizens of the World! speech in Berlin. That's why he had to give his Epistle to the Muslims from Cairo's Al Azhar Univeristy. That's why he needed the styrofoam Greek columns in Denver. At some level Obama doesn't care about the words; it's the act that gives him that thrill. He's an addict, the biggest ham in American history.

Like Dorothy in the Wonderful Wizard of Oz, the solution for us ordinary folks is to understand that the Wizard is nothing but a stage act, completely cobbled up to fool the audience.

Oh, and this is one of the big Saul Alinsky Rules: It doesn't matter how much power you have, but how much the enemy thinks you have.

The purpose of media propaganda is to convince us that Barack Obama is all-powerful, all-wise, all-benevolent. To stop that, all we need to do is not fall for the scam. Obama is just the little special-effects man behind the screen.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
August 10, 2009
Obama as the Wizard of Oz

By James Lewis

James Lewis belongs to American Thinker, an extreme right wing website. It drinks the coolade of Obama being an illegal alien, it is a ‘birther’ website. It thinks that Obama is a Kenyan who must be arrested and deported to Kenya or Indonesia forthwith.

Anything that comes form American Thinker is good for a laugh, nothing more.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Erika Slife August 11, 2009

On Nov. 4, the hope and happiness seemed boundless for supporters of President-elect Barack Obama, leading some to speculate, with a wink and a nod, that in nine months there would be a virtual Obama baby boom -- a celebratory uptick in the national birthrate.

But now, 40 weeks later -- the average human gestation period -- MSNBC is reporting the prediction has largely been nothing more than, well, false hope. In reality, experts said, a generation is not borne from one night.

In Chicago, ground zero for Obama's election celebration, area hospitals confirm that they have not seen a noticeable surge in births.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Michelle’s Right: America IS Mean!
By Kelly Anderson Wright Monday, August 10, 2009
Last year, when Michelle Obama declared, “ America is a mean country,” I disagreed. As the white mom of multi-racial children, I knew our country had its share of race problems, but I never would have called America “mean.”
Apparently, Michelle’s “mean America ” comment was simply premonitory. Last year, I was a sweet, naïve, middle class, white Italian-American businesswoman and single mother.

This year, I’m a racist, Brooks-Brothers’-suit-wearing, rabid, Nazi, right-wing, political terrorist wacko. How did that happen? And when did owning a Brooks Brothers’ suit become a bad thing?
I am a 52-year-old white, single mom of Italian immigrant descendants, and before Michelle’s husband became the 44th President of the United States, I’d never been called a racist, a terrorist or even a right-wing wacko. My great-grandparents emigrated legally from Genoa, Italy, through Ellis Island, where their unpronounceable last name was changed to “Olcese,” the name of the itty-bitty northern Italian town they’d left to pursue the “American Dream.” My ancestors traveled west across the United States and settled in California, where every subsequent generation of my family was born. I arrived in Oakland, California, in 1957, at the tail end of the baby boomer generation, born to politically conservative parents. My father, grandfathers and great grandfathers were captains of American industry: they’d all worked hard to become high-level executives in banks or owners of successful companies that bore their surnames. A Brooks Brothers’ suit was the best American suit ever made; my father and grandfathers wore them proudly.
In the Seventies, I attended the University of California , Santa Cruz, admittedly an uber-liberal arm of the nationally-admired UC system. I graduated with several degrees and pursued my career in marketing communications for defense electronics corporations in Southern California. I eventually married the only conservative black man in America, and I moved with my husband to Reno, NV, where we adopted 2 special needs, bi-racial foster children. In all that time, I was never called a racist, a political terrorist or a right-wing wacko. Apparently, I’d lived a charmed life, free of the meanness that Michelle had experienced.

The first time I was called a racist was last year, in 2008, before the general election, when an angry female driver saw my McCain/Palin sticker proudly displayed on the back of my 10-year old, gas-guzzling, Ford Expedition XLT SUV. As I innocently drove my teenage sons and their football buddies home from school, the female driver sped up alongside my car and started screaming expletives while angrily shaking her middle finger at the passenger window of my car. My dark-skinned sons rolled down their windows and laughed at the ignorant, angry woman who’d just called their mama a racist. “Mom, that lady is an idiot! Can’t she see we’re black?”
I thought that was an isolated incident. I was wrong. A short time later, I unwittingly sent my 4 siblings what I thought was an innocuous email posing the rhetorical question, “Why do America’s enemies want us to elect Obama?” The vociferous responses I received from my sibs let me know in no uncertain terms that a vote for anyone other than Obama meant you were certifiably insane and a racist to boot! (Apparently, they’d all bought reserved suites on BO’s “Hope and Change” train, and they were drunk on Obamatine.) I was the only member of my sibling group to believe in Jefferson ’s small government and Lincoln ’s liberty versus tyranny. The tirade of angry name-calling I received in subsequent sibling emails would have made Michelle’s “mean” term blush a deep shade of Palin pink.
After Barack Hussein Obama became president, American became exactly what Michelle said it was, mean! For example, when Obama stepped in the proverbial poop by immediately taking sides with his “down for the struggle” black brotha Gates over the white cop who arrested him, the woman who made the initial 9-1-1 call received hundreds of angry, threatening calls from people who claimed SHE was a racist! Shocked at the irony, I wrote an article for American Thinker entitled, “Obama’s a Racist.” I received a flood of email from angry citizens, too…but these letter-writers were angry that THEY had been called “racist” for not voting for our black president! Apparently hundreds of AT readers had been called racists, just for exercising their American right to vote for the candidate of their choice.
And now, as I, my friends and even my elderly mother speak loudly at town hall meetings to tell our elected representatives we don’t want government-run health care, we are being called Nazis, racists, political terrorists, rabid mobsters and angry, right-wing wackos, just because we are exercising our God-given right to freedom of speech.
Michelle, you are right, America is mean. The Obamanation is the meanest America I have ever known.