Hamas: Not only terrorists, but theives as well.

In Between Man

The Biblical Position
Sep 11, 2008
49° 19' N, 123° 4' W
Not to mention terrorists over their own people.

Report: Hamas stealing aid supplies to sell to residents.


The suspicion is that the group's operatives have seized control of any supplies passing through the crossings – including those sent by Israel and international organizations.

Reports say Hamas takes a cut out of all aid that arrives.

In other cases, civilians are simply used as cannon fodder or human shields. Reports out of Gaza say residents who attempted to flee their homes in the northern area of the Strip were forced to go back at gunpoint, by Hamas men.

The organization is presumably interested in increasing civilian casualties in order to give rise to international pressure against Israel. Arab media reported that in an IDF strike on a UN school 30 civilians were killed, but there is no legitimate way to prove gunmen were among those killed as Hamas tends to bury these bodies quickly, thus eliminating evidence in Israel's favor.

Other civilian complaints state that Hamas gunmen pull children along with them "by the ears" from place to place, fearing that if they don't have a child with them they will be fair game to the IDF. Others hide in civilian homes and stairwells, UNRWA ambulances, and mosques.

In other reported cases Hamas gunmen hold civilians hostage in alleyways in order to provide themselves with a living barricade to ward off IDF forces. Reports somewhat more difficult to verify say the group's men shot Fatah operatives in the feet to make sure the latter would not attempt a coup.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
That ruckus over there is getting a bit tedious, what? Can't tell the good guys from the bad with all these conflicting reports and BS floating around like some sewage pond. Everyone has an opinion based on questionable news sources and nobody can agree on anything. Shyte man, has anybody been over there to see for themselves?


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
Its a war. During WW II didn't the Canadian government also ration fuel? So did the UK. Hamas is the government. In an emergency they have the right to allocate resources, just like any government.

But Hamas would be best advised not to seize fuel destined for hospitals and other humanitarian purposes. If a humanitarian shipment of fuel is commandeered by the government, that risks giving Israel a legitimate reason to prevent the fuel from entering Gaza. So Hamas should be careful.

Scott Free

House Member
May 9, 2007
I don't think they are legitimate for we didn't approve of them; that is how democracy works: you must vote for the correct people otherwise we, the west, will be forced to pick the right people for you - and a lot of your children will be killed in the process.


Force majeure
May 28, 2007
You have to ask yourself what was that fuel intended for. Does anyone here think that a drop of that fuel was intended to go to Hamas?

This is all just part of what Hamas is all about. This is how a criminal terrorist organization works.

Anyone who feels that it's a legitimate action to take a cut of aid delivered to alleviate the suffering of civilians is an idiot.

In Between Man

The Biblical Position
Sep 11, 2008
49° 19' N, 123° 4' W
And the stealing continues... what a sweet government they chose...

JERUSALEM - Hamas police seized thousands of blankets and food packages meant for the needy in Gaza, the U.N. said Wednesday, a move that could threaten the provision of aid essential for a majority of Gaza's impoverished residents.Christopher Gunness, a spokesman for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, said Hamas policemen broke into an aid warehouse in Gaza City on Tuesday evening and confiscated 3,500 blankets and more than 400 packages of food.
"They were armed, they seized this, they took it by force," Gunness said, terming the seizure "absolutely unacceptable."

He said police confiscated aid meant for 500 families after U.N. officials refused to voluntarily hand it over to the Hamas-run Ministry of Social Affairs. Similar U.N. aid packages had already been distributed to 70,000 residents over the past two weeks.
The U.N. agency provides food, education and health care to more than half of Gaza's 1.4 million residents, but tensions between the UNRWA and Hamas could harm international donations.

"Does anyone really think that the Americans, who are our single largest donor, or the Europeans, who are our largest multination donor, would give us aid in the generous way they do if they thought that aid would go to terrorists?" Gunness said.

rest of story...
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Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Anyone who feels that it's a legitimate action to take a cut of aid delivered to alleviate the suffering of civilians is an idiot.

I can just imaging the squealing from the Jew-haters if the Israelis were the ones intercepting aid and selling it to the Palestinian people. The hypocrisy is mind boggling.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Its a war. During WW II didn't the Canadian government also ration fuel? So did the UK. Hamas is the government. In an emergency they have the right to allocate resources, just like any government.

But Hamas would be best advised not to seize fuel destined for hospitals and other humanitarian purposes. If a humanitarian shipment of fuel is commandeered by the government, that risks giving Israel a legitimate reason to prevent the fuel from entering Gaza. So Hamas should be careful.

For the Palestinians you constantly advised diplomacy even while in the process of being murdered wholesale and now you advise caution not to legitimize further Israeli murder for which no concievable ligitimizing agency other than the supremacy of arms exists. No moral,ethical or legal considerations have ever interferred with the Israeli exercise of that given overwhelming military and economic advantage and as long as the advantage exists none ever will for the simple reason that to the sociopathic culture nothing trumps the right of might.
So while your passivism and diplomacy is generally seen as proper and desirable to normal humans.With respect to Israel these universal, normal, accepted human values are as a matter of state policy and state psycology never applied except in building propaganda. Hamas knows what misplaced faith in diplomacy and passivity will get them exterminated. Maybe you should realize that only normal humans will respond to hope of peace and diplomacy, there is zero chance that the Zionist will do this while the advantage is thiers.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Both those answers can be found (most current #'s are 2006 though...) at the link I
provided. Interesting footnote on the $$$ given to Jordan to justify that
461,000,000 in 2006 alone.


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
Both those answers can be found (most current #'s are 2006 though...) at the link I
provided. Interesting footnote on the $$$ given to Jordan to justify that
461,000,000 in 2006 alone.


I know, it's the same one I found among others which also do it per capita now go away and let the prof do his own research for crying out loud.
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Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
I believe Iraq is now the biggest recipient of US aid. Israel is number 2.

US Aid to Israel and the Palestinians

Also this:

1. Israel 2.58 Billion
2. Egypt 1.84 Billion
3. Afganistan 0.98 Billion
4. Pakistan 0.70 Billion
5. Colombia 0.57 Billion
6. Sudan 0.50 Billion
7. Jordan 0.48 Billion
8. Uganda 0.25 Billion
9. Kenya 0.24 Billion
10. Ethiopia 0.19 Billion
11. South Africa 0.19 Billion
12. Peru 0.19 Billion
13. Indonesia 0.18 Billion
14. Bolivia 0.18 Billion
15. Nigeria 0.18 Billion
16. Zambia 0.18 Billion

CRS Report for Congress: Foreign Aid: An Introductory Overview of U.S.
Programs and Policy Updated January 19, 2005, page 14