Yeah ... and it's not likely the "old boys' club" is going to make a law similar those for reserve military service or jury duty. Fair representation? There's a "most basics" movement....
Until we reform the way we elect these schmucks at all levels, all I will do is respect someone's right to vote, not how they voted. I may have to live with the results but I do not have to respect them. The Libs managed 46% of the popular vote and were given a majority government. Rae only had 37% but 2 more seats than McGuinty. Uncle Mike had 45% and 10 more than Dalty. Doesn't make much sense. 8O
You talk like something was illegal. Elections are run according to the law of the land. Those laws are not yet changed. If the opposition wins a few large, populous ridings, they can easily have more of the popular vote. This shouldn't be a surprise....It's been happening for years.
Not at all. Simply stating it doesn't make sense to pretty much anyone outside of Toronto. The north as wolf mentioned is a prime example. The Prairies and maritimes too. Just because we've been doing something for years doesn't mean it deserves a look at possible change, nor does it mean that it's fair. Surely a better way to represent all the people can be discussed and maybe if found, implemented.,_2007
Federal reform would make sense next in my opinion.
You got that right. I don't buy the argument that it is less democratic at all. I saw two guys debating this last night on some news channel. I'm all for the mixed member proportional system.
It can likely be disheartening to be in a rural area and feel that maybe your vote doesn't count because Toronto and Montreal have already spoken for you. Similar to announcing election results when B.C. could/is still be voting and the remaining votes there are wasted.
3: MMP will elect members who represent no one and whom no one’s ever heard of.
False. Those members represent those who voted for their party. They are in the legislature because electors put them there. They are accountable to those electors as a whole.
Here's good link:
This should mitigate some concerns about List Members:
And note that it the old boys club who are most against electoral reform.
Will the sheep re-elect McLiberals again?
Why not? What's wrong with them?