Palin in 2012


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
July 29, 2009
Palin's Commencement Address

By Pamela Geller

Sarah Palin's Farewell Address as Governor of Alaska Sunday was no farewell address at all. It was just the beginning; it was a commencement address. "I will fight even harder for you, for what is right and for the truth," she promised. "And I have never felt I needed a title to do that!"

Her speech embodied what a great American sounds like, and what a President ought to sound like. Palin made no apologies. She said nothing like Obama's inane drone of "America's best days are behind us." No tearing down of our nation. Obama ranks on us; Palin raises us up and speaks of national pride.

First and foremost, she thanked our brave men and women defending this great nation and ripped the media, warning:

"You represent what could and should be a respected, honest profession that could and should be a cornerstone of our democracy. Democracy depends on you, and that is why, that's why our troops are willing to die for you. So, how about, in honor of the American soldier, you quit makin' things up?"
She briefly outlined her plans for real energy independence -- American resources for Americans -- speaking of commercializing our clean natural gas (AGIA) as the first private sector energy project in the history of America. Palin believes (and rightly so) that the pressing issue of our time is energy independence. "There is," she said, "an inherent link between energy and prosperity...We will prove you can be pro-development and pro-environment because no one loves their clean air, and their land, and their wildlife more than an Alaskan. We will protect it!"

She invoked America's pioneering spirit. She urged us to resist enslavement to big central government: "Be wary of accepting government largess."

Sarah Palin embodies what an American is. She is what Washington, Jefferson, and Franklin envisioned when they carved out the American idea.

Anyone who wants write her off, proceed at your own risk.

The more evil succeeds and overwhelms our foreign and domestic policy, our culture, our discourse and the very social fabric of our lives, the clearer it becomes that Palin is the antidote, the answer to fighting this morally bankrupt sewer in which we find ourselves during the Obama Administration.

The low state of the world is a fact, but so are great Americans who will fight tooth and nail to stop what Obama is doing to America. Clear thinking Americans see what is happening. America is being tested in a way she never has been before. The President has in every decision reinforced the impression that he is a radical, even a communist/Islamist: the usurpation of the Constitution, the bankrupting of our nation, the illegal grab of private wealth, the infiltration of Islamic supremacism, the abandonment of our allies, the weakening of our military. It's stunning.

Sarah Palin sees it, too. Smart, sharp, patriotic, she best represents the majority of Americans. Not Obama's shills in the press, not the chattering elites and the Beltway insiders, but Americans. There was no way she could stay on as Governor, as she was unable to fulfill her duties while the leftists in America had her tied up in bogus lawsuits (all of which she won). She agreed to pay the travel fees for taking her children on one of her trips. Obama should do the same with those trips to Paris for his two girls. Pay it back. Pay back the $100,000 it cost taxpayers for his "date" in New York. Pay it back. Pay for those ridiculous $100 steaks and his 20 million dollar "farm" rental for a little R and R next week. Obama and his gang are the pigs at the public trough, not Palin. Their hypocrisy knows no bounds.

There is no more iconic image than Sarah Palin at the Governor's picnic with Mark Levin's book on her lap, Liberty and Tyranny. The American Thinker called Levin's book "a compelling primer on the most basic principles of the American political order." Tony Blankley in the Washington Times said the book "carefully lays out the central historic, philosophic and constitutional relationship between conservative principles and our individual freedom." Contrast that to Obama was once photographed carrying while strolling across an airport tarmac: The Post-American World by Fareed Zakaria.

America wants Palin. Republican Party Chairman Michael Steele said recently that she would not run in 2012. But Steele speaks for no one. Neither he nor the GOP will pick our candidate. Palin is going to help us win back the House and Senate by campaigning and working for candidates in that fight in 2010. And we, the good, decent folks in America, are going to help her win the White House in 2012.

We need her. She knows it. She is heeding our call. Is she a hack like Obama, planning to campaign on the taxpayers' dime, as he did as a junior senator when he ran for President? No. Is that in itself extraordinary in these times? Yes. But so is integrity, ethics and decency. The left is calling her a "quitter." She is just the opposite, my friends. Sarah Palin is a fighter, a winner. And she is getting into the fight.
The American Revolution has its leader. North to the future!


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
Poll: Nearly 80% Support Palin 2012 Run

Wednesday, July 29, 2009 11:48 AM

By: Jim Meyers Article Font Size
An Internet poll sponsored by reveals that nearly four out of five respondents would support Sarah Palin as the Republican nominee for president in 2012.
A slightly larger majority believe the then-Alaska governor helped John McCain in the 2008 presidential race — while only 31 percent think McCain did a good job running for president.
The poll drew more than 600,000 responses, and Newsmax will provide the results to major media and share them with radio talk show hosts across the country.
Here are the poll questions and results:

1) What is your opinion of Sarah Palin?
Favorable: 83 percent
Unfavorable: 17 percent

2) Do you believe Sarah Palin as a running mate helped or hurt John McCain?
Helped: 80 percent
Hurt: 20 percent

3) In the election between McCain-Palin and Obama-Biden, who did you vote for?
McCain-Palin: 81 percent
Obama-Biden: 16 percent
Other: 3 percent

4) Would you support Sarah Palin as the Republican nominee for president in 2012?
Yes: 78 percent
No: 22 percent

5) Do you believe McCain did a good job running for president?
Good Job: 31 percent
Bad Job: 69 percent

6) Do you believe Barack Obama "bought" the White House by outspending McCain?
Yes: 72 percent
No: 28 percent

You Can Still Vote in the Newsmax Poll on Sarah Palin - Click Here Now

© 2009 Newsmax


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
It's amazig to me how many talk about Palin as the next candidate for pres.
You all forget about the old boys who will be running against her, determined and
loaded with bear, to run her out of town, Obama isn't her worry, (althoug she
would never defeat him), he is heads and shoulders above her intellectually and
his sincerety in his position is unmistakable, people trust and believe him.
Her worry has to be those men who will find a way, and it won't be hard, to make
her look like a stupid housewife, who is out of her element, she is OK, and someday she might make it work, but she must earn her stripes, become a
senator and figure out how the machine runs.
Why don't you republican supporters bring up other names of people who will be
running against her for the leadership.


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
Obama can only beat himself, if the economy fails, so does he.
The Republicans are still putting together a beaten party, but Piyush "Bobby" Jindal, George Pataki, Mitt Romney, Condoleezza Rice, Rudy Giuliani are thinking about running. Most Republicans as of now do want Sarah Palin to run again also.


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
Lets not forget.
"(2007-08-24) — Former Sen. Fred Thompson today finally ended all the speculation by announcing he will, in fact, seek the Republican nomination for the presidency in 2012.
“It took me a while to make up my mind,” said Mr. Thompson, the star of TV’s Law & Order, “but if we’re going to mount a serious challenge to President Clinton in 2012, we’d better get a move on. I’ve got to assemble a national organization and raise some big bucks, and we’ve only got 50 months or so before the primaries.”
The former lawmaker, and make-believe law enforcer, will turn 70 just three months before the 2012 general election, but he said he’s now “almost as healthy” as septuagenarian Sen. John McCain, and he expects to feel even better by 2012 thanks to President Hillary Clinton’s national health care program."

Boy was he wrong as to who would win in 2008.


Subjective Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Lower Mainland, BC
Lets not forget.
"(2007-08-24) — Former Sen. Fred Thompson today finally ended all the speculation by announcing he will, in fact, seek the Republican nomination for the presidency in 2012.
“It took me a while to make up my mind,” said Mr. Thompson, the star of TV’s Law & Order, “but if we’re going to mount a serious challenge to President Clinton in 2012, we’d better get a move on. I’ve got to assemble a national organization and raise some big bucks, and we’ve only got 50 months or so before the primaries.”
The former lawmaker, and make-believe law enforcer, will turn 70 just three months before the 2012 general election, but he said he’s now “almost as healthy” as septuagenarian Sen. John McCain, and he expects to feel even better by 2012 thanks to President Hillary Clinton’s national health care program."

Boy was he wrong as to who would win in 2008.

Exactly, the front runner usually is not the winner when all is said and done.. That can be said of most political races.. Hillary Clinton was a great example of a front runner who lost and had what some called an insurmountable lead.. We all know that lead was surmountable now..

That's why I don't discount the Republicans in 2012 until the vote is done..


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
I would bet that most of those who voted in favor of Palin for republican candidate were democrats. With her at the lead the dems can't loose.
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
Obama can only beat himself, if the economy fails, so does he.
The Republicans are still putting together a beaten party, but Piyush "Bobby" Jindal, George Pataki, Mitt Romney, Condoleezza Rice, Rudy Giuliani are thinking about running. Most Republicans as of now do want Sarah Palin to run again also.

I'm sure they do, but they aren"t actually realizing that she could end up as
'president', which is the scariest thought of all, u.s. just finished off a
president who was a complete embarrassment, because of his poor decision
making, arrogance, and just plain imcompetence, and with her, they would
be doing exactly the same thing. It's more of a 'movie star' situation, than really
thinking out, 'who' is actually the best person for the job, I guess they know that
the american people can be sucked in by things 'other' than, what is important.

There will be other republicans step up and run next time, not just those few
who were beaten last time, and I'm sure some are making their plans as we
speak. If Palin is the best they can offer, then they should just throw in the
towel right now, and save themselves lots of money and embarrassment.
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Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
''ABC News and the Washington Post that shows only 40 percent of those responding had a favorable opinion of you. That's way down from the 58 percent back when you joined the presidential ticket with What's-His-Name.

''57 percent don't believe Sarah Palin "understands complex issues." Big deal. Only about 2 per cent of those who love you understand complex issues.

''31 points behind President Obama in the "strong leader" category

Sarah Palin's Poll Numbers Tumble -- Politics Daily


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
Palin in 2012:



Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Now does anybody doubt that my description of Palin as Joan of Ark is very appropriate, very much to the point?

This Pamela Geller character obviously has a godlike faith in Joan of Ark. Joan of Ark is going to win the House and the Senate for Republicans, in 2010, win the presidency in 2012 and usher a paradise on earth. She is also going to stop world hunger, world poverty, get rid of pollution, put an end to war, heal the sick, comfort the poor, walk on water and so on.

Many of her supporters do consider her a super woman, a kind of Goddess, a kind of Joan of Ark. And with good reason. Many people are frustrated with modern times, where there are no black and white, clear cut answers to complex issues.

Along comes this Goddess figure, this Saviour of mankind, she gives simple answers to complicated issues. You want foreign policy experience? Simple, just see Russia from your back yard, that makes you an expert in foreign policy. You want to get rid of teenage pregnancy, premarital sex, promiscuity etc.? Simple, abstinence only sex education all over USA (‘keep your legs closed’, or ‘just say no’).

Presumably that will take us back to simple, good old days. Goddess tells us what to do, we obey her and there will be paradise on earth.

Joan of Ark! How appropriate. Anyway, I will look up this Pamela Geller character on the net and post a bit more about her later.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Petty much what I thought. Pamela Gellar is a right wing extremist, a nutjob, a wingnut, another Ann Coulter (but with less wit, less brains, less savvy). Here are some of her pearls of wisdom.

"That whole movement (Feminist) rooted in Marxist-Leninist propaganda."

Today's post is basically about how Barack Obama is the tool of Colombian paramilitary drug cartels, Hugo Chavez and Al Qaeda.

According to her, Obama is a tool of Al Qaeda. She probable is also a ‘birther’, claiming that Obama is a Muslim terrorist, an illegal alien. She is the darling of hate radio. This is what she says about Republican leadership:

This was a Weimar-style failure of leadership

Presumably Obama is a Nazi, and Republicans are Weimar type leaders, for not standing up to Obama. But then is Obama a Nazi or an al Qaeda tool? Such fine dissentions are beyond the pale of an extreme right wing hate monger.

If such rabid right wing hatemongers are spokes people for Joan of Ark, I do hope she wins the Republican nomination. With her the candidate (and the likes of Pamela Gellar as her campaign manager), Obama would stand a very god chance of winning in 2012, even if the economy happens to be in the tank.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
''ABC News and the Washington Post that shows only 40 percent of those responding had a favorable opinion of you. That's way down from the 58 percent back when you joined the presidential ticket with What's-His-Name.

''57 percent don't believe Sarah Palin "understands complex issues." Big deal. Only about 2 per cent of those who love you understand complex issues.

''31 points behind President Obama in the "strong leader" category

Sarah Palin's Poll Numbers Tumble -- Politics Daily

When has that stropped a committed acolyte, Gopher? The faith of an acolyte such as Pamela Gellar is unshakable.

Let us assume Joan of Ark wins the nomination in 2012 and loses by a landslide. Acolytes like Gellar would not accept the results for a minute, they will claim voter fraud on a massive scale, will claim that Joan of Ark won by a landslide, but that Obama rigged the election.

Some of the right wing nuts do claim that Obama won because of widespread fraud by ACORN, that actually McCain received more votes than Obama.


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
Everybody seems to be blaming Palin for something these days, She was not a good choice for McCain and I do think he picked her on purpose. There is theory for you that like conspiracies. What if (and it looked that way) John McCain blew the election on purpose, they (???) got to him. Did you see how he seemed to have a nervous breakdown and self destruct at the end. He was never meant to win. I hope she does not run in 2012, and if she does, does not win. If she wins, it will mean that Obama failed completely.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
I just do not think she is a viable candidate. They worked her over good because they had to. She was a huge threat and I have to say the moon bats on the left did a spectacular job in destroying her.