Atheism: The reasons for it.


Senate Member
May 20, 2008
Interesting concept to say the least. Yet it is not new and not suited to everyone IMO.


kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
:-? We are still evolving.

Modern man has evolved a much more sensitive throat and taste buds.

Much less inclined to swallow bull s h i t.

ergo: Atheism.

Just MHO.............:lol::lol:


Senate Member
May 20, 2008
On the I.Q. scale I would give you....145-151.

side note -- a smart person is very poor at playing dumb.

Scott Free

House Member
May 9, 2007
Scott Free,

There is no god. Well that is not exactly right. You are your own god. You created you. Reality is an illusion created by your beliefs and thoughts. People and events appear in your illusion to reflect those inner thoughts. It is how we entertain ourselves and grow.

I'm pretty sure nothing created me but the happenstance of my parents coming together and a certain egg met a certain sperm. To suggest anything else is to suggest predestination and thus hard determinism and thus a lack of free will which destroys any and all point of existing no matter how we may perceive it. Determinism takes us from a participant and turns us into wallpaper.

What I said about the voices is true. In a conversation with David Suzuki we discussed the saying that we only use 10% of our brain. If this were true, then our brain would shrink to 10% of its present size from lack of use. It is not that we don't use it, it is that we don't use it consciously. Most of the time there is a constant dialogue going on that we just don't pay any attention to. A bunch of background noise.

You mean like our little toe has disappeared from lack of use? Or our vomeronasal organ? Or our extrinsic ear muscles? Wisdom teeth? The subclavious muscle (should you ave one)? Or your nipples (if you happen to be male)? Perhaps you mean like the appendix has vaporized from a lack of use? Or the male uterus?

I don't know what may have gotten David Suzuki to engage the idea that if we didn't use something it would disappear but clearly that isn't true.

In the quiet, if you stop and just listen, you will start to notice that there are many different voices and most of them are not yours. They are the voices of other people in your life (from birth). What they said is imprinted in your brain and when you are not using that brain consciously, they just rattle on. Much of what they say is negative. The reason is that negative stuff seems to have a stronger emotional charge so it has a stronger imprint.

There is far more than what you’re saying. An internal monologue is slow and cumbersome that doesn't serve us well. It is made negative because of how we interpret what is really going on with the subconscious which is forever suspicious.

Now, this is where it gets tricky to explain. Your brain is basically the most powerful and complex computer we know of. Its thoughts and beliefs are projected against a screen we call reality and life is played out as a hologram. It is exactly like the Matrix. It is a movie that is generated by the programming of brain. That is what the movie the Matrix was trying to tell us.

The brain assembles various sensory data into an internal model of the universe which is a far cry from the hypothesis of the movie the Matrix. The Matrix supposes we live in a world other than what we perceive but fails to recognize that we can only reside in a world that we perceive otherwise we would need other sensory perception. If we had other sensory perception we would be something other than human. Also it does not follow that if we had other sensory perception we would see the world better but rather we would only see it differently.

Once you wake up to the fact that you are the script writer and the director of this movie, you can make it go in any direction you want it to. But, not too many people know this (although our numbers are growing) so most people create their reality by default. To find out how your computer is programmed, you have to stop and listen to the voices. You will begin to see what the programming is, but, and this is what those in control do not want you to know, you can change the program.

Again a fallacy. It does not follow that because the brain constructs an internal model of the universe from sensory perception that somehow altering that perception is going to change the universe. In point of fact thinking you can cause effect by such a method is the very definition of delusion.

I think you are getting the Matrix theory confused with Plato wherein he talks of watching shadows on the wall and mistaking that for reality. Reality for any species is comprised of capacity and perception but to suggest that then means their reality isn't "real" is false. It is real enough for them. To change perception is only to change stimuli which isn't anything like perceiving properly but only differently. For example, if you perceived things as a bird does you would be mad and in need of psychological help.

That is what Neo did. He went into the program and changed it. That is why he could do supernatural things within the Matrix - he was no longer bound by the rules of the program. That is what shaman do, yogis do and what the story of Jesus is trying to say. The supposed miracles that he performed were possible because he learned that we are not bound by the programming. We can regain control of it by being consious most of the time. The more you act consciously, the more control you have.

The mechanism works differently than the way your claiming. I would also point out that being able to perceive something isn't the same as being able to control it. In point of fact, if you can control it then it isn't real (in terms of what is under discussion).

The Matrix was a silly Hollywood movie that served more cloud than clarity. The thing you’re talking about isn't a tool to give consolation to your ego.

So, what is fear? Fear prevents us from becoming who we are - gods. That is why religion was invented: to instill fear into you, because if you grew to you full potential, you become a threat to those in control. The last thing they want you to know is that you are equal to them, you have the same power as them. Then they cannot control you anymore. And they have been controlling you since day one.

You can give any name to anything if you're willing to redefine that thing. Redefining what being a god is, however, does not make us gods, it only changes the definition.

Through advertising, education, and religion, they have programmed hundreds of generations of slaves to do their bidding. The entire monetary system is designed to enslave us through debt. Did you not notice that our schools never really taught us anything of any real value. They never taught us how to be in relationship with anybody, how to be critical thinkers, how to do just about anything that would allow us to be free, self sufficient human beings. They just programed us to uphold the staus quo.

Most people are not as far removed from nature as they might presume. Any natural social order we see in animals people can be made to adopt. This does not mean they have been made to adopt it by anything more than the social requirements around them. There is no "they" to wake people up there are only varying degrees of social orders to which one can belong and join. If you would like your child to learn the things you mention you need only send them to a good private school. Will that give them an advantage - definitely yes; that does not, however, suggest a conspiracy. Most people do not have the money or desire to learn such things. They are of a lower order by their apathy and complacency.

The proof is in our politics and our social and religious institutions. You think you know why you rejected religion, but do you really? You think it was because it failed to give you the insight you wanted. It created hypocrites and mind numbing myths. That is only a small part of it. Those were just the obvious outer stuff. Deep down you know that in reality you rebelled against its attempts to enslave you, to control your mind, to make you feel small and insignificant.

Certainly not. I can see plainly that I am small and insignificant by looking at the universe. I can see that I am powerful and amazing because I can see the universe. I am thus the universe conscious.

I rail against religion because it would attempt to give silly antiquated explanations for the world around me and then demand that I be satisfied thereby. It would usurp my conscious and replace it with its own. Religion isn't a conspiracy but the demands of a human bent on the tyranny of his own perception being held as universal. His perception thus is intended to replace that of others like a virus; which is the reality of religion, it is a virus.

But you are much greater than that and some part of you is becoming aware of that. You are an extremely powerful being, capable of creating worlds. They may be just in your head, but everybody's world is just in their head. That is a basic tenant of Buddhism, that life is but a dream. You are the dreamer. All the pain and suffering in your world can be alleviated by you waking up to the fact that you can control the dream.

There are significant differences between the world within and the world without. If you lose sight of that then just like some Buddhists you may end up spending your days staring at a cave floor somewhere. What a sad and tragic waste of life.

Now you may be beginning to see why this information is dangerous in our hands. The controllers will try to bring you back into the program. That is why this information had to be hidden in a movie. Only those who are ready to take back their power saw it, and believe me, thousands did. There are thousands of articles and books that have been written about it. I am not making this up. It is out there and it is not that hard to find.

I see no danger in what you think. You mean to change the world by thinking it. Manson tried that and it landed him in the loony bin.

"I find my thoughts more interesting than anything I can read." - Charles Manson on why he doesn't read in prison.

It has nothing to do with gods or religion and everything to do with psychology. Questioning the status quo is the first step. Do your research, it helps focus your mind and your intent. Listen to your programming. It will show yu why your life is the way it is. It will help you understand your anger about religion - it is well founded. Then you will be ready to reprogram your brain so that you are in control of the dream again.

Again you suppose that we can control the world around us by altering our perception of it. I would submit this is false.

If you do not believe me then try this: think you can breathe water and in your mind become a fish. Once you have satisfactorily convinced yourself try breathing water.

If you must be careful of what you choose to believe then you are not controlling the world around you. A god, for example, does not have to worry that by believing he is a fish he might drown.

What I said in my last post was to feel you out, find out where you are and where you came from. I think you are ready for the next step in your journey. You just have to decide whether you are going to just idle about where you are or are you going to set out on the adventure of your life. It is up to you. It always was. They just didn't want you to know it (for obvious reasons).

I appreciate your concern however I probably have a better grasp of the topic than you realize.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
I appreciate your concern however I probably have a better grasp of the topic than you realize.

And that is a good thing! We may see things differently, but we see them on our own terms. That is freedom in and of itself.


Senate Member
May 20, 2008
Fear of nothing especially the voices that one is supposed to listen to to make one's life better.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
The reason I am an atheist is-
I see clearly, realistically, think for myself, don't have to be obedient to a religion, I feel empowered and free, I love my life, I love my earth, I can make my own decisions about
why we are here, I can decide how to live my life, what is important in my life, without
feeling guilty for not doing what my church wants, if I even try to connect to any god or
church I feel 'silly', as it all seems goofy to me, and no different than people praying to
any other make believe character. to me, it seems weak and helpless to follow a god, or
allow god like rules to control my journey through life.
I feel very happy and thoroughly trust our scientists that they are slowly opening the doors
to our beginning, and someday it will be figured out, in a scientific way, how our earth was
formed and how it began.
The idea that some god actually created this earth is lucicrous, and impossible in my view,
I am far too realistic to suck that idea in.
And, the treatment of some women in the world, as a result of the rules of religions is
disgusting, and just something designed by men to keep women 'down' and 'obedient' and
lower than them.
There are many reasons for atheism, the above are 'just' mine.
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Senate Member
May 20, 2008
Super player. But not in the same category as `The Rocket`. No-one will ever be.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Super player. But not in the same category as `The Rocket`. No-one will ever be.

I'm not a big hockey fan but my dad was. He was raised in and lived in Montreal all his life. His hero was Gordy Howe. I was brain washed by his enthusiasm.

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
The reason I am an atheist is...
Good post, intelligent and thoughtful as usual, and I entirely concur with your sentiments.

I'm an atheist because it's the only position that makes sense to me. I grew up in a religious household and for years just accepted the parental pronouncements as received wisdom, until I learned to think for myself. The more I thought about it all the less sense it made. Burning bushes, talking snakes, "thou shalt not kill" followed by a campaign of murder and genocide with divine support and approval... It finally struck me that it doesn't really explain anything. It pretends to, but ultimately it ends up saying there are no explanations for some things beyond the mystical and unsatisfying pronouncement that god did it. To a student of science, as I was at the time (the first one in four generations of my family that we know about), that's anathema, a surrender to never really understanding. I became apostate, a process that was pretty painful both for myself and my parents, but I couldn't honestly do anything else.

I'm convinced that a good scientific education is likely to be pretty corrosive to religious belief, but given the quality of my life I can't think that it's a bad thing.

In Between Man

The Biblical Position
Sep 11, 2008
49° 19' N, 123° 4' W
Well, alleywayzalways, you did it! For the first time that I post on this forum I am at a loss for words....
No difference between a white lie and a mass murder.... Well, I really don't know what to say... or how to talk to you.... Did you think really well before posting this, or did you just want to get the better of me in the debate and got carried away? I truly hope that the second variant is correct. Otherwise I've got nothing more to discuss with you.

Of course there are varying degrees of evil, and wrong acts. We all what the varying degrees are as humans, as for what the degrees are to God, who knows. We all know that lying in wrong, but we all know that murder is really, really, really wrong. But the points was that no evil, whatsoever, is more powerful than God, or God dying on the cross. That one act was suffice to defeat it all. It takes real repentance in the heart however.

Please try to understand my view. What I believe to be the inerrant word of god states that christ death was suffice to defeat all evil. As difficult as it is to understand, even if Hitler TRULY repented, and accepted christ's death as salvation, God would forgive. God's love and mercy is just that great. His perfect love and perfect justice is bigger that any evil, ever commited.

Hitler did no such thing though, he killed himself in a bunker when the allies were closing in. Even if he had been saved by god's good grace, this is how I look at it:

One of my favorite references to christianity is when Homer Simpson called it "the winning team". The MVP who has been with team from the beginning of the season, gone through hard work and many tribulations, will taste sweeter victory than the guy barely on the team. The guy traded at the deadline, sits on the bench as a backup. He's happy to be on the winning team, but he can't enjoy, or know, the virtues from going through the struggle.
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