If you could have chosen your religion ?


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
What do you mean you do not believe me when I say "but as both of us believed in God but not our Churches"?

I truly believe in God and no one will change my belief in him.

That said no one will change my belief of what I have seen in the various Churches I have attended. The interpretation of the bible is somewhat left to the priest /pastor in his sermon and there many underlying messages that have often turned me off the message being told.

I am reminded of the days when in Quebec they used to state in sermons at election time that the congregation should "always remember that Heaven is BLUE and Hell is RED".

Untill you accept the one true god she will exercise patience and nurture you on the road to salvation. I hope she can save you from your patriarchal ways.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
No I would not rather pick...because if you are raised as Christian or Athiest or whatever...you grow up learning and know a way of belief. Once you were raised following one you know if it's something you agree with and then you can go on to make your decision from there whether it's for you or something you don't believe at all.

One is born a non believer, and if no one ever taught them about god and religions, they would never believe, because they would not know.
I encouraged my 4 daughters to learn about god and religions as they grew up
so they would understand and be able to make a knowledgeable decision one
day for themselves.
No one, even a parent should push their beliefs onto their children or anyone
else, it is a personal choice, and each one should learn, then make their choice.
When we were asked all the questions that children normally ask, concerning
god and religion, we 'walked the fence', and made sure we didn't try to sway
them one way or another.
One daughter is very spiritual and believes in god. We all love each other.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Telling kids about god and the consequences of not doing as you are ordered is tantamount to child abuse. Putting the fear of god into little kids is cruel and a sick control game that parents pull on their kids. It has nothing to do with religion or god. Its about domination, scaring the little buggers into doing and acting like you want them to. Perverted in my opinion.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
Telling kids about god and the consequences of not doing as you are ordered is tantamount to child abuse. Putting the fear of god into little kids is cruel and a sick control game that parents pull on their kids. It has nothing to do with religion or god. Its about domination, scaring the little buggers into doing and acting like you want them to. Perverted in my opinion.

Yes, I agree, I can truly relate those feelings of obedience and fear to my own
childhood, (not by my parents, but by the nuns and priests), and the words
in the catachisms, and confessions, and guilt. My parents just thought they
were doing what they were suppose to do, for my own good, they really didn't
push and prod me one way or the other, they just did what their parents did.


Senate Member
Mar 18, 2007
I would love to be a Christian they got it made.

No matter how much they sin they don’t have to worry about it because they are always forgiven because of Jesus.

They can break all the Ten Commandments brought down by God and they are forgiven just by reciting a prayer.

I got to follow all the laws, can’t sin at all and I got to help people.

Christians don’t have to do any of these because they are saved.

In Between Man

The Biblical Position
Sep 11, 2008
49° 19' N, 123° 4' W
I don't see the point of this thread. Do I not have the ability and the right to choose whatever I wish today, tomorrow, on my death bed?

Just because you are born in Pakistan, doesn't mean you're never going to hear who was Jesus Christ was. You still have a mind and a choice.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
I don't see the point of this thread. Do I not have the ability and the right to choose whatever I wish today, tomorrow, on my death bed?

Just because you are born in Pakistan, doesn't mean you're never going to hear who was Jesus Christ was. You still have a mind and a choice.

These are pretty silly statements. Did the aboriginal peoples of pre- Columbian America ever hear of JC? Did they have a choice? Just because you believe that someone in a story that can't be proven but can easily be disproven, is divine, doesn't make him divine. You judge the world from your misguided beliefs and expect everybody adhere to them. Your logic is silly, just as silly as you think my logic is.


Subjective Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Lower Mainland, BC
OK I have always admitted I am not the best at making a point..

The real objective behind this was more to get people thinking about things such as..

Most humans are very discriminatory.. Hence you are born "Muslim", "Jewish" or "Catholic" today you are racially profiled in many cultures. But if you had no "religion at birth" would that impact your life differently and would you make the same choices today that were made for you when you were born ?

You cannot run from what you were born as even if you change religions.. People always refer to me as a "Catholic Born Child" regardless.

That said it does not mean I don't believe in God or even my religion..


Always thinking
Nov 12, 2008
I would love to be a Christian they got it made.

No matter how much they sin they don’t have to worry about it because they are always forgiven because of Jesus.

They can break all the Ten Commandments brought down by God and they are forgiven just by reciting a prayer.

I got to follow all the laws, can’t sin at all and I got to help people.

Christians don’t have to do any of these because they are saved.
That's not right at all. I am a christian. I know the difference between right and wrong and I choose to be a good person. I don't do it with the feeling that I will get a better "seat" then you do in Heaven. I know the Catholic Church preaches what you say and many of them sin all week, atone for it on Sunday and repeat all the sins again starting on Monday. They aren't all like that anymore than non christians are all the same. Being good or bad has nothing to do with being a christian.