Women. You have men by the balls. No one can network like you; yet you do not squeeze


Jan 6, 2007
I also indicated that men should do the same so get off your high horse and get your genitals out of our way.

Did you even listen to Van der Post?


I'm not having a discussion with your vid, I'm having a discussion with you, about what you wrote. And what you wrote is pretty clear... women should take over as the world leaders. How have you told men to do the same? How can we all take over and lead?

French Patriot

Council Member
Sep 17, 2012
I'm not having a discussion with your vid, I'm having a discussion with you, about what you wrote. And what you wrote is pretty clear... women should take over as the world leaders. How have you told men to do the same? How can we all take over and lead?

In reality, I do not think that women have what it takes.
I have had a few who see what is required but most think too shallow and have no social conscience. Just like many men.

I am showing what I believe the ideal would be but also recognize that we may have to settle for men ruling and must change their focus to ruling over woman for her sake and not his own.

I spoke of the sanctity of the family above and if you understand this clip then you will understand me.

The real difference between liberals and conservatives: Jonathan Haidt on TED.com

Equality is only good if you would have women and children fight and die for men.

Men to the life boats first seems to be what men want. What do you want?



Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Women. You have men by the balls. No one can network like you; yet you do not squeeze. Why do you not and take over the world and solve man’s woes?

Squeeze our balls...

Take over the world...

I think Karrie has a BIG POINT here

No one can network like women,and you control the spending/poverty/war.

What did you mean by this?

Men are in the street with guns and kill each other for your pleasure. You can stop it all. Why do you not do so?

We men kill each other for the pleasure of women.

Maybe you can clear it all up and say you were high or drunk.




Jan 6, 2007
In reality, I do not think that women have what it takes.
I have had a few who see what is required but most think too shallow and have no social conscience. Just like many men.

I am showing what I believe the ideal would be but also recognize that we may have to settle for men ruling and must change their focus to ruling over woman for her sake and not his own.

I spoke of the sanctity of the family above and if you understand this clip then you will understand me.

The real difference between liberals and conservatives: Jonathan Haidt on TED.com

Equality is only good if you would have women and children fight and die for men.

Men to the life boats first seems to be what men want. What do you want?


lol... women should lead, women shouldn't lead and aren't up to it... make up your mind. Which is it?


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Women do not kill? Female heads of state have not sent their countries to war?

Honestly Karrie... I think he was high as a kite or drunk as a skunk when he made this thread.
Politics has always been a man's game. The women who have made it to the top have had to grow a set of balls to get there.

French Patriot

Council Member
Sep 17, 2012
Squeeze our balls...

Take over the world...

I think Karrie has a BIG POINT here

What did you mean by this?

We men kill each other for the pleasure of women.

Maybe you can clear it all up and say you were high or drunk.


Women seem to network better than men do and are quicker to back each other up.

They also control the economy through their spending power. They do most of the buying.

As to men killing each otherfor women’s pleasure; that is what a moral man would do as the principle of harm/care should be done for others and not the self.

Or do you think men kill each other for their own pleasure?


lol... women should lead, women shouldn't lead and aren't up to it... make up your mind. Which is it?

Answer this and you have your answer.

Have men done a good job?



Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Women seem to network better than men do and are quicker to back each other up.

Quicker to back each other up across the board? No matter what?

I don't think so. Parts of the Feminist Movement and some Women's Rights Group will back another woman up no matter what. I disagree that they all back each other up or are quicker to back each other over men. At times they can be quite cruel. Ask any parent with a daughter in school.

Look at women's sports. You will find more women at a men's sport than a women's sport.

I only speak from observation.

And what are you talking about networking? Like on Facebook?

They also control the economy through their spending power. They do most of the buying.

Do you have any stats on that? Something to back it up?

As to men killing each otherfor women’s pleasure; that is what a moral man would do as the principle of harm/care should be done for others and not the self.

Some men would die protecting others. Some women would die protecting others. I cannot see any women deriving any pleasure from it. Do you think mothers and sisters relish seeing their son and fathers dieing? I don't.

Or do you think men kill each other for their own pleasure?

I think your whole argument is foolish

You did not comment on the three women rulers of states that indeed sent their countries to war for good or worse.
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The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario

Quicker to back each other up across the board? No matter what?

I don't think so. Parts of the Feminist Movement and some Women's Rights Group will back another woman up no matter what. I disagree that they all back each other up or are quicker to back each other over men. At times they can be quite cruel. Ask any parent with a daughter in school.

Look at women's sports. You will find more women at a men's sport than a women's sport.

I only speak from observation.

You're not wrong. Some bitches are real bitches.

And what are you talking about networking? Like on Facebook?

Do you have any stats on that? Something to back it up?

Back up what? The generalization of an entire gender? Actually, reading through the thread, both genders.


French Patriot

Council Member
Sep 17, 2012

Quicker to back each other up across the board? No matter what?

I don't think so. Parts of the Feminist Movement and some Women's Rights Group will back another woman up no matter what. I disagree that they all back each other up or are quicker to back each other over men. At times they can be quite cruel. Ask any parent with a daughter in school.

Look at women's sports. You will find more women at a men's sport than a women's sport.

I only speak from observation.

And what are you talking about networking? Like on Facebook?

Do you have any stats on that? Something to back it up?

Some men would die protecting others. Some women would die protecting others. I cannot see any women deriving any pleasure from it. Do you think mothers and sisters relish seeing their son and fathers dieing? I don't.

I think your whole argument is foolish

As to your questions.

Networking of all types.

As to spending.




L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
I do what I can to spread notions of peace, caring, tolerance, thoughtfulness.
What more exactly should I be doing?

Why is it my job and not yours?

Are your testicles impairing you in some way shape or form, from being a good person?

Well, maybe FrenchPatriot's are, but he's possibly lost sight of the fact that the big head should rule the little head, and he might have been poisoned a bit by the lunatic fringe of the women's movement. You know, the part that says males are inferior, superfluous to requirements, and a danger to all the women and children. I think after that repulsive OP we should blackball him from the Company of Real Men.
More lmao

You promote equality.

Have men pushed for women's equality?
Perhaps not around you. There are male egalitarians around, though. Is this another case of trying to describe a forest from the bark of the tree one has his nose up against?

Seems that men have forgotten their duty to society and the honor of doing justice.

I Think equality plus is required to keep the sanctity of the family and that means that men who recognize their duty will put women and children above themselves.
That's not describing equality then. See your comment below:

Who said anything of subjugating men?
You just did.

And may not care about your daughters and granddaughters and what they will face if she does not act.

Keep guessing. You're wrong so far.

I condemn you? No. You told me that by virtue of my genitals, I'm not doing enough, and I need to step up.

You get that the two go hand in hand. You can't rule over someone without subjugating them, that's the whole root of the term, making someone your subject.

You talk about grabbing men by the balls and taking over as their leaders....that's text book subjugation. Grab a dictionary.
Yep. It's not like it hasn't been done before. Examples include Cleopatra, Elizabeth 1st, etc. lol FP seems to think the reverse situation couldn't happen and women wouldn't run things by subjugating men.
I don't think he quite understands the definition of "equality" or "egalitarianism" either.

Personally, I think FP has fixated on a few qualities of a few women and then made gross generalisations about all women from there.

French Patriot

Council Member
Sep 17, 2012
Perhaps not around you. There are male egalitarians around, though.


How many men do you know who would flip a coin against a women for the last seat in the life boats as the ship sinks?

I know of no such real men but know of many boys old enough to be men who might if the real men left them to it.

Equality before the law is one thing and I believe in that but not in the greater world. None of us are born equal to anyone else.

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L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC

How many men do you know who would flip a coin against a women for the last seat in the life boats as the ship sinks?
I don't know how many I would find. I haven't asked any.

I know of no such real men but know of many boys old enough to be men who might if the real men left them to it.
Then perhaps you should stick to expressing your opinions instead of making assertions you can't support.

Equality before the law is one thing and I believe in that but not in the greater world.
Perhaps that's the problem with your difficulty with the definitions of equality and egalitarianism then.
None of us are born equal to anyone else.

Sure we are. There's a difference between being the same and being equal, though.

How many men do you know who would flip a coin against a women for the last seat in the life boats as the ship sinks?
That's an interesting question. As I mentioned, I don't know because I haven't asked. But then I haven't asked any women that either.

Personally, I would be inclined to take turns being inside the lifeboat and being in the water hanging onto the gun'l.

French Patriot

Council Member
Sep 17, 2012
"Then perhaps you should stick to expressing your opinions instead of making assertions you can't support."

I support it here and now with your own words as you indicate, like most real men ndo, that you would not flip that coin.

Take a bow and stop your foolish argument.


L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
"Then perhaps you should stick to expressing your opinions instead of making assertions you can't support."

I support it here and now with your own words as you indicate, like most real men ndo, that you would not flip that coin.
I didn't say one way or another whether I would or would not flip the coin.

Take a bow and stop your foolish argument.

I suggest YOU take another read of what I actually DID say and quit reading into it what YOU would or wouldn't do.
It isn't me that's being the fool.

French Patriot

Council Member
Sep 17, 2012
Yet you did not lower your standard and say you would which you would have done if you did not agree with women and children to the life boats first.

If I am wrong and you would take the place of a woman in the life boat then you do not have my respect.

My point is made and if you will not take your bow then I bow out now.


L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Yet you did not lower your standard and say you would which you would have done if you did not agree with women and children to the life boats first.
Just my opinion that a "real" man would come up with an idea that allowed the maximum amount of people to survive. Taking turns hanging onto the edge of the boat allows for better survivability of both people. Flipping a coin pretty much sentences at least one person to death.
And personally, I think flipping a coin rather than having a serious discussion about what would be the best way for both people to survive is simple-minded, at best. Even in the coldest water, people in decent shape have about 3 minutes to discuss stuff.

If I am wrong and you would take the place of a woman in the life boat then you do not have my respect.
I don't care.

My point is made and if you will not take your bow then I bow out now.

Your point has been all over the place. First you say that women should take over the planet, then you say they don't have the ability. You seem confused between what "same" and "equal" mean. If you want more, then I'll have to reread the thread to point out the rest of your discrepancies.
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Is "women and children first" really a gentlman thing or just part of marine superstition?

Women should not be on boats or ships. They make the sea angry. If my ship were sinking I'd ditch the women to appease the gods of the seas before I entered the waters.

Once back on land, I'd go beat up the carver for designing a crappy naked "lady luck" for the bow of my sunken boat that didn't shame the waters and hence keep them calm and ward away any bad luck the women brought onboard.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
If there were just the two of us in this conversation, I'd still say there are at least two of us who don't have a clue what you're on about....

Now that you've broadcast there are no real men in here, why don't you give us your definition of a real man - and please make it better than your response to "Who are non-taxpayers?" .